Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,601 to 17,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Wladyslaw Mielcarz memoir

    Contains a typescript untitled memoir relating to Wladyslaw Mielcarz's Holocaust experiences, particularly at a Dachau subcamp. Includes photocopies of black and white photographs from the camp.

  2. Ilse Schoenholz biographical sketch

    Ilse Schoenholz's seven page narrative describes her childhood in Bochum, Germany, antisemitism in her apartment building and at school, how the police and neighbors refused to help when her family's store was vandalized during Kristallnacht, and the forced liquidation of the store and the confiscation of her mother's jewelry and silver. She recounts her journey to England on a Kindertransport and explains that, through relatives, she was able to keep in touch with her parents until they were deported to the Riga ghetto. She details aspects of her life in England including her concerns abou...

  3. Sommer and Bloch family papers

    The Sommer and Bloch family papers primarily document Ralph Sommer, a Jewish refugee who was imprisoned in the Camp des Milles internment camp and later was a member of the French resistance and the French military. Another major portion of the papers contain correspondence from Fred Hanauer, who was a cousin of Ralph's living in the United States and who coordinated efforts with other family members in assisting relatives imprisoned in concentration camps in Europe. Included in the collection is correspondence, identification papers, military papers, and travel visas. The Sommer and Bloch ...

  4. Report on the Czar Boris III participation in war crimes against Macedonian Jews during the Holocaust

    One letter, from Ezra Benjamin to Milton Shapiro of the Jewish National Fund, protesting the latter's involvement in raising contributions for a memorial to Bulgarian King Boris III, for his activities in saving Bulgarian Jews, which Benjamin contradicts.

  5. Hans Oppenheimer letter

    The Hans Oppenheimer letter is a letter written by Hans Oppenheimer (1901-1945), a German Jewish bank official who was detained in Westerbork transit camp and later perished in Bergen-Belsen. The collection is comprised of a single letter written by Hans from Westerbork in 1943 to Dr. K. Prager, a non-Jewish friend and business associate in Amsterdam. In the letter, Hans discusses his wife and children and a little about life in the camp.

  6. A memoir relating to the liberation of Dachau

    Photocopy of letter and map. Letter (less then one page) is from Sherwin Northcutt to Curtis Whiteway, sharing his memories of liberation of Dachau.

  7. Theodore Sargent memoir

    Testimony, typescript, two pages, account of experiences of Theodore Sargent in U.S. Army, and at liberation of Dachau. Compiled by Curtis Whiteway.

  8. Vladimir Rayzman memoir

    Testimony, typescript copy, one page. Describes experiences of Vladimir Rayzman, from the German invasion of his hometown of Brest (Poland/Belarus) to his time as a forced laborer in "Keln-Doits," which is the city of Deutz, across the river from Cologne (Koeln).

  9. Bella Rotner memoir

    Testimony, photocopied, unpaginated, recounting the experiences of Bella Bornstein Rotner, originally of Olkusz, Poland, during the Holocaust.

  10. Lisa Shershavin memoir

    Testimony, handwritten, two pages, from Lisa Shershavin (Elizaveta Shershavina, nee Svoyatytskaya), describing her family's experience in the Minsk ghetto in WWII.

  11. A memoir relating to experiences in Podolsk and Pechora

    Testimony, 2 pages, photocopy of handwritten text. Describes German occupation in Mogilev-Podolsk.

  12. Testimony

    Relates to Morris Jacob's (now Morris Rosenthal) experiences in various concentration camps and on a death march to Austria.

  13. Igor Shtaygman memoir

    Contains a testimony, typescript, two pages, in which Igor Shtaygman describes his experiences in Chernovtsi after occupation, and deportation to ghettos near Vinnitsa.

  14. Yefim Shvartsman memoir

    Testimony, typescript, 1 page. Yefim Shvartsman, describes experiences of he and his mother in Djurin ghetto, Vinnitsa district, Ukraine, 1941-1944.

  15. Mikhail Milman memoir

    Testimony, two pages, typescript. Describes experiences of a family in a village near Vinnitsa during German occupation.

  16. Khonya Epshteyn papers

    Testimony, photocopy of manuscript, 100 pages, plus copy of Belarus identification card of 1994, and certificate attesting to Epstein's wartime service as a partisan fighter, and copied excerpt from "Vestnik," November 1994, containing Epstein's account of Krugliansky ghetto. Testimony contains detailed account of his life as a partisan after murder of his family.

  17. Gita Abraham memoir

    Testimony, three pages, photocopy of typescript. Fragment of memoir, describes author's experience at Auschwitz, and at liberation.

  18. Ben Abraham memoir

    Consists of testimony given by Ben Abraham to the Claims Conference regarding his Holocaust experiences in the Auschwitz and Dora-Mittelbau concentration camps.

  19. A memoir relating to experiences in Balta

    Testimony, handwritten, 4 pages, in Russian with English summary, about experiences of Orentlikher (born Fira Kaleka) and her family, in Balta ghetto in Ukraine, during occupation. Also, photocopied Soviet-era document attesting to family's presence in Balta ghetto (near Odessa) from 1941-1943.

  20. A memoir relating to experiences in Belgian and French forced labor camps

    Testimony, photocopy of handwritten text, 16 pages. Describes experiences as forced laborer in Belgium and northern France, interment at Mechelen, deportation to Auschwitz, escape during evacuation of Jawischowitz (Jawiszowice), eventual capture by Russian forces and deportation to Soviet Union (Murmansk, Moscow), and return to Belgium after war.