Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,921 to 17,940 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Emily Sosnow collection

    Consists of a photocopy of a packet from the "Visas for Life: The Story of Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara" exhibit, seen at the Museum of Tolerance between January and March 1995, and a copy of pages 5-14 of a report written by Emily Sosnow related to Japanese relations with Jews and life in the Shanghai ghetto, which she wrote for a local section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

  2. Ausstellung SA-Gefaengis General-Pape-Strasse 1933 7 Kuenstler zeigen Arbeiten am Authentischen Ort Reaktionen auf Spuren und Dokumente

    Packet of documentation about history of barracks complex in Berlin on the General-Pape-Strasse used by the S.A. in 1933 as a location to imprison and torture political opponents of the Nazi regime. Velobound, contains history of complex, copies of documents and news clippings, photos of documentary filmmakers or others researching history and talking with survivors in 1990s.

  3. Erna Rettberg Bauer papers

    The Erna Rettberg Bauer papers comprise documents assembled by Erna in pursuit of legal action to regain her family’s property. Many of the documents focus on Julius Rettberg and his relationship with Friedel Bredderman, the wife of Sturmabteilung Trooper, Paul Bredderman who was allegedly responsible for taking advantage of Julius and the Rettberg family. These documents include correspondence with members of the United States House of Representatives, copies of Julius’ will, citizenship papers, and identification papers, paperwork relating to the deed of the property, testimony from frien...

  4. Memoir

    Testimony, 3 pages, typescript, written by Rudy Cohn (Bal Harbour, FL, 1995), describing how his wife's aunt, Flora Einson, returned to Kaiserslautern, Germany in 1936 with goal of helping as many family members as possible immigrate to the United States, and how Cohn and his wife accompanied her to the United States on her trip back.

  5. ID cards relating to Ebensee

    Identification documents, postwar, from a displaced person (DP) and former camp inmate.

  6. Semen Borokhovskiy collection

    Contains memoir, photograph, certificate, map, and news clips relating to experiences in Pechora.

  7. Johtje Vos colledtion

    Testimony, 217 pages, photocopy of typescript, titled "From the Entrance of the Tunnel." Describes activities of author and her husband in Dutch resistance and hiding Jews during German occupation of Netherlands.

  8. Testimony

    Photocopy of typescript report, 37 pages, "Special Report on the Concentration Camp Buchenwald, by Father Heribert Froboese, O.F.M., former prisoner…" written by someone at SHAEF for transmittal to White House.

  9. Irena Peritz papers

    The Irena Peritz papers include her autograph book, diary, and memoir documenting her friendships in Lvov and Borysław and her family’s experiences in the Borysław ghetto and labor camp and in hiding. The papers also include letters from Janka and Niuta Teicher documenting their experiences in the Drohobycz labor camp and Dachówczarnia brick factory. The autograph book includes signatures, poems, and drawings by Irena Peritz’s friends in Lvov and Borysław. Correspondence consists of letters written by Janka and Niuta Teicher in the Dachówczarnia labor camp in Drohobycz to Irena Peritz in Bo...

  10. Shlomo Meltzer memoir

    Testimony, 98 pages, photocopy of typescript, titled "A Jew" by Shlomo Meltzer, giving account of childhood near Lwow, invasion of Germans, war years, etc. Also includes Russian typescript version of same, along with copied Russian documents and photos.

  11. A memoir and deportation list

    Testimony, 2 pages, photocopied typescript, titled "As my father told me," with quotes from author's father, who was at Auschwitz. Enclosed is copy of Hungarian names list.

  12. Testimony: "Life under three flags, or, the story of a survivor,"

    Testimony, 27 pages, typescript, titled "Life under three flags, or, the story of a survivor," by Dov Eshel of Netanya, Israel. Account of life in small town in eastern Poland/western Ukraine, occupation, partisan, fighting with Red Army and Polish forces.

  13. Documents relating to Janis Lipke rescuer of Jews in Latvia

    Photographs and news clippings (mostly in Russian) related to memorial that was created in 1987 to honor the memory of Janis Lipke, a Latvian who saved 53 Jews in Riga during the occupation. Includes photos of Lipke as an elderly man, photos of the memorial, and of the dedication event.

  14. Harry Fogel collection

    Consists of a photocopy of a diary, in Polish, written by Harry Fogel between 1939-1944. In the diary, he describes his life in the Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto, including the experience of purchasing food, the morale of those in the ghetto, and attempts at resistance. Also includes a photocopy of a speech, in English, which Harry Fogel gave at the Łódź ghetto commemorative ceremony in Montreal, Canada, on October 10,1994.

  15. A memoir

    Testimony, 30 pages, photocopy of typescript, plus photocopies of maps and photographs. Titled "To: Our Descendants" from Natalia and Daniel Hochman. Discusses childhood in eastern Poland (now Ukraine), in Sambor and Boryslaw, life in the Boryslaw ghetto, where the Hochmans first met, and life in hiding prior to liberation by Soviet troops in 1944.

  16. A questionnaire

    Photocopy of questionnaire submitted by Magier for a restitution claim, includes narrative account of his time as a forced laborer in Annaberg and Bedzin.

  17. Renee Spindel memoir

    Testimony, two pages, about how author's family survived occupation in France, first by leaving Paris for the Vichy zone, and then splitting family up and hiding (author, as child, was hidden by French farmers until end of war).

  18. Memoirs

    Testimony, 3 pages, handwritten, about experiences of Joseph and Dora Pellenberg, both originally of Poland, and what they experienced during war.

  19. Helena Manaster memoirs

    Testimony, three versions (questionnaire, typed, and handwritten, all photocopied), from Manaster, originally of Lesko, Poland, described her experiences.

  20. Lili Abraham collection

    Consists of one letter written by Lili Kovacs Abraham to the Claims Conference in February 1993. In the letter, Mrs. Abraham describes the invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia and her deportation from Remetske Hamre, Czechoslovakia, to the Uzhorod ghetto in 1944. She was deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1944 and describes life in the camp until she was sent for forced labor in Altenburg, Germany. She was liberated by the American military while on a death march near Waltenburg, Germany, in April 1945.