Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,301 to 18,320 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Harc! (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

  2. German campaign in Belgium; Allied troops

    Reel 5 shows scenes of the Belgium campaign and of the evacuation of Allied troops at Dunkirk.

  3. Work for Jews Watercolor

  4. War Crimes Commission: Belsen Concentration Camp

    "Belsen Concentration Camp" British Royal Artillery officers in charge of the camp describe conditions after liberation, "So far, we've buried 17,000. When we came here, conditions were food for six days...none of us are likely to forget what German people have done." 06:02:32 A woman doctor (survivor - Hadassah Bimko, later Hadassah Rosensaft), who was a prisoner in charge of the female section, describes conditions before liberation. She speaks in German, partly translated into English by the film's narrator. "There were no covers, straw stacks, or beds of any kind. Per...

  5. Hertha Wolff Hellmann papers

    The Hertha Wolff Hellmann papers consist of biographical materials, photographic materials, a letter, and lyrics to “Das Ladenmädel” documenting Hertha Wolff’s family in Berlin, Hertha’s escape to Shanghai with her daughter Vera, her husband Georg Wolff’s deportation to Trawniki, Vera’s death in Shanghai, and Hertha’s immigration to the United States. Biographical materials include identification papers; birth, marriage, and vaccination certificates; emigration and immigration paperwork; and a death announcement documenting Hertha and Vera Wolff’s lives in Berlin, their travel to Shanghai a...

  6. US Army; Suicides at Leipzig; exhumations at Gardelegen

    Early Morning Patrol (B Co, 3rd Platoon, 406th Regt, 102nd Inf Div), Klotze, Germany, April 20, 1945. MSs, CUs, two soldiers with blackened faces in wooded area. CUs, soldier writes message he receives over walkie-talkie. Patrol moving thru thickly wooded area and across open field. MSs, CUs, patrol members speak to German farmers who are at work in field. Follow shots, farmer leads patrol thru orchard to farmhouse and barn. 1056th Engineers Complete Wesel Bridge, Germany, April 20, 1945. LS, Completed bridge over Rhine River. VS, transports logs to pile driver located in middle of river. C...

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Clearing ruins/rubble of Warsaw

    Men demolishing parts of wrecked walls, still standing on Place Napoleon. LS and CU insert, sign with name of the future avenue dedicated "To the heroes of the Ghetto." A monument has been erected to their memory. LS the same surrounded by ruins. Men and women working on tram line crossing Ghetto. Old woman working on top of a heap of bricks. In FG wrecked buildings of Warsaw. LS German prisoners of war cleaning a street of the ghetto. LS ruins of the ghetto. Wrecked wall still standing draws a cross in the sky. Cement cross emerging out of a heap of bricks. Cart loaded with rubbish passing...

  8. FDR; bombing of German cities; atrocities

    Part 1: scenes at St. Paul's Cathedral and at Notre Dame Cathedral where services are held honoring President Roosevelt at his death. Personages in London: Ambassador Winant, Adm. Stark, King Haakon VII, King Peter II, Queen Wilhelmina and Princess Juliana, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, and Princess Elizabeth. In France: Ambassador Caffery and Gen. de Gaulle. Part 2: Hamburg, Essen, and other German cities are bombed. Part 3: 3rd Infantry division fights in Bromberg, and citizens of Frankfurt am Main come out of hiding. Part 4: investigation of atrocities at former German prison camps. G...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Destruction of Prague

    LS, war wrecked buildings in Prague, debris in FG, gutted windows of building, wrecked wall of church. LS, cathedral framed through building debris, destroyed rooftops. HAS, destruction in Prague. Pan, square with people walking. Pan, shots of devastation of buildings in Prague, steel skeletons. CU, workmen picking up shovels to clean up. CUs, picks, shovels, electric drills used to clear piles of debris. Men using torches to break down girders, tossing building bricks. Crane dragging broken concrete. Workers constructing factory, bricklayers, carpenters, skylight. CUs, machine tools.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- MOMA Film Library and the motion picture industry

    Title: "Special Academy Award, RKO Radio Pictures. TIME the weekly news magazine presents a new kind of pictorial journalism. In this issue, The Movies March On! The March of Time, New York City." MLSs, street scenes, Fifth Ave, NYC, entrance to MOMA, the "spanking new home" for modern art, "no dusty storehouse for old masters." CU, sign above entrance to the film library. VS of Abbott and Barry at work, screening films, smoking and discussing films. VS, the MOMA vaults, CU of film cans. A clip from "The Great Train Robbery" is shown. VS, studio lots, production in progress on the set of a ...

