Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,941 to 16,960 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Buchenwald Standort-Kantine concentration camp scrip, 1 mark

    1 mark coupon issued at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. Buchenwald opened on July 19, 1937, and issued undated notes in 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 mark denominations. The simply designed notes were printed on coarse paper. There were two types of coupons: canteen scrip and exchange scrip issued to members of outside labor brigades [Aussenkommandos.] In early April 1945, as US forces approached Buchenwald concentration camp, the German guards began to evacuate the camp. On April 11, the prisoners revolted and seized control of the camp. Later that day, soldiers from the Sixth Army Armored Di...

  2. German capture and invasion of France

    LS, pan, small lake with ship. Snow-covered fields in FG. MS, bridge over river with demolition crew. LS, large explosions in buildings at edge of city. MS, German troops in snow-covered hills, firing guns. LS, German paratroopers jumping from large twin-engine aircraft. MS, paratroopers landing in snow-covered field. MCU, German soldiers with equipment. MS, paratroopers marching after landing. CU, German troops and equipment. MS, pan, German Stukas taking off from airfield. LS, Stukas in flight, craters on ground. LS, wrecked airfield, wrecked aircraft. MS, wrecked British planes. LS, Germ...

  3. Seymour Reitman collection

    The Seymour Reitman collection consists of handwritten notes made by survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp and the Wildflecken on Danube (SS training camp) camp given to Seymour Reitman, a member of the US Army, shortly after liberation, circa 1945. Among the survivors were Jewish performers from a Yiddish Theater in Berlin, Germany who had been at Buchenwald concentration camp performing for the SS. The collection includes names and addresses of survivors, and testimony, in Yiddish, of a survivor named Yakov Leukovits, born in Skernievits (Skierniewice, Poland) addressed to E. Wol...

  4. Georg and Margarethe Weiss family papers

    The Georg and Margarethe Weiss family papers include two passports ("Reisepass") issued in Vienna, Austria, to Georg and Margarethe Weiss and affidavits and correspondence from Louis Weiss regarding his support of Georg and Margarethe’s immigration to the United States. Louis was not related to the Weiss family. The collection also includes a diary written by Peter Weiss, Georg and Margarethe’s son, from 1938-1940. Peter began his diary when he fled to Belgium in 1938 and his last entry was in June 1940, after arriving in the United States. In his diary Peter writes about boy scouts, leavin...

  5. Office of Special Investigations reports

    Contains three photocopied reports regarding investigations by the Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Dept. of Justice, concerning the wartime activities of Kurt Waldheim (209 pages, plus appendix and press release); Josef Mengele (197 pages); and John Demjanjuk (210 pages plus appendix), 1992-1994.

  6. Robert Brown photograph collection

    Photographs of survivors liberated from the Wöbbelin concentration camp.

  7. Book

    Book detailing the annhilation of Lithuanian Jewry.

  8. Nazi Banner retrieved after Liberation of a concentration camp

    Nazi Banner retrieved and brought back to the US after WWII by an unknown US soldier.

  9. Nazi propaganda: home front

    Intertitle: "Ein Film vom Arbeitseinsatz und der Gefolgschaftsfuersorge in Heeresbetrieben" [A film about work's employment and staff's welfare in army firms] This documentary begins with graphics showing the German civilian workforce in Army firms in 1939 and 1943 and highlights the rise of women's involvement. It stresses the importance of a female workforce for 'wrestling for Germany's future'. A 'typical day' is shown: a worker's camp situated in a beautiful landscape, housing in modern buildings, working in healthy conditions, living conditions 'like at home', 'real comradeship' betwee...

  10. Garment bag retrieved from Dachau postliberation by a US soldier

    Garment bag retrieved from Dachau Concentration Camp by by Joe Davis.

