Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,921 to 16,940 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Oral history interview with Alexander Rezmovits

  2. UNRRA work in Europe

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Brief shots of fires used by Britain as defense against invasion in 1940. Work of UNRRA in Europe: camp in Germany for refugees and displaced persons; food supplies sent to Austria.

  3. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note, acquired by a US soldier and NRRA administrator

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in 1943 in Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp acquired by Mordecai E. Schwart. Schwartz, a soldier in the United States Army, was recruited after the war ended in May 1945 to serve as Area Director for UNRRA. He worked for UNRRA until 1948, when the organization was deactivated. He then became Area Director for the International Refugee Organization (IRO), supervising twenty-eight displaced persons camps in Germany. The DP camps were set up to house and feed, and to provide medical service and legal protection for survivors of the concentration and ...

  4. Marching out of the gates of Auschwitz

    Manuscript poem (2 pages), signed by Bertha Weg, and dated Auschwitz, 15 August 1944.

  5. Fighting at Narvik

    UFA Newsreel. Title: Frontberichte der Propaganda-Kompanien. REEL 1: Part 1: on the fighting at Narvik. Shows German warships in the harbor. German demolition teams blow up a railroad. White clad alpine troops fire on attacking British troops; German dive bombers attack British lines. German paratroopers land, assemble, and go into action. Part 2: German planes take off from an airfield. Show wrecked planes on a French airfield. Dive bombers attack an allied marching column. Shows wrecked allied equipment and dead. Part 3: German bombers fly in formation over Antwerp.

  6. Stanley B. Frosh collection

    Contains a letter from a U.S. soldier, dated 24 April 1945, written to his wife, using letterhead of Nazi Party Gauleiter of Franken, describing sights and events in Nuremberg and surrounding area at that time.

  7. Surrender of Belgium

    MCU, LS, German soldiers crossing field, mounting machine gun by fox hole, crossing small pontoon bridge, fighting in streets of city. Buildings burning, wrecked guns and tanks in streets. Pan across destroy city in Belgium as the narrator announces that the Beligan king has capitulated. Various scenes of surrender: German and Belgian high-ranking officers (including Field Marshal von Manstein?) talking. Belgian officer signing document. Automobile carrying large white flag. Camera on car showing columns of soldiers on side of highway. German and Belgian officers on steps of building. Belgi...

  8. German 62nd Infantry Regiment Anschulss photo album

    Photographic album which chronicles the march of a German infantry regiment into Austria during the Anschluss in March 1938. Several pages contain inscriptions describing the actions of the 62 Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, and 20th Infantry Regiment.

  9. German town; market, airstrip, BDM

    WS, two men in field. Market. Woman with pigs. Plowing/farming scenes. HAS market. Farming. CU, soldier guarding building. Soldiers marching, parade. Fighting sequences at Army Day celebration. Train passing castle in FG in Eisenach. EXT, building with clock and sign, "Haupteingang." Street scenes. CUs, INT, men at work in Leica factory in Wetzlar. River with barge passing. Freight train, long, sustained, round curve near the Rhine River. Farming on mountainside, picking grapes. Several BDM girls throw javelins, do calisthenics in yard at Zinnowaldschule in Berlin. School/camp behind girls....

  10. Concentration camp atrocities

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. A harrowing film record of post-liberation scenes at concentration and prison camps, with the message to the defeated Germans: "Dass ist Fascismus, dass ist National Sozialismus." [That is fascism, that is Nazism.] Film of dead and barely surviving prisoners at thirteen camps. Shots include: Ohrdruf: Eisenhower visiting the camp; demonstrations of torture; German civilians (under compulsion) viewing the atrocities; corpses; crematoria Ziegenheim: liberated men; a typical day's ration of food Kaunitz:...

  11. Invasion of France by Germans

    CU, vehicle passing though wrecked town around bomb craters; destroyed buildings in BG. CU, German soldier driving pigs into barnyard. German troops marching through French village, in open country. Farmers cutting hay with scythes. German soldier feeding hay to horses. Soldier leaning against horse, sleeping. CU, German troops sleeping alongside road, in trucks and motorcycles. CU, plates being filled with food from large copper kettle. CU, tanks passing through large concentration of artillery guns. Shot of trees and forest showing truck hauling section of pontoon bridge onto trailer. Cou...