  11. US army in Dachau; Germans flee Russian army

    (LIB 6069) 20th Armored Division, Dachau, Germany, April 1945. CU, sign: "Stadt Dachau." RVs, MS, M-24 tanks and vehicles of 20th Armored Division followed by infantrymen on foot enter city. Seq: Released Russian prisoners, civilians and soldiers rush to greet US soldiers. Short scene, German prisoners march through streets followed by US MPs in jeep. MCU, Russian soldier speaking with two US soldiers. VS, large group of slave laborers in courtyard of concentration camp. VS, US infantrymen attached to the division cautiously advance thru broken fences, backyards and across fields. (LIB 6070...

  12. Ardeatine Caves Massacre: execution and trial

    Execution of Italian civilian connected with Ardeatine Caves massacre. INTs, civil court. Trial of Italian civilian connected with the massacre. Note: 320 Italian civilians were murdered in Ardeatine Caves on March 24, 1944. It is likely that this film was recorded months later, during the summer of 1944.

  13. German invasion, occupation of France; POWs

    Reel 11: German cavalry and infantry cross a river. Artillery bombards the Verdun forts. French troops surrender. Shows wrecked forts, a WWI monument, German infantry parading past the forts, civilians and French POWs. German forces passing abandoned war material and thru French towns. German tankmen studying maps, and a battle. French troops load guns in the Verdun forts. German infantry cross a river in motor launches.

  14. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 488) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Dr. Leo Alexander speaking in English describes a mutilating scar on Maria Kusmierczuk's leg. Kusmierczuk, a messenger in the Polish underground, received the wound at Ravensbrueck concentration camp. MCUs, prisoner's dock. Pan from defendants to Dr. Alexander. He examines Kusmierczuk as she sits on the stand. The doctor explains the leg wound. MS, doctor and Kusmierczuk as seen from the attorney's podium, shot of the attorney's back. More of Dr. Alexander, Kusmierczuk, and defendants.

  15. Majdanek: objects of former inmates

    Pan, "graveyard" outside death chambers, bones on the ground. The cremation ovens are shown, also the family photographs of a victim. CUs, women weeping. Pan down, from one woman to a pile of bones. The tall chimney of the camp and burial ground are shown, also the vegetable garden. CUs, clothing and piles of belongings salvaged by the Nazis. These include: shoes, gloves, toys, glasses, etc. The commission continues questioning. CUs, passports,indicating prisoners from Poland, Holland, France and other countries. CUs, prisoners who survived. Ceremony for the dead. A monument is dedicated; a...

  16. Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6519) Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, May 1-4, 1945. CUs, dead bodies in railroad cars. MS, huge pile of discarded prison uniforms. CUs, prisoners unloading bodies from wagons in front of cemetery. Large group of prisoners is sprayed with DDT powder. MS, prisoners in courtyard waving from behind barbed wire fence. In FG can be seen dead German guards. VS, prisoners parading in camp, carrying flags of various nations and pictures of Stalin and Tito. CUs, prisoners quarreling and fighting for food container (seems staged). MS, CUs large pile of bodies in front of building. CUs, sick,...

  17. Dress worn by a child while in hiding

  18. Leica camera and camera case

    The camera was purchased with money awarded as war reparations.

  19. Ben Shahn poster with an image of a hooded man protesting the Nazi destruction of Lidice

    Poster created by Ben Shahn for the US Office of War Information as a response to the Nazi-led annihilation and destruction of communities throughout the Czech Republic, including Lidice. It also protests the retaliatory measures taken for the attempted assassination by Czech resistance members of Reinhard Heydrich, director of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, under the Nazi occupation.