Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,161 to 18,180 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. German campaign in Poland; German military; destruction

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 3: German engineers repair a bridge over the Vistula. Tanks ford the river and motorized columns cross the bridge. Reconnaissance planes fly over. Stukas dive-bomb a supply train and grounded Polish aircraft. Shows closeups of the wreckage.

  2. Displaced persons; VE Day in Czechoslovakia

    02:01:20 (B-1236) Displaced Persons, near Haganow, Germany, May 10, 1945. CU, woman cuts man's hair. SEQ: Men, women, and children of camp engaged in activities such as sewing, resting, and playing. These are probably Roma. SEQ: Flag-raising ceremony at the camp in which fourteen different nationalities participated. CUs, DPs parading wth flags of each nation. 02:04:35 (LIB 6555 or LIB 6565?) V-E Day, Susice, Czechoslovakia, May 8, 1945. CU, US officer of the 4th Armored Div, Third US Army, reads Gen Eisenhower's decree on German capitulation to the troops. MSs, loudspeaker set in window of...

  3. Rescuing Allied airmen

    Project Gunn, Office of Strategic Services, Field Photographic Branch, Unit 24, 1944. Film Report: On a mission headed by Lt. Col Gunn during World War II to rescue by air Allied airmen in a POW camp southwest of Bucharest, Romania. REEL 2: Scenes of downed fliers in POW camp. Men in hospitals getting ready for evacuation. Bomb damage to Ploesti oil fields. Ambulant and wounded POWs board B-17's.

  4. Allied air attacks on Germany; Rhine offensive

    Staff Film Report no. 46; Combat Bulletin, no. 46. (with intertitles) Reel 1: "E.T.O. - Allied Air Attacks on Germany" AVs of bomber planes, bombs dropping, bombs exploding, many scenes shot at night or at dusk. 13 February: RAF Lancasters and German Scarecrow bombs exploding in mid-air. Pathfinder flares and incendiaries mark immediate targets. AAF Flying Fortresses bombing German communication centers and freight yards. Attacks on Dresden; destruction. 22 February: RAF planes over enemy territory, "a typical day of all-out bombing." RAF bombs highways and viaducts, onslaught on German tra...

  5. Ferencz: German industry, slave labor, compensation

    Audio recording of the German television program "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" that aired November 1984. Program is based on Benjamin Ferencz's authoritative book on slave labor: "Less Than Slaves," Harvard University Press, 1979. The book deals with the Nazi program of Vernichtung durch Arbeit [destruction through work] in which millions were coerced into labor by German industrialists for the Nazi war machine. The book also explains the quest of survivors to get compensation from the West German government. TAPE 2, 2 SIDES.

  6. Corpses; exhumation; burial; survivors; sick

    Corpses are removed from a cellar in Stovelot, Belgium, and buried in a common grave. German civilians under guard exhume victims at Arnstadt, and bury corpses at Leipzig. Emaciated Hungarian women are evacuated from a concentration camp. Shows hospitalized inmates.

  7. Army film documenting Axis powers, Lindbergh, Willkie, and FDR speaking to Congress

    Orientation Film no. 7, Reel 6. International events cause the US to enter into World War II. Winston Churchill signs a document for more ships. A map shows US bases along the Caribbean to protect the Panama Canal. In Berlin, Hitler shakes hands with Japanese diplomats. A sign reads, "Mr. Berle Assistant Secretary of State" and he speaks of the pact of Berlin and the alliance of the Axis powers. Text states, "Pact of Berlin Sept. 27, 1940," people cheer on the street and flags wave. Hitler salutes and shakes hands with officials. Joachim von Ribbentrop of Germany, Galleazzo Ciano of Italy, ...

  8. Devotion Book for Mourning and Death Anniversaries Andachtsbuch für Trauer und Jahrzeit [Book]

    Jewish mourning book to commemorate death of a relative.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tito; Yugoslavia

    LS of the village of Kumrovec with sign in FG. CU of sign. General view of the house where Marshall Tito was born (the house is open to the public); one sees the room where he came to life. MS of Tito's house entrance with visitors entering. CU of the plate reading: "To our dear chief Josip Broz Tito, Marshall of Yugoslavia, member of honor of the Motor-car club of St. Peter on the mountains." Shots of Marshall Tito at his home in Dedinje, Belgrade. Marshall in field uniform walking into his study and sitting at desk. Various shots of Marshall Tito going through his morning mail and dictati...

  10. Russian News (1944)

    On the siege of Warsaw. Russian and Polish troops assemble near the Vistula; tanks are drawn up; Gen. Kozakov inspects a map. A night artillery barrage is begun. Russian bombers fly over demolished German tanks. Field guns are fired. Tanks emerge from a forest and roll across fields; infantry follows. Bombs are dropped on German installations. Shows abandoned equipment and German fortifications outside Warsaw. Officers examine the scene. Artillery tanks and infantry move through the suburbs. Shows house-to-house fighting. Wounded are treated at an aid station. Poles greet the Russian troops...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Foreign Service Officers Training; Dept of State

    Sign over door: Foreign Service Officers Training School. Seal and machinery for stamping the seal. Sign: Appointments: Department of State. Statement to camera (and to those gathered for class). Sync sound about the American Foreign Service, duties, importance. Silent views of individuals seated in the room taking notes. Sync sound: swearing of oath. Another take of same. (Two men) Calendar on wall in background: November. WS, of large room, procters during examinations at desks. Candidates are exclusively male; most in shirts and ties, no jackets. McCrory's store on corner, trams and traf...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Foreign dignitaries visit Czechoslovakia

    (Czech Newsreel Material) Railway station sign: Petrovice. MS of locomotive passing camera. CU of Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia seated in train, talking with his under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Clementis. Other men talking in group. LS of crowd in Czech station. LS of Tito in window of train acknowledging throng's greeting. Train moving off. Crowd waving. Tito at window. Train into station in Prague. Tito off train's steps, greeted by Prime Minister Fierlinger and others. Shots of crowd at station waving to Tito. Car driving off from station. Huge poster on building with Tito's ...

  13. US Tanks Advance; German POWs; Burning village

    Slate: PROJ 186, MURPHY, 24 MAR M3. MS, US tanks rolling into village, some greenery, trees, and a large white house visible in BG. MS, Establishing shot, through opening in rock formation. Open field and road beyond field. Tank rolling by 'window' in FG. One tank has a visible #48 painted on the side, in white. MCU, back of head and helmet of US MP in FG as he motions for tanks to pass by. MSs, US army vehicles, mainly tanks moving along dirt road, alternating scenery in FG, chain link fences, MPs, shrubs and tree branches. MSs, military vehicles approaching camera (head on), a series of t...

  14. Whip

    William Weinberg, a member of Company B, 15th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Division, took the whip in April 1945 from a German man who was presumably a Dachau concentration camp guard.

  15. Ferencz lecture: Berkeley Law School

    Ferencz contends that the Nuremberg trial should demonstrate in penal action man's right to live in peace and dignity. Therefore, he concludes that law has a large role to play in establishing peace. Those principles sufficiently developed at Nuremberg (crime of aggressive war and crimes against humanity) help us to create a peaceful world. He advises implementing the following mechanisms in an international arena to reverse "international anarchy": 1) laws; 2) courts; and 3) enforcement. Furthermore, Ferencz outlines his idea for a better international structure in the United Nations: 1) d...

  16. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 488) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. SILENT: Judges enter courtroom. An unidentified woman who was a victim of the Ravensbrueck experiments on the stand, questioned by Dr. Alexander about the wound received at Ravensbrueck. She walks to dock and points out the defendants Gebhardt, Oberhauser, and Fischer. MLSs, defendants in dock. 10:13:02 SOUND: Polish survivor Jadwiga Dzido on the stand. Dr. Leo Alexander identifies the X-ray of Dzigo's leg and explains the nature of the medical experiment performed on her at Ravensbruec...

  17. Program on United Nations, peace, and nuclear arms

    Presented by The Center for War/Peace Studies. Host: Richard Hudson. Program proposes a "binding triad system" to deal with international conflicts. Includes a weighted voting system in the General Assembly of the United Nations: 1) one nation, one vote; 2) population; 3) financial contributions. This would allow support from the most nations, the most people, and the greatest economic and political powers in the world. Additionally, the Center proposes binding resolutions in the General Assembly for peacekeeping forces and economic sanctions. Conferences in New York with many diplomats sim...

  18. Oral history interview with Gertrude Gottfried

  19. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  20. Eva Braun & family vacation; Hitler at Berghof

    Reel 6 of the private motion pictures Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR. Inside Eva Braun's house at Wasserburgerstrasse 12 in Munich. Eva's father Friedrich Braun tying string around trunk. Two men removing trunk and large duffel bag to truck. Eva walking towards camera with a film camera in her hands, which she's winding. Eva on tarmac of Munich airport greeting people, taking pictures. Eva and group getting on airplane, including Eva's mother, Franziska; her father, Friedrich; her sister, Ilse; and Anni Brandt, wife of Hitler's personal physician Dr. Karl Brandt. Plane "Grenzmark" ...