  12. Nazi propaganda: war in the Balkans

    This "Sonderbericht der Deutschen Wochenschau" [Special report of the German weekly newsreel] starts on April 4, 1941 with footage of Goebbels addressing the German people via radio and von Ribbentrop delivering diplomatic letters to the ambassadors of Yugoslavia and Greece. Then soldiers, armored personal carriers, and tanks cross the Yugoslav border into Croatia from Styria, thus opening the Southeastern front of WWII after an alleged 'new provocation by the British.' German Stukas [dive fighters] and Italian warplanes fly over Greek mountains. Serbian fortresses and bunkers are captured,...

  13. Star of David badge with Juif printed in the center

    Retrieved by Leonard Bloom while stationed in France.

  14. Home movies of Sigal family in Zborow, Berezhany, Vienna, and Baden

    Margaret Siegal Weiss (the donor, age 12) and her father Morris (42) spent six weeks visiting family in Zborow from July to August 1936. 02:08 Title: "Main Street - The Broadway and Boulevard of Zborov" Road leading to Zborow (shot by Nathan Okun, also from Zborow - he is the man in the white hat). Pedestrians, homes. Brief sequence of family, child running towards camera. Pan countryside, village with homes. Quick pan, group of six men. 03:07 Large group poses for a picture, summer (perhaps in the U.S.?). Morris appears near the end of the group posing for the picture, next to a man with m...

  15. Jeannette Nadle papers

    The Jeannette Nadle papers consists of Jeannette Nadle’s passport, 1947-1948; a testament of Jeannette’s wartime experiences in Belgium, November 30, 1947; and a memoir written by Jeannette Nadle in 1994. The memoir describes Jeannette’s experiences as a hidden child in Belgium and member of the Resistance during World War II.

  16. Holocaust commemorative ribbon worn by a Latvian Jewish survivor

    Holocaust commemorative plastic ribbon worn by Esther Lurie issued in 1963 by the Ghetto House Fighter's Museum to be worn at Kibbutz Lohame ha-Getaot. Esther, a professionally trained artist, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunus), Lithuania, in summer 1941 when it was occupied by Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create artwork for the Germans. She also, at the request of the Jewish Council, dedicated herself to recording the daily life of the residents. In July 1944, the ghetto was liquidated. Esther w...

  17. DPs; postwar rehabilitation

    A Crown Film Unit Production. Short film documenting the aftermath of the war, including the movement of refugees, Displaced Persons camps, rehabilitation, and going home. Young men crossing bridge. Women and men moving bushels of hay, guarded by a soldier. Labor in fields, railroads, factories. Liberation scenes: tanks moving through villages, people shaking hands, celebrating; men emerging from forests; crowds leaning out windows, cheering; beating a Nazi?; destroying buildings. Refugees moving on foot and truck with belongings/luggage. Destroyed bridge. More refugees, smiles beaming (sta...

  18. Anniversary of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia republics; collective farm; Kalinin front

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel"/ "49"/ "Moscow"/ "July 1943"/ "Directed by I. Setkinoy"/ "The third anniversary of the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian Soviet Republics" Coverage shots of commemorative event. Title: "The Lieutenant Colonel of the Latvian Red Army, Ballodis, has declared..." MS of Ballodis at podium listing Soviet Republics. Shots of crowd clapping. Titles: "People of collective-farm community"/ "Marta Plieva" Panning ELS and various shots of village nestled amidst vast mountain range. MS of Marta walking with villagers. CU signing in book. ELS of goat herd and shots of shepherds...

  19. Star of David badge

    Worn by Meir Yelin in Lithuania and the Kovno ghetto.

  20. Romana S. Farrington papers

    The papers consist of a forged identification card that Josef Radzick created for his wife, Helena (Elka) Radzicki, an "Arbeitsbuch for Auslander" issued to Helena (Elka) Radzicki, and a testimonial of the Radzicki family experience during World War II.