Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,581 to 17,600 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Charles Ernest collection

    Illustrations, 10 woodcuts from series titled "Folterqualen am K.Z.," depicting different types of torture inflicted on camp prisoners. Illustrations by Albert Kayser.

  2. Przecież on jest Żydem

    Testimony, photocopy of typescript, 8 pages, Polish, describing donor's childhood as Polish orphan of Jewish parents in Lublin. Written in 1994.

  3. Documents relating to Albert Einstein's activities on behalf of refugees

    Consists of several photocopies of a letter from Albert Einstein to Elmer Reinthaler of New York, written on June 10, 1939, thanking Reinthaler for his work on behalf of refugees. Also includes a copyprint of Einstein at an unknown dinner.

  4. Richard Kelley collection

    Photographs (3) showing corpses and liberated prisoners at Buchenwald, spring 1945, and one letter from Richard Kelley, relating his experiences as an American G.I. upon liberating the camp, and how he obtained a Nazi flag.

  5. Gina Gotfryd collection

    The Gina Gotfryd collection contains photographs and a memoir of Gina Gotfryd, a Jewish child during the time of the Holocaust, who survived the Radom ghetto, labor camps, and Auschwitz. Also included is an identification card of her father. The Gina Gotfryd collection contains a memoir, written by Gina Gotfryd about her experiences surrounding the Holocaust. Also included are photographs of her family prior to the war and some photographs while she was in Stuttgart displaced persons camp. Additionally, there is an identification card given to Gina’s father, Shamai, after his liberation fro...

  6. Anschel and Fela Warschau papers

    Photocopied documents related to the experiences of the Warschau family at the Feldafing DP camp from 1949-1950, including the birth certificate (original) of daughter Martl, 1949.

  7. For the sake of my children

    Testimony. Typescript, 51 pages, titled "For the Sake of My Children…" by Sigi and Rosl Steiner.

  8. Letter from Leo Baeck and Otto Hirsch to George Rublee, Director of the Intergovernmental Committee on Political Refugees

    Consists of a photocopy of a letter, dated March 2, 1939, from Leo Baeck and Otto Hirsch to George Rublee, offering gratitude for his work on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (IGC) and thanking him on the occasion of his retirement. The letter was written on Reichsevertretung der Juden in Deutschland stationery.

  9. Meilach Lubocki memoir

    The memoir of Meilach Luboski of Kaunas, Lithuania describes his memory of the German invasion, life in the Kaunas (Kovno) ghetto, and his time in the Stutthof concentration camp. Included in this collection is the original copy of Meilach's memoir, written in Yiddish during the period when Lubocki was living in a displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany (circa 1945). Also included is a translation written by his brother, Charles Lubock, dating from the mid-1990s, and edited by Charles' son Paul Lubock.

  10. Bill Polson collection

    Consists of two letters (one handwritten on the back of a mimeographed letter) written by Sgt. Bill Polson about what he witnessed at Dachau, and six photographs of scenes of atrocities at Dachau taken by Sgt. Polson.

  11. Hersz Hanfling papers

    Genealogy and brief vita, describing Hersz Hanfling's experiences during the occupation of Poland. Also included are copy prints of vintage photos from his hometown of Rozwadow.

  12. Toni Heller collection

    The Toni Heller collection contains documents relating to Harry and Toni Heller, who both were imprisoned in Westerbork transit camp from 1940-1945. Items include travel and work passes from Westerbork, certificates of good conduct, and a newsletter from the refugee camp. Other items include an interview with Commander Gemmecke of Westerbork, a testimony on life in the camp, and a brief biography and testimony written by Toni Heller. The collection also contains photographs of the Hellers and postcards.

  13. Jolan Kovacs papers

    Photocopied documents showing that Jolan Lebovits was a prisoner at Dachau, and copies of pages from publications about Dachau.

  14. A memoir entitled "Through Hell and Back" relating to experiences in Poland

    Testimony (memoir), typescript, 178 pages, titled "Through Hell and Back," by Michael Levitan, recounting author's experiences in Niemenczyn, Poland.

  15. Elaine L. Roth collection

    Contains a typescript copy of a memoir entitled, "Aron Levenstein June 1930 - May 1975," and typescript poems titled "Little Boy Don't Cry," "Untitled," "For the Land That is us Dear," "Forget It," "The Flame," "Elaine's Lullaby," "The Shoe Shine Boy," "The Men on the Line," "The Bird," "Come Back and I'll Say That I'm Sorry," "The Messiah," "Debra," "The March to Eternity," "Land Where My Children Grow," "I Want to Go on Home," "A Father," "From the Regions of Treblinka," "The Day My Pa Was Crying," "A Mother's Last Appeal," "The Ghetto," "The Grand Lullaby," "Michael's Song," and "If he c...

  16. Letter relating to an American GI's experience at Ebensee

    Contains a letter written by Joseph F. Scott about his experiences liberating the Ebensee concentration camp.

  17. Personal history of Zdzisław Klimek, a Polish Jewish refugee student

    Report (typescript, carbon copy) by unspecified humanitarian aid agency (possibly UNRRA), post-war, discussing a young Polish boy, Zdzisław Klimek, who showed up at DP camp in Gmund and expressed interest in immigrating to U.S.

  18. Selected records relating to homosexuals and sex offenders

    Photocopies of various documents from DOW, selected according to topic.

  19. Berkowicz family collection

    The Berkowicz family collection contains records pertaining to Joseph and Eugenie Berkowicz of Warsaw, Poland. These include identity cards, marriage and birth certificates, and items related to Joseph’s cannery business; Fabryka Konserw “Original.” Also included are photographs of the family and announcements of family member’s deaths. The Berkowicz family papers contain records relating to Joseph and Eugenie (Gene) Berkowicz. The records are primarily certificates and identification, including identity cards, marriage and birth certificates, and Gene’s fake ID under the name Irena Janisze...

  20. The Stories of Eric Haas and Marga Schlamm Haas

    Contains a memoir about Eric Haas (born: July 3, 1917 Offenbach/M. Germany) and Marga Schlamm Haas (born: February 5, 1921 in Berlin, Germany) and their experiences in Amsterdam, Holland, when the Germans invaded, their internment in the Westerbork transit camp, S'Hertogen Bosch (called Vught for short) concentration camp, and in Bergen Belsen, Switzerland, Marseilles, and an UNRRA camp in North Africa.