Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation of the Reichsministerium des Innern (Reich Ministry of the Interior) from the OSOBY archive, 1939-1942

    Documentation of the Reichsministerium des Innern (Reich Ministry of the Interior), 1939-1942 The collection includes correspondence on various subjects. Microfilm JM/29052, Frames 1952-2187, includes a file catalogue of names of Germans whose citizenship was revoked.

  2. Documentation of the Reich Ministry of Justice: Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reich Ministry of Justice: Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs, 1933-1945 The Reich Ministry of Justice became the central authority for the administration of justice in Germany, 1933-1935, thus taking control over this domain. With the Nazi rise to power, Franz Guertner, who had already served as State Minister of Justice under Papen and Schleicher, abandoned the principles of state justice, and supplied the SA, SS, and Gestapo with legal cover for their activities by introducing the deprivation of rights of Jews and special wartime penal codes. Following Guertner's death, o...

  3. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Sonderschulen (State and private special education schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Sonderschulen (State and private special education schools) in Hamburg In this Collection are copies of two files from the Hilfsschule Carsten-Rehder Strasse - 362-10/1 sub-collection. The files do not deal with the school itself, but include however general material that was sent to all of the special education schools. In particular, there is a file with directives given by the German Ministry of Education regarding Jewish pupils, Mischlinge pupils and pupils who are not German citizens, and a file with circulars and directives given by the H...

  4. Documentation of the Belorussian General Commissioner (Generalkommissar fuer Weissruthenien), 1942-1945

    Documentation of the Belorussian General Commissioner (Generalkommissar fuer Weissruthenien), 1942-1945

  5. Materials from the Judaica Varia Collection, from the Archive of the City of Munich

    Materials from the Judaica Varia Collection, from the Archive of the City of Munich

  6. Documentation of the Polish Prosecutor's Office in the Gdansk region, 1949-1990

    Documentation of the Polish Prosecutor's Office in the Gdansk region, 1949-1990 Included in the collection are prosecution files against Polish collaborators with the Nazi authorities during the occupation period, which were submitted to the Courts of Law in the Gdansk region.

  7. Documentation of the German Police headquarters in the occupied countries, 1938-1945

    Documentation of the German Police headquarters in the occupied countries, 1938-1945 The documentation on microfilm JM/29064 includes files of the gendarmerie and the police in the occupied areas of Poland dealing with various subjects, as well as a file from the Breslau police from 1933-1935, dealing with anti-Nazi propaganda.

  8. Documentation of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the Nazi Party, 1934-1944

    Documentation of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the Nazi Party, 1934-1944 The Office of the Reichschatzmeister (State Finance Minister) of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP-Nazi Party) was derived from the Finance Committee of the National Socialist German Workers Union whose Treasurer since 1925, Franz Xaver Schwartz, also became the head of that office. The Office was given its final legal structure on 29 March 1935, through the Verordnung zur Durchfuehrung des Gesetzes zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat (Ordinance on Enforcement of the Law...

  9. Card file of the OFD-Muenchen (OFD Munich)

    Card file of the OFD-Muenchen (OFD Munich) In the Collection: Microfilm JM/ 22704 - Card files from July 1943 with authorizations by Jews for the transfer of monies from bank accounts to the OFD; Microfilm JM/ 22705, JM/ 22708 - Card files with details regarding deposits and withdrawals of monies, mainly from 1942; Microfilm JM/ 22706 - Card files with names and (apparently) file numbers, which include information regarding former places of residence or names of inheritors; Microfilm JM/ 22707 - Handwritten or typewritten notes with names and (apparently) file numbers, some of which have ad...

