Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,221 to 15,240 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Records of the Stadtverwaltung Wilna, Fond R-643/3–5

    Contains records of the Vilnius city administration. It includes information on Jewish matters, German decrees, punishments for Jewish rescue, and economic and property issues.

  2. Records of the Wilna Stadt und Land SS, Fond R-658/1

    Contains records of the SS units assigