Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,781 to 1,800 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944 The collection of documents from the Generalkomissariat (Reich Commissioner General) in Zhitomir from the period of the German occupancy, 1941-1943, was stored in the Regional Archive in Brest, as was the entire State Archive of the Zhitomir Region. The collection contains orders issued by the Gendarmerie Commander and the Sipo (Security Police) Commander, correspondence with various bodies, maps, photographs, lists of those wanted and lists of German activists and Ukrainian collaborators. 30,000 J...

  2. Collection of the Bureau Bestrijding Vermogensvlucht - Bureau for the War against the Smuggle of Capital and Property, the Netherlands, 1945-1967

    Collection of the Bureau Bestrijding Vermogensvlucht - Bureau for the War against the Smuggle of Capital and Property, the Netherlands, 1945-1967 Establishment of the Bureau Bestrijding Vermogensvlucht - Bureau for the War against the Smuggle of Capital and Property, in July 1945, in order to locate Dutch property - personal property and state property - such as: diamonds, machinery, art collections, stamp collections, banking securities, church bells and other items that were "purchased" or stolen and transferred to Germany and to other countries during the German occupation; Included in t...

  3. Documentation of Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Evreyev (OZE- Organization for Health Protection of the Jewish Population) in Latvia

    Documentation of Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Evreyev (OZE-Organization for Health Protection of the Jewish Population) in Latvia History of the Organization OZE is the Russian acronym for Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Evreyev (Organization for Health Protection of the Jewish Population), an organization that has its origins in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1912. OZE was founded in order to disseminate information pertaining to proper hygiene among the Jews, to further socio-medical topics and to contribute to safeguarding the health of the Jewish population. The Organization for Health Protec...

  4. Documentation from the Hauptstaatsarchiv NSDAP (Main Archive of the Nazi Party)

    Documentation from the Hauptstaatsarchiv NSDAP (Main Archive of the Nazi Party)

  5. Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Ahaus district, Westphalia

    Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Ahaus district, Westphalia

  6. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder of the Jews in the Valka district and Ventspils, and a reply by the chairman of the Latvian Ministry of Religions to a request by the Jewish community in Riga regarding the ban on the burial of Jewish victims of the Holocaust according to the Jewish tradition

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder of the Jews in the Valka district and Ventspils, and a reply by the chairman of the Latvian Ministry of Religions to a request by the Jewish community in Riga regarding the ban on the burial of Jewish victims of the Holocaust according to the Jewish tradition

  7. Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981

    Documentation from the Stadtarchiv Leer, regarding the forced sale, confiscation and restitution of Jewish owned real estate in Leer and the surrounding area, 1938-1981 Included in the Collection: - Sub-Record Group Rep 01: Files from the Nazi period regarding the takeover of Jewish owned real estate, 1938-1944; - Sub-Record Group Rep 02: Requests from the postwar period for the restitution of or compensation for property that was confiscated or obtained by means of a forced sale, including a special file for requests from the Jewish Trust Corporation, and a file that includes lists of Jewi...

  8. M.40.RGE - Documentation from the Russian State Archive of the Economy, 1939-1945

    M.40.RGE - Documentation from the Russian State Archive of the Economy, 1939-1945 The Sub-Record Group is comprised of documentation from the population census conducted in January 1939 throughout the entire Soviet Union. The census was conducted on a national level in regions and cities, and includes data regarding nationality, mother tongue, gender, literacy, education, profession and more.

  9. Documentation from the Israel Police unit for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes

    Documentation from the Israel Police unit for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes The Israel Police Department for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes was established following the enactment of the "Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law" in 1950. At its inception, the Department concentrated on Jews who were being investigated on suspicion of collaboration with the Nazis. However, the area was expanded, and the Department gathered testimonies regarding the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators throughout Europe, testimonies which aided in investigative proceedings and trials conduct...

  10. Documentation of the district administration in Bliznetsy, 1943

    Documentation of the district administration in Bliznetsy, 1943 Included in the documentation are instructions by the district administration regarding punishment to people who provide hiding places and help to the partisans.

  11. O.6/MISC - Miscellaneous Items

    O.6/MISC - Miscellaneous Items

  12. M.21.5 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    M.21.5 - Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich The War Criminals Department was established in the American Occupation Zone shortly after the end of World War II. It was active from 1946-1951 as the Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich, in cooperation with the Central Historical Commission in Munich and other survivor organizations. The purpose of the Department was to locate war criminals and collaborators, to gather documentary material, to collect testimonies from survivors and to bring the crimin...

  13. M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    M.35: Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union Established at the height of World War II, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK - Yevreyskiy antifashistskiy komitet) was a Soviet Jewish organization set up in order to provide assistance to the Soviet Union in its war against Nazi Germany. Headed by the actor and theatrical director Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels as Committee Chairman and Shakhne Epshteyn, the newspaperman, as Secretary, the Committee was established at the initiative of the Soviet Secret Police in Samara in 1942. The purpose of the Committee...

  14. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Lomzha, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Lomzha, 1939-1941 The Collection includes documentation of the Municipal Department of the NKVD; statistical reports regarding the socio-economic situation of the District; reports and correspondence regarding the activities of the various Party organizations; character reference certificates of Jewish Communists; decision handed down by the prosecutor regarding closure of the file against Lerner Naum Shulimovich; documentation of officials regarding various topics; lists of candidates for management positions.

  15. M.1.PF - War time Jewish Folklore Collection

    M.1.PF - Documantation on Jewish folklore during the second world war This collection is part of the collections compiled by the Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone in Munich (M.1). The CHC collected much material from the Holocaust survivors, including testimonies, documentary material in their possession and more. When the CHC was disbanded, the CHC archive was transferred to Yad Vashem. There are 353 poems/songs in the collection, mostly in Yiddish. Most of the poems/songs were written by inmates of the camps and ghettos during th...

  16. Documentation of the Bikur Cholim Association in Graz from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1923-1938

    Documentation of the Bikur Cholim Association in Graz from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1923-1938 The Association was founded in 1923 (a time of intense economic crisis) with the goal of providing assistance to the sick and giving charity to those in need. In the collection there is correspondence of the Association and of its Chairman, Elias Gruenschlag (who was active in the Zionist Movement in Austria as well), among other correspondence, with the Graz community and with Jewish and Zionist organizations in Austria; correspondence regarding matters pertaining to welfare and assistance (in...

  17. Documentation of the local economy and administration office in Kharkov, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the local economy and administration office in Kharkov, 1942-1943

  18. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Skidel, 1940-1941 The Collection includes reports of the District Committee to the Communist Party's Regional Committee regarding preparations and management of the elections; protocols from meetings of the District Committee; reports of the District Committee's Propaganda Department regarding the state of the propaganda activity in the District.

  19. Documentation of the Bezirksamt (Regional office) of Guenzburg in the Schwaben area in Bavaria

    Documentation of the Bezirksamt (Regional office) of Guenzburg in the Schwaben area in Bavaria

  20. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Shomrat

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Shomrat Survivors forms and accompanying documents: 1. Document attesting that Shoshana Gibor was sent to Jasenovac camp in 1942, dated, 01/03/1966, in Slovakian (original); 2. Chapter from a book: Testimony of Shaul David, including maps and material from the internet (in Romanian).