  10. Documentation of the Stiftungsaufsicht (Funds Inspectorate) of the Amtsgericht (Court of Law) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Stiftungsaufsicht (Funds Inspectorate) of the Amtsgericht (Court of Law) in Hamburg

  11. Newspaper clippings, books, surveys and articles regarding the Jews in Italy during the Holocaust

    Newspaper clippings, books, surveys and articles regarding the Jews in Italy during the Holocaust - Newspaper clippings from the World War II period in Italy; - Newspaper clippings regarding the World War II period in Italy. Articles and surveys on the following topics: - Anti-Jewish legislation in Italy and its implications on various aspects of the lives of the Jews in Italy; - The Fascist Party in Italy and its attitude towards the Jews before and after the anti-Jewish legislation; - The Jews in the Italian resistance; - Persecution of the Jews in Italy; - The stand taken by the Vatican ...

  12. Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939

    Documentation from the Court of Law (Amstgericht) in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin: Wills of Jews, 1935-1939 Files of the Court of Law, that deal with the handling of the Wills of Jews, most of whom resided in the Neukoelln neighborhood in Berlin (and a minority of them in the Treptow neighborhood in Berlin). The files include details regarding the possible inheritors, death certificates, and other personal documentation of the family members (mainly birth certificates and marriage certificates), and Inheritance Orders (Erbscheine) from the Court of Law. In several files there are de...

  13. Documentation of Omnia DRT and the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC in the Netherlands, regarding Jewish businesses, 1940-1951 (arranged according to the name of the business)

    Documentation of Omnia DRT and the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC in the Netherlands, regarding Jewish businesses, 1940-1951 (arranged according to the name of the business) The source of the collection are the Archives of the Dutch branch of Omnia and the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhandgesellschaft - DRT and the Wirtschaftsprüfstelle Archive, and which accompanies Collection 94; the collection was rearranged in five card files by NIOD during the postwar period, and with the help of the Schade Enquête Commissie - SEC; the SEC had the responsibility in 1949 for the estimation of the damages ...

  14. Collection of M. A. Tellegen, regarding violinist Alma Rose, dated, 1938-1948

    Collection of M. A. Tellegen, regarding violinist Alma Rose, dated, 1938-1948 M. A. Tellegen was an activist in the underground, including among other activities on the "Vrij Nederland" newspaper and the Nationaal Comité van Verzet organization; she was a friend of the Jewish violinist Alma Rose, and was responsible for the estate of Alma Rose after Rose perished in Auschwitz; Included in the collection: Documents related to the violinist Alma Rose, dated, 1938-1948; Alma Rose was born in Vienna; she was converted to Christianity in her childhood; she married a Dutch non-Jew and found her d...

  15. M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region

    M.52.DALO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Lwow Region History of the Archives: The State Archives of the Lwow Region was established in December 1939 on the basis of the State Archives of Lwow. The archive was called the Regional Historical Archives in Lwow until 1941. It was called the State Archive of the Lwow Region during 1941-1958, and was called the Regional State Archives in Lwow during 1958-1980. As of 1959 the documentation that was in the Regional Archives in Drogobych was transferred to it. Since 1980 it has been called the State Archives of the Lwow Region. The Sub-...

  16. Documentation of the Rechtsamt I (Legal Department I) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Rechtsamt I (Legal Department I) in Hamburg

  17. Documentation from the Marks-Haindorf-Stiftung Jewish Teachers School and Seminary in Muenster

    Documentation from the Marks-Haindorf-Stiftung Jewish Teachers School and Seminary in Muenster

  18. Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Aardolieproducten - Ministry for Crude Oil Products in the Netherlands, 1940-1945

    Collection of the Rijksbureau voor Aardolieproducten - Ministry for Crude Oil Products in the Netherlands, 1940-1945 Included in the collection: Official documentation regarding Jewish businesses in the Netherlands, 1940-1945.

  19. Documentation of the Tlumacz district authorities, 1933-1939

    Documentation of the Tlumacz district authorities, 1933-1939 Included in the collection are appeals to the district authorities by Jewish residents, for the purpose of leaving the country.

  20. M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense

    M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence The collection contains documentation from TSAMO (Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence ) including information regarding the murder of the Jews of Moldavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Belorussia, Ukraine and more. There is also information regarding the Gypsies, such as the concentration of Gypsies, their living conditions and their murder. Description of the collection: 1. Camps Concentration camps, extermin...