Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,141 to 16,160 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eyewitness: the story of Ceslav Mordowicz's escape from Auschwitz

    Contains a typescript testimony, 62 pages, told in third person by Fred Bleakley, about the life of Ceslav Mordowicz, including his escape from Auschwitz in 1944.

  2. Syma Crane papers

    The Syma Crane papers consist primarily of photographs documenting Crane’s service as United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) director of the children’s homes at Leoben and Bad Schallerbach in Austria. The collection also includes an autograph book, biographical materials, correspondence, and printed materials documenting her escape from Vilnius in 1941 to Kobe and Shanghai and eventual arrival in London. Contains certificates, correspondence and documents of Syma Minc Klok a.k.a. Syma Miller relating to her escape in 1941 from Vilnius, Lithuania first to Kobe, Japan...

  3. Charlotte Dunwiddie papers, 1907-1995

    The Charlotte Dunwiddie papers consist of biographical materials documenting Dunwiddie, her husbands, her parents, and her grandparents; correspondence among Dunwiddie and her family and friends during and after World War II; printed materials documenting Charlotte and Stanley Dunwiddie’s lives in Peru; restitution and property files, including architectural drawings and maps, relating to Dunwiddie’s efforts to receive compensation for inherited property in Germany that had been held in trust for her stepfather during the war so that it would not be seized as Jewish property; and four famil...

  4. Oral history interview with Joseph Kershenblatt

  5. Leon Egert memoir

    Contains a handwritten memoir of Leon Egert, dated Brzuchowice, June 6, 1943.

  6. Surviving hell by Holocaust survivor Livia Szamosi (aka Lili Pollak/Lili Spielberger)

    Contains her typewritten memoir describing conditions in the ghetto in Budapest, Hungary; her escape from the ghetto first to a Catholic school where priests were sheltering several otherJews in the basement and later to friends' homes; the Soviet occupation of Budapest; and her reunions with family and friends. Lists of relatives and friends who perished during the Holocaust are included.

  7. Gregorii Frid collection

    Contains a newspaper clipping, a concert program, and an advertisement poster for the mono-opera "Anna Frank's Diary," written by Gregorii Freed and conducted by Leonid A. Shulman. Gregory Frid composed the mono-opera "Anna Frank's Diary" in 1969. It was scheduled to premiere in the Grand Hall of Moscow in 1971; however, antisemitic attitudes in the Soviet Union a the time brought about the cancellation of the opening. Leonid A. Shulman, conductor, succeeded in premiering the mono-opera in May 1977 in Kisolovdsk.

  8. Marcelle Bock collection

    Contains 12 documents relating to the family Burakowski. The documents are certifications of birth, deportation, and citizenship ranging in date from 1935-1961.

  9. Dora Weiner collection

    Contains photographs, ration cards, postcards from Gurs and Drancy, certification documents, a passport, souvenir menus and programmes from the R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, and permit documents relating to the life of Dora Weiner (Dwojra Raca Rubinsztejn, February 17, 1927) from 1942 to 1957.

  10. Denise Kopecky collection

    Contains receipts, orders, identification cards, travel permits, postcards, certificates, photographs, and other documents relating to the persecution, deportation, imprisonment, and hiding experiences of the Elbert family during the Holocaust. Includes photographs of Hugo and Alice Elbert, of Jewish members of the Slovakian Army, and of the Novaky labor camp.

  11. Recollections of a painful past

    Contains Alec Feiner's memoir describing his childhood in prewar Krakow, Poland; his family's experiences in Lvov, Poland (a.k.a. L'viv, Ukraine) to which they fled following the German invasion of Poland; in Fediakovo, a Soviet labor camp in the Ural Mountains region to which they were deported in July 1940; in Solvychegodsk and Kharitonovo, Soviet Union, in Lublin, Poland following the Soviet invasion in 1944, in postwar Krakow, Poland, Vienna, Austria and the United States. An "Epilogue" describes Alec Feiner's 1996 trip to Russia to revisit sites of his wartime experiences.

  12. Zvi Zedak letter

    Contains a four-page letter written by Zvi (Hirsch) Zedak (1907-1944) on July 15, 1944, while hiding in a bunker in the Kovno ghetto with his wife.

  13. Basic documents of concentration camp Auschwitz

    Contains Häftlingspersonalbogen for Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners and other camp records dating from 1942 to 1945.

  14. Fendrich family collection

    Contains passenger list of a ship that sailed from Liverpool via Belfast and Greenock to Boston and New York 1938 September 16, includes the name of Louis Fendrich father, Louis; 3 tickets belonging to Theodore Fendrich and his sisters for 3rd class passage on the Conte Di Savoy in January 1940.

  15. Heinrich Himmler itinerary

    Itinerary of Heinrich Himmler from January 1, 1941, to December 30, 1942.

  16. Selected records from the Czech Ministry of Interior Archive

    Contains 46 categories of photocopied documents from 1939 to 1942 relating to the treatment of Roma and Sinti during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia; the organization of police forces; and the design, construction, and operation of the Roma camps at Lety and Hodonin. Also included are articles and excerpts from publications from 1969 to 1994 on the above-mentioned topics.

  17. Министерство на вътрешните работи и народного здраве Selected records from the collection of the Ministry of Interior and Public Health of Bulgaria Ministerstvo na vŭtreshnite raboty i narodnogo zdrave

    Contains records relating to adoption of the “Defense of the Nation Act”, the creation of concentration camps, the deportation of Jews from Macedonia and Thrace, and the People’s Courts documentation of postwar trials. Includes correspondence with the Jewish community of Sofia and the Police Department; and reports regarding Jewish owned enterprises and Jews hiding in Rila Monastery, etc.

  18. Commissariat for Jewish affairs (Fond 190)

    Contains personal files; lists of the real estate property of Jews; lists of persons of Jewish origin; bank inventories and receipts for deposited Jewish property; correspondence regarding Jewish rights and duties, the payment of taxes by Jews, the expropriation and sale of Jewish property, the “New Territories” of Thrace and Macedonia, and the establishment of ghettos; announcements of actions for the sale of expropriated Jewish property; an agreement for the initial deportation of 20,000 Jews; reports on the rounding up and resettlement of Jews; plans for temporary concentration camps; na...

  19. Selected records relating to the Holocaust in Romania

    Contains records of the Federation of Union of Jewish Communities and the O.S.E. Bucharest branch relating to its relief and aid activities for Jews who were deported to Transnistria and those in Greater Romania. Also contains name lists of Jews originally from Transylvania and interned to the USSR, lists of orphaned children and the victims of the Iasi pogrom, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Romania information forms on families in Vaslui, Iasi and Burdeni, registration cards of deportees, newspaper clippings, album and documents containing photographs of Pogrom of Bucharest, registrati...

  20. David J. Phillips memoir

    The David J. Philips memoir consists of a typewritten memoir outlining his experiences as a paratrooper with the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, as well his accounts of liberating two concentration camps in Landsberg, Germany.