Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,821 to 15,840 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship to South America; speeches

    Dinner conference aboard SS Brazil (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). 01:00:29 CU, Admiral Emory S. Land (Chairman). 01:00:54 Speech by George S. Messersmith, Assistant Secretary of State, on intra-state American relations especially with South America [sound cuts in and out]. He mentions "good neighbor" policy. 01:04:04 Applause. Quick shot of Breckinridge Long, Former Ambassador to Italy, talking. CU, Brazilian Ambassador to the US. CU, Land. CU, Messersmith listenin...

  2. Shirt worn by former prisoner of Auschwitz upon liberation

    Shirt worn by Sara Yablonowicz upon liberation of Auschwitz in Nazi occupied Europe.

  3. Book

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Breda, Netherlands

    Dutch army near Breda, Netherlands. Soldiers on bicycles, motorbikes, tanks moving through Dutch countryside. 04:40:23 Soldiers in trench, camouflaged lookout. 04:41:12 Soldiers and civilians, flasks being filled with rations. Digging trenches. Soldiers and civilians drinking, smoking. 04:42:48 Soldiers marching, windmill in BG. Putting dynamite around trees, for blocking roads in case of attack. Machine gun. 04:44:06 Soldiers marching in farm and along road. 04:45:00 Filling wheelbarrows, digging trench. 04:46:07 Sitting in shelter. Machine gun.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine

    1125 I: The Zionist Congress meets in Tel Aviv to render homage to its president Chaim Weizmann and his laboratory in Rehovot on December 24, 1944. Several hundred delegates representing different Jewish districts in Palestine participate. EXT shots of the cinema where Congress held. Sign reads, "Jane Eyre." Tickets checked. Crowded room of smartly dressed people. Dr. Weizmann makes his way to an armchair, shaking hands. Ben Gurion, president of the Jewish Agency, speaking. 05:02:45 Dr. Weizmann speaks with Israeli flag behind him. People listening. Clapping. Crowd listening. Ben Gurion spe...

  6. Photogaph album belonging to a United States soldier

    Contains a photo album compiled by a US soldier, handed to Lt. Colonel Hands, US Army during WWII.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees, Jewish Brigade in Palestine, Jewish Agency

    Young Jewish refugees, having escaped the Germans, arrived at the Athlit Camp near Haifa wanting to join the Jewish Brigade. 05:13:08 Yellow stars pinned to coats and vests. General shot of the recruiting. 05:13:27 Several young Jews stand before the table to sign up. MS, Jews signing up, Yellow Star of David is apparent. 05:14:28 General shot of young Jews entering the Recruiting Department of the Jewish Agency of Tel Aviv. 05:14:45 CU, sign of recruiting bureau in Hebrew and English. 05:14:58 The Mobile Jewish Brigade of Tel Monte - a special armed Jewish brigade authorized by the English...

  8. Tag

    Tag worn by Rita Buchholz as a child on a transport sponsored by the US Committee for the Care of European Children. She sailed from Lisbon on August 20, 1941, aboard the Mouzinho, arriving in New York on September 2.

  9. Völkischer Beobachter (Berlin, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Munich newspaper tracking Adolf Hitler's "success" in Austria.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938 Chaim Weizmann & others

    02:28:16 EXT of The Daniel Sieff Research Institute at Rehovot. INT scenes, Dr. Chaim Weizmann's lab, research, main entrance, name of institute. Dr. Weizmann leaving the Institute by car in company of Brig. Harrison, Commander of the Sarafand Army Base and 2) with Gen. Haining, Commander in Chief of British troops in Palestine. 02:29:54 City walls of Jerusalem, convoy/vehicles at bottom of hill, pedestrians walking on road. Western wall. 02:30:39 Jerusalem street scenes, automobiles and pedestrians. 02:30:58 Dr. Weizmann leaving the Sieff Institute by car with Gen. Haining, Commander in Ch...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    In town of Ness Ziona, Arabs and Jews in street, returning from work. The town represents a pure partition scheme, as the left side of road is occupied by Arabs and the right by Jews. 02:13:23 Ben Shemen settlement, a junior agricultural village near Tel Aviv for training young boys in farm work. Boys and girls folk-dancing, playing musical instruments, swimming/diving in pool, editing and printing their own newspaper. 02:15:17 Palestine Orchestra, founded in 1936 by violinist Bronislaw Huberman, in its second season. Under the direction of Issay Dobrowen, conducting the last movement of th...

  12. Book

  13. Book

  14. Book

    Book of poems given as wedding gift.

  15. Photograph

    Photograph portrait of a man with mustache and closely cropped hair dressed in suit; grey border, adhered to green cardboard backing with printed words: "BUDAPEST/Szekelyes Tarsa/ANDRASSY-UT29" on recto, lower edge; verso bears print: "FIOEK MUETEREM POESTYENBEN/BUDAPEST/Szekelyes Tarsa/ANDRASSY-UT 29 sz./Utanrendelesek/evek mulva is eszkoezoeltetnek./.K.KRZIWANEK.WIEN. [in small print]"

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees to Canada

    Refugees to Canada. Good scenic shots, mountains, trains and wheat fields. 04:31:24 Title: "Great Four-Engine Freights Creep Up the Wilderness Grades" 04:31:28 Train, title: "Twilight" 04:32:00 Title: "Wheat" 04:32:35 Title: "Wheat - Dim Horizons Across Endless Prairie"

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship en route to South America

    SS Brazil (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). On deck playing, in swimming pool, sunbathing. 01:23:16 People sit around table with sailor. 01:23:59 Games. 01:25:24 Standing around pool, diving. 01:26:40 Breckinridge Long, George Messersmith, and other diplomats relaxing on deck, talking. 01:28:35 Practicing a play on Neptune deck. 01:30:39 Fooling around. 01:31:18 Eating, buffet.

  18. Topas family papers

    The Topas family papers include identification documents and photographs relating to George Topas and the Topas family of Warsaw, Poland. The papers include Sura Etta Topas’ Polish passport, 1939-1941; a photostat copy of Sura Etta Topas’ birth certificate; a photostat copy of the marriage certificate of Sura Etta Topas (née Ferszt) and Icek Jakob Topas; and a letter of recommendation for George Topas written by Max B. Harding, Major, 345th Field Artillery Battalion, November 25, 1945. The Topas family photographs include a group photograph of the Topas family and the Goldfarb family, Sura ...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Belgium

    In Ghent, EXT of Castle of the Knights. Monument with statue, cathedral in BG. Church, horse and carriage. 04:11:09 Canal, boat unloading. 04:11:45 Square with Hotel de Ville at St. Niklaas (halfway between Ghent and Antwerp), with wedding procession arriving, crowd outside church, bride proceeds up Town Hall steps. 04:12:11 Pan of riverside to Belgian Congo Line Quay, ship unloading, more ships. 04:13:13 Hotel des Boulevard, outside Gare du Nord, at night time. Neon signs, "Colonies" and "Splendid". 04:14:00 INT, Rotisserie Ardennaise (bar/restaurant). 04:14:50 INT, Malines Cathedral. Brid...

  20. Ray Buch photograph collection

    The collection consists of eight photographs and one copy print of the Mauthausen concentration camp near Vienna, Austria, at the time of liberation. The photographs were compiled by Ray Buch, a sergeant in the United States Army who assisted in overseeing the reburial of victims at Mauthausen after the war.