Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,701 to 15,720 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Rosa Mayer-Murr collection

    The collection includes one journal written by Rosa Mayer-Murr about her experiences in Gurs, three envelopes addressed to Mr. Alfred Lyon, one identification card for Rosa Mayer-Murr, one black and white photograph of Rosa Mayer-Murr, and one composition book relating to Rosa Mayer-Murr's Holocaust experiences.

  2. Hans G. Rosen documents

    Contains twelve documents pertaining to Hans G. Rosen's experiences in the underground during the Holocaust.

  3. Reliving the Nightmare 50 Years Later

    Contains Ruth Bestman's memoir (35 pages) about her memories of the Holocaust during a trip to Europe fifty years later.

  4. Lubow Patsula memoir

    Contains Lubow Patsula's memoir, four pages, about her Holocaust experiences.

  5. George Lakenbacher papers

    Contains statistics relating to the work of American Relief Organizations in Spain.

  6. Hela Weinreb memoir

    Contains a memoir about Hela Weinreb's childhood years in Krakow and her experiences in Plashov, Auschwitz, and Mauthausen during the Holocaust.

  7. Annelise B. Hoffman papers

    Contains diplomas, certificates, correspondence, support affidavits, genealogical data and family trees, photographs, and a scrapbook relating to the experiences of the Bernhardt family, Ernst, Ella, and their children Erika, Annelise, and Hans, of Berlin, Germany, during the early years of the Third Reich and their process of emigration to the United States. The collection also contains several photographs and letters relating to Ella Moses Bernhardt's mother, Ida Moses, who perished in Theresienstadt during the Holocaust. The materials in the collection range in date from 1905 to1998. The...

  8. Maria Blum memoir

    Contains a memoir, 47 pages, written by Maria Blum about her Holocaust experiences.

  9. Jahrzeits und Trauer-And Achtsbuch

    Contains a book entitled "Jahrzeits und Trauer-And Achtsbuch," which includes a family history and lists of family members who perished in concentration camps written by Irma Spitzova.

  10. English translation of "Woss ich hob durchgelebt Was ich durchgemacht habe"

    Contains an English translation of "Woss ich hob durchgelebt Was ich durchgemacht habe," Klara Schachter's published memoir about her Holocaust experiences.

  11. Trial against Ludwig Fischer Proces Ludwika Fischera (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains selected files (NTN File 48-81, and 552-558) of the investigative materials, transcripts of trials, witness statements, arrest warrants, evidentiary documents, sketches, diagrams, maps and other court documents relating to the trial of Ludwig Fischer, Joseph Meisinger, Max Daume, and Ludwig Leist, relating to crimes committed during the German occupation, while Fischer was governor of the Warsaw district of the Generalgouvernement, from 1939 until 1945.

  12. Trial against Artur Greiser Proces Artura Greiser (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigative records, evidence, and court documents and verdicts relating to the trials of Artur Greiser, in relation to crimes he was found guilty of, including the implementation of policies of persecution, deportation, and murder of Polish Jews during the German occupation of Poland. Includes trial protocols, interrogations of witnesses, preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against war criminals.

  13. Trial against Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss Proces Rudolfa Hoessa (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Rudolf Hoess (Höss), chiefly for crimes committed while he was commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Includes Nazi guidebook for camp personnel on how to handle prisoners, medical histories of Polish prisoners, photographs, charts, maps and plans of Auschwitz concentration camp, SS personnel documents, testimonies by French and Hungarian physicians, Polish poetry from camp, memoirs written by Polish survivors, copies of Polish and German books on the camp and German war crimes, and statements...

  14. Rogazinski family collection

    Contains one application for nonimmigrant visa for Eva Dorothea Rogazinski, Eva Rogazinski's memoir about her Holocaust experiences, resident certificates for Eva and Herta Rogazinski, a memoir written by Eva Rogazinski Sommer de Casassa, list of passengers on the America Line, a citation for Eva Rogazinski, notice from the Police President in Magdeburg, and five letters relating to Eva Rogazinski's work in Shanghai as a stenographer and her later emigration to Chile, South America.

  15. Trial against Albert Forster Proces Alberta Forstera (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Albert Forster. Includes preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against Albert Forster, trial protocols, testimonies of Polish legal and medical expert witnesses, German documents on restrictions on use of the Polish language, on Polish citizens, and informatoin about the germanization of Polish children; personal documents and speeches of Albert Forster, names lists of Poles killed by Germans, names lists of Poles enrolled in the "Volksliste," census of 1939 of Gdansk and West Prussia, press...

  16. Trial against the staff of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Proces członków załogi Oświęcimia (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation materials and court documents relating to the trial of Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp staff, also records on crimes in other concentration camps. Records contain court cases against many war criminals, such as Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hoess (Höss), Dr. Goebel, Karl Ernst Moeckel, Maximilian Grabner as well as against SS physicians accused of experimental operations on Polish women, against female SS camp guards, and other Auschwitz SS staff members. Includes documents on historical background on Nazi leadership; an illustrated SS guidebook for German personn...

  17. Trial against Amon Göth Proces Amon Göth (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigative materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Amon Goeth, the commandant of the Płaszów concentration camp. Includes testimonies and name lists of witnesses, protocol of the description of Płaszów camp, and documents about the interrogation of prisoners of war.

  18. Trial against Hans Biebow Proces Hansa Biebowa (Sygn. SOŁódź, 3-5a)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of Hans Biebow. Includes testimonies and name lists of witnesses, documents on Chelmno concentration camp, report on Łódź ghetto, lists of confiscated Jewish jewelry, list of Jewish victims, lists of SS staff, and list of ghetto leaders. Contains also Biebow autobiography, letters and correspondence.

  19. Proces zaloga Chełmna nad Nerem, I (Sygn. Ob.217)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of certain Chełmno extermination center staff.

  20. Proces zaloga Chełmna nad Nerem, II (Sygn.Ob.19)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of certain Chełmno extermination center staff.