Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,221 to 18,240 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Jewish religious service; destroyed drug stores

    Military Government, Cologne, Germany, May 31- June 2, 1945. Full screen view, former prisoners of concentration camps attending Jewish religious services. CUs, man's sleeve patch which reads "Buchenwald." Seq: Jewish religious services are held in remains of Cologne temple (this portion with synch sound). Silhouette shot, light passes through one remaining stained glass window of former temple and shines upon rabbi and cantor standing at altar. Seq: German civilians under MG direction remove drugs and other medical supplies from bombed drug stores.

  2. Poland destroyed; French troops; invasion of the West; refugees

    Reel 4 shows war-torn Poland: Warsaw is bombed, evacuated and burned. Hitler reviews his troops. French troops man the Maginot Line. Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium are invaded. German films show the power of the army; big guns, mechanized equipment, paratroops, etc. Dutch refugees clog roads. Rotterdam burns.

  3. US generals; DP camp; Boxcar near Seeshaupt; Prisoners marching

    01:18:49 (LIB 6194) General Meets General, Delitzsch, Germany, April 28, 1945. SEQ: Maj Gen Terry Allen, CG of the 104th (Timberwolf) Div, meets Russian Maj Gen Sohonov, Division Commander of the 118th Div, 34th Corps, 5th Russian Army. The officers speak to one another through an interpreter. 01:20:00 (LIB 6195) Displaced Persons Camp, Camp Kray, Germany, May 1, 1945. VS, displaced persons unload loaves of bread from truck. The distribution is made by ARBN troops. LS, buildings and grounds of camp. (Campsite is a former German barracks). LS, MSs, CUs, DPs listening to loudspeakers set up o...

  4. Calling card brought to the US by an Austrian refugee

    Calling card for Ella Nussbaum found in the autograph album, 1994.53.6.1, owned by Irene Rosenthal. Irene fled Nazi ruled Austria for the United States in March 1940. German troops marched over the border into Austria in March 1938. The next day, Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish legislation was enacted to strip Jews of their civil rights. The November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom vandalized Jewish businesses and homes and destroyed most of the synagogues in Austria. Irene received a visa to leave Austria in March and sailed that month from Genoa, Italy, to New York.

  5. War Crimes Commission: Buchenwald and Dachau Concentration Camps

    "Buchenwald Concentration Camp" General views of the camp at Buchenwald. Red EXT of camp. HSs of the area. "Jedem Das Sein" gate closes. Red Cross trucks from Switzerland enter the camp grounds. Male survivors leave the camp. Among the survivors are 1000 boys under 14. Evidence of crimes: CUs of dead with numbers tattooed on stomachs; emaciated survivors; stacks of bodies outside and inside the crematorium; the experimental building where various toxins were tried; truckloads of the dead; CU weapon of torture; INT, crematorium ovens showing skeletons inside and piles of bone ash. 1200 Germa...

  6. Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany, April 17, 1945. LHSs, concentration camp area with internees and visitors walking about. MLS, soldiers entering camp area. MSs, picture of Joseph Stalin on camp building. In FG, arms are raised in Communist salute. Head-on-shot, Red Cross trucks with "Switzerland" on bumpers enter camp grounds. MLS, group of young inmates marching from the camp. Many of them wearing the striped prison uniform. MSs, CUs, two former inmates remove bodies from hand truck, place them upon a pile of bodies near building. CU, Pan, dead bodies in a long pile. ECUs, faces of ...

  7. Prayer book

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- State Department Library; Passport office; Div of Communication and Records

    665 NN (02:10:57) Various shots in the State Department library. Man with books. CUs document, treaties signed by officials. People in library, CUs books. Pan right to card catalog. Sign, "Library - US Department of State - For the use of the Department - Not open to the Public." CUs treaty. 665 OO (02:14:48) Men typing at desks, telegrams with Secretary of State emblem. Office in Paris? Sign, "Passports Applications and Information. Renewal and Amendments." Passport office. CUs woman filling out paperwork, passport application. Sign, "Division of Communications and Records." INT, office, m...

  9. British MPs investigate atrocities

    Part 3: British MPs Investigate Atrocities (06:40:03-06:43:12) Shows bodies of persons killed in German concentration camps and devices used for killing and torture. Camp officials are arrested. Shows the bodies of the mayor of Leipzig and his family who took poison to avoid arrest. Unrelated footage: Part 1: Allied Drives Split Germany; Part 2: Army Day in Coblenz

  10. Records of the Estonian State Archive, Tallinn (Fonds R-82, R-64)

    Contains selected records of the Standortkommandantur in Tallinn, the Estonian Sicherheitspolizei und der SD in Tallinn, and work assignments of prisoners in Klooga concentration camp.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Czechoslovakia

    1150 B (11:01:12): Several shots of street scenes (Prague and Bratislava) and decorated places, monuments, graves, memorials. Passers-by stop to commemorate. 1150 C (11:06:19): Prague, Czechoslovakia, October 3, 1946. Huge gathering of Czechs sunbathing on the Vtlava riverside. Czech and Russian flags on a little stage for the entertainment of the bathers. Czech crowds swimming or sunbathing. LS and MS people playing cards on the beach. CU of Jewish woman, survivor of Auschwitz, with tattooed number on arm.

