Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,261 to 18,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Poland

    A documentary motion picture on apparel, handicraft, and folk dances in Lowicz, Kosow, Jabia and Warsaw, Poland. Shows colorful, distinctive native dress. Illustrates ceramics, wood engraving and wool spinning. Edmund Bartlomejcyk demonstrates his wood engraving. Teacher-artist Marya Werten displays her work. Adults dance the Resseto, Arkan and Kampostanc.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in France and Amsterdam

    667 J (01:00:12): At the "Comite Francais d'Assistance aux Refugees," branch of the American Joint Distribution Committee in Paris. The Committee provides legal and juridicial advice, to help the refugees stay in France and prepare their definitive settlement in some country. LS, relief (money) provided to Austrian refugee. CU, refugee signing receipt. LS, crowd refugees waiting in line. LS, refugees waiting in the lobby of the "Comite d'Assistance," and showing papers to officials of the Committee. MS, table where refugees show their identification papers to employee. Same, another angle. ...

  3. Concentration camp uniform cap worn by a Jewish German man

    Concentration camp uniform cap issued to Werner Sauer while interned in Stutthof concentration camp as a German marine deserter in early 1945. The cap is lined with cloth because German military deserters were treated better than Jewish prisoners. The hats Werner had been issued previously as a Jewish inmate were not lined. Werner saved the cap, and refused to ever have it cleaned, as evidence of his ordeal. On January 27, 1942, Werner and his parents, Leo and Auguste, were deported from Gelsenkirchen, Germany, to Riga, Latvia. Werner, a skilled bricklayer, was eventually transferred to Len...

  4. Calling card brought to the US by an Austrian refugee

    Calling card for Lizzy Hirschfeld found in the autograph album, 1994.53.6.1, owned by Irene Rosenthal. Irene fled Nazi ruled Austria for the United States in March 1940. German troops marched over the border into Austria in March 1938. The next day, Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish legislation was enacted to strip Jews of their civil rights. The November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom vandalized Jewish businesses and homes and destroyed most of the synagogues in Austria. Irene received a visa to leave Austria in March and sailed that month from Genoa, Italy, to New York.

  5. Unused yellow cloth printed with 2 Stars of David with a J to be made into badges

    Star of David badge templates acquired by Henriette Parker from Julia Pierre Nicaise who hid Henriette in Belgium during the Holocaust. The badges would be cut out along the outline for use. In May 1940, Nazi Germany occupied Belgium. In 1942, the German authorities required all Jews to wear Judenstern on their outer clothing at all times to separate them from the general population.

  6. Nazi mythology

    As expressed by this film's subtitle, "Allegory of our History and Life," the German forest is a symbol for the German people. The film describes the intimate relationship between peaceful Germans and wood from the Germanic times of Arminius to the present. It draws an analogy between the vertical German tree and the upright German peasant-soldier. In contrast, the aggressive alien is shown as destroying beloved trees, thus destroying the German people. This mystical relationship between man and nature is grounded in the organic idea of a pure-blooded Volksgemeinschaft [ethnic-racial commun...

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Chamberlain; Munich agreement with Hitler re. Czechoslovakia

    Chamberlain leaving Heston airport in the morning on September 29 for Munich to meet Hitler, Mussolini and Daladier. Chamberlain gets out of car, goes into air company's office. Shot of Sir Kingsley Wood, Lord Halifax and other officials at Heston airdrome saying goodbye to Chamberlain before flying to Munich. Chamberlain approaches plane, crowd, press, spectators. Chamberlain says "When I was a little boy, I was told if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. This is what I am doing. When I come back, I hope I may be able to say as Hotspur says in Henry IV: 'Out of the nettle, dan...

  8. Concentration camp inmate uniform jacket

    The jacket was issued to Henry Mikols in the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  9. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 638) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Judge Michael A. Musmanno explains that defendants Otto Rasch and Eduard Strauch were arraigned separately due to illness that prevented them from being in court on September 15. Benjamin Ferencz, the Chief Prosecutor for the US, reads to the court the crimes for which the defendants are charged. HAS of defendants. US prosecutor John Glancy details the specific crimes of the defendants and provides examples from prosecution evidence. Shot of Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor. Glancy talk...

  10. Interview of Prisoners, Dachau

    (LIB 6555) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MSs, American officer of the XV Corps (off screen) speaking to an Albanian, Doctor Ali Zeno Kuchi, who relates in English his experiences in the prison camps of Vienna and Dachau. The doctor was a newspaperman prior to the invasion of his country by the Fascists.

  11. War Crimes Commission: Breendonck, Hanover, Arnstadt Concentration Camps

    "Breendonck" Views of Breendonck camp in Belgium. EXTs of prison used to house Belgian patriots. Blood-stained coffins are exhibited as evidence of brutality Inmates demonstrate the methods used against the prisoners, such as beatings with barbed wire poles, chaining them into a vise, thumb screws. Victims reveal results of beatings and cigarette burns; a woman also reveals scars on her hips. "Hanover Concentration Camp" General views of the camp where only 200 remained of 10,000 Poles. INTs of the camp, few remaining inmates mill about. VS, Red Cross clubmobiles enter, issue hot soup, ciga...

  12. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- British cabinet meets at Downing St

    Intertitle: "The German Situation: Ministers attend hastily summoned cabinet meeting at 10 Downing St." Count Hailshman. British Cabinet crisis on Hitler's Austrian grab. Chamberlain, Eden, Simon, Hoare, Hailsham, etc. arriving at 10 Downing St. for cabinet meeting. Photographers.

  14. Potsdam Conference; troops invade

    Staff Film Report, no. 65; Combat Bulletin, no. 65 Reel 1: "E.T.O. Big Three Conference in Session" Truman and Byrnes inspect the 2nd Armored Division along the route to Potsdam and pose with Stalin and Molotov at the Russian headquarters. Churchill and Eden arrive. Truman talks with Eisenhower, Bradley, and Leahy. US and British Chiefs of Staff confer. 08:56:35 "Pacific - Navy Attacks Underwater Obstacles at Balikpapan" Shows beach obstacles exploding. Australian troops invade Borneo at Balikpapan (July 1) and advance under fire. 08:58:41 "Pacific - Additional Films Balikpapan Invasion" Sh...

  15. Buchenwald concentration camp; Hungarian Regt; von Rundstedt; Simpson and Patterson on tour

    (LIB 5963) Concentration Camp, Buchenwald, Germany, April 22, 1945. Seq: Members of the House of Representatives visit concentration camp; view piles of bodies; visit crematoria of the camp. Included in the group of visitors: Frances E. Walters, PA; Eugene Worley. TX; Carter Manasco, AL; Albert Rains, AL; Henry W. Jackson, WA; Earl Wilson, IN; Marion Bennet, MO; Gordon Canfield, NJ; Maj. Gen. Vanier of the Canadian Army; Maj Walter Mosmiller of SHAEF in charge of the tour. (LIB 5965) Hungarian Regt Surrenders, Near Cham, Germany, April 23, 1945. VS, 102nd Work Hungarian Regt with large numb...

  16. Hungarians occupy Czechoslovakian lands

    The Hungarian Occupation of the Vienna Award Territory in Czechoslovakia, produced in Hungary, 1938, Seized Enemy Records. Archduke Joseph and Count Esterhazy accompany troops and planes commanded by Admiral Horthy into Leva, Locensc and Kassa as crowds cheer. Local citizens welcome occupation officials. Czech signs are painted out. Hungarian gendarmes assume police duties.

  17. Hanover Harlen concentration camp

    Hanover Harlen Concentration Camp, Hanover, Germany. MS, Various views of Hanover Harlen camp. MS, inmates of camp piling discarded clothing to be burned. CU, Red Cross clubmobile. CU, Polish prisoners receiving food from Red Cross clubmobile. CU, various views of emaciated Polish prisoners, eating their first good food in 5 years. CS, face of Polish prisoner while eating. CU, nurse treating inmate's foot. CU, five emaciated inmates of Hanover concentration camp. INT, dying prisoners inside of barracks. CU, body of what was once a human being is taken to pit outside of barracks for burial.

  18. Child's beige summer suit worn by Joseph Oppenheimer

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn90123
    • English
    • a: Height: 16.750 inches (42.545 cm) | Width: 11.500 inches (29.21 cm) b: Height: 14.875 inches (37.783 cm) | Width: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) c: Height: 27.000 inches (68.58 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) d: Height: 26.500 inches (67.31 cm) | Width: 1.875 inches (4.763 cm) e: Height: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm)

    Summer suit brought with 8-year-old Josef (later Joseph) Oppenheimer when he and his parents, Ludwig and Maria, immigrated to the United States in summer 1935. When Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, Josef lived in Würburg, Germany, with his parents. Under Hitler, authorities began suppressing the rights and personal freedoms of Jews. Under the new laws, Ludwig, a merchant, was forced to deal with many new regulations that hurt his business. In the face of increasing persecution, Josef’s family began planning to leave Germany. On July 31, 1935, Josef, Ludw...

  19. Destruction of Warsaw, Poland

    Examines the destruction of Warsaw by the Nazis during September 1939 and the efforts of the Polish underground to rebel. Warsaw under siege in 1939 cityscape smoke rising. Germans shelling. People running through scarred city street. VS of destruction. German troops and vehicles advance along road. Smoke rising from city square. Dead horses on their sides, men cutting meat off of horses, horse skeletons in street, fires. Polish and German officers at surrender ceremony in bus. Occupation and ruins. Various activities of underground, man on his knees in tunnel, firearms, printing pamphlets,...

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- buildings, restaurant, diplomat visit, street scenes, Charles IV tomb

    638 C: EXTs, Ministry of War. EXTs, Sudeten-Deutsche headquarters. EXTs, houses of Parliament with street traffic. VSs, modern restaurant with people looking in window. EXT, Automat restaurant with sign. EXT, more upscale Restaurant Manes. Dr. Milan Hodza getting out of car at the Alacron Hotel. VSs, newest, largest and most modern office building in Prague, traffic passing by building. VSs, policeman directing traffic. EXT, Czernin Palace with people passing and Czech inscriptions on the arcades. Flag on President's Palace. 638 D: General view of Vaclavske, main street of Prague showing cr...