  11. German surrender at Stalingrad; German prisoners & generals

    02:43:10 Title: "Soviet Newsreel"/ "8"/ "Moscow" / "February 1943" / "Directed by I. Setkinoy" / "Film-reporting from the Frontlines"/ "Our armies have finished destroying the German-fascists surrounded near Stalingrad" / "Documentary of the last days of the enemy surrounded near Stalingrad" Panning ELSs of fire fight on snowy terrain. Aerial MSs of Soviet airplanes. Close views of corpses. MS soldiers in trenches, smoking. Close, over shoulder view of soldiers crawling to evade fire. LS of surrendering Germans filing out of brick building. LS soldier marching with white flag. 02:47:46 ELSs...

  12. Nazi propaganda: anti-Polish

    This feature film opens in the German village of Emilienthal in the Polish district of Luzk in March 1939 as Polish authorities close a German school to turn it into a military police post. The teacher Maria Thomas constantly complains to the Polish mayor. Other Germans are angry about higher taxes for ethnic Germans and growing expropriations of land and houses. Maria's husband refuses to sing the Polish anthem and he is beaten up by Polish thugs who are said to thrive for the 'annihilation of...German pigs'. He dies because the police and the hospitals refuse to help Germans at all. Maria...

  13. Charlotte Koopmann collection

    duplicate copy from donor part of One Generation After/Boston, duplicate destroyed.

  14. Kalinin awards military; pilots; Jewish anti-fascist committee

    Kalinin decorates military men, INT, close views. 01:19:46 Pilots and crews on airfield; to planes; bombs dropping, air-to-ground shots. 01:21:49 Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. Speech "To the Jews of the World". Ilya Ehrenburg, Serge Eisenstein, Solomon Mikhoels. 01:22:22 CU Solomon Mikhoels speaking in Russian, seated at microphone: to 01:24:02 CU Peretz Markish speaking in Yiddish, "Brother Jews" 01:25:24 CU Sergei Eisenstein speaking in English, "racial hatred is foreign and loathsome to me... The time has come to fight... sacred struggle... saving a people... Triumph of humanism over br...

  15. Quisling's trial in Norway; Execution of German spies

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Report on War Crimes, including shots of the London meeting of the investigating commission, the opening of Quisling's trial in Norway, and the execution of two German spies by the US 9th Army.

  16. German officers; Allied POWs

    German officers and others talking, smoking. Forest and barracks in BG. LS Allied POWs with KG stamped on their backs.

  17. Nazi propaganda: Military

    The pseudo-documentary depicts the military actions of a parachute battalion participating in the occupation of the Netherlands beginning on May 10, 1940 - the action that opened the western front of WWII. It starts with an address to the parachutists by their officer, who evokes the historical importance of this 'hour of decision' which determines the fate of the German people 'for the next thousand years.' The soldiers are also told that after the defeat of Poland the new enemy of Great Britain would threaten the western borders of Germany from its 'bridgehead' of the Netherlands. Later o...

  18. Jewish life in prewar Kovno, Riga, and Lvov

    Prewar footage (home movies) of the Katz family in 1929. Kovno street scenes. VAR CUs of Katz family strolling along Laisves al., showing Dita's mother Liola, grandfather, brother, uncle, and grandmother. 01:00:34 MS EXT of the grandfather's wholesale trade store - C. KACAS - on Presidento gatve. Here, the family sold typewriters, sewing machines, and bicycles. VAR shots of store and family at door of store. Dita's cousin Raya (Honon's sister) in a baby carriage. CUs, Dita's grandmother Basia Katz; cameraman Honon Katz and his friend; Dita's aunt Rachel Katz and Dita's mother Liola Katz. Pe...

  19. "Go For Broke"

    Compilation of documents, photographs, and news clippings, all photocopied, from Hideo Nakamine, about the 522nd F.A. Battalion, U.S. Army, part of the 100th/442nd battalion of Japanese-American soldiers.

  20. Stamped envelope

    Addressed in ink to "Herrn Heinrich Potischel (sp?) Wien XII Hauptstrasse 2" with one 4-cent Deutsches Reich stamp and nine 12-cent anti-Nazi stamps attached. Also has five ink stamps dated 8.IV.43.