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Nazis in US; protest in NYC; Germans in US

    563 J (04:01:12): (shot in the studio) January 12, 1938. INT, two Nazi censors at work going through outgoing mail. CU, letter being opened. CU, letter placed back in envelope. 563 K (04:03:28): New York City, January 8, 1938. LS, Nazi propaganda workshop with artist making posters. CU, German drawing on bench of one of the artists. CU, finished poster held by Nazi officer. CU, poster only. MS, artist working, wall filled with German posters. MS, posters on wall. CU, folders inserted in envelopes by Nazi soldier. 563 L (04:08:01): New York City, December 24, 1937. EXT, main entrance to the ...

  13. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 250) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, June 21, 1946. MCU, Lt. Col. Ellis interrogating witness Joachim Peiper (#42). Col. Ellis hands Peiper document and asks if the signature is his. Peiper answers in the affirmative. Peiper answers Col Ellis's questions concerning PWS.

  14. French liberation: FFI, Germans, collaborators, POWs

    Reel 2: FFI and German units fight in the streets. Collaborationists are rounded up. Gestapo torture chambers are examined; prisoners are released. FFI wounded are treated. A rifle is seized from a wounded German. FFI riflemen fire from barricades at German tanks. Shows smashed German vehicles and German POWs. Allied tanks and motorized info enter the city. The tricolor is raised and German signs torn down. Machine guns and rifles are fired at German snipers in the Place de la Concorde.

  15. Clinton Gardner papers

    The Clinton Gardner collection contains several items collected by Clinton Gardner during his time administering the Buchenwald concentration camp. Included in this collection are a report on the history of Buchenwald, worker requests, and a record of cigarette distribution to the prisoners. The correspondence was written by Clinton Gardner to his parents, and describe his responsibilities and the conditions of the camp. The SS soldier identity card belongs to Adam Theis, who was killed by prisoners after the liberation of the camp. Also included are two oversized documents. The newspaper c...

  16. Nordhausen; Hannover; Buchenwald

    Corpses at Nordhausen. US medical crews evacuate survivors. MS, corpses. Survivors assisted onto litters, evacuated for treatment, man praying/crying, eating, loaded onto ambulances. Victims buried in a common grave by German civilians, corpses carried (gruesome), priest at jeep. Civilians march with shovels. Soldiers stand by mass graves. Red Cross workers feed soup to Hannover survivors. CUs, men eating. Severely wounded men lying under blankets inside barracks. Burial. Several survivors gather for group photograph against barn wall, to document atrocities. Courtyard, "Jedem das Seine" ga...

  17. Ferencz: International Criminal Tribunal, Rwanda

    Hosts: Richard Roth and James Bone, Times of London, United Nations Program discusses setting up an international criminal tribunal for Rwanda. Participants include John Shattuck, US Assistant Secretary of State for human rights in Rwanda, Cherif Bassiouni, expert on war crimes allegedly committed in Yugoslavia, and Benjamin Ferencz, prosecutor of Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. Ferencz states that it is "high time" for the international community to react and enforce law so that genocide can no longer be tolerated. It is the determination of the international community to maintain peace. At th...

  18. Hitler's retreat: Goebbels, Himmler, Hitler, dogs, children

    Reel 2 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR Panoramic view from the terrace of Hitler's Berghof retreat, Haus Wachenfeld. Eva Braun greets Josef Goebbels as he arrives in a Mercedes-Cabriolet and comes upstairs to Berghof. Hitler with his physician, Dr. Karl Brandt. New arrivals up the steps to Berghof. Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Karl Wolff, close views on the terrace. Also with one other man. Panning shots over mountains at sunset. Hitler using large magnifying glass to look at photograph; with Julius Schaub and Hermann Esser. Berghof, August ...

  19. Ferencz: German industry, slave labor, compensation

    Audio recording of the German television program "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" that aired November 1984. Program is based on Benjamin Ferencz's authoritative book on slave labor: "Less Than Slaves," Harvard University Press, 1979. The book deals with the Nazi program of Vernichtung durch Arbeit [destruction through work] in which millions were coerced into labor by German industrialists for the Nazi war machine. The book also explains the quest of survivors to get compensation from the West German government. TAPE 1, 2 SIDES.

  20. Point system discharge; Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    01:23:09 Point System Discharge, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, May 30, 1945. Interview of three Staff Sgts eligible for discharge on point system. Each tells of the combat duties and delight in being able to return to the US. 01:27:33 (LIB 6562) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MCU off-screen voice interviews Dr. Hussarek of Czechoslovakia, who tells how he was hung by his wrists to the point where he could not even feed himself. (The doctor speaks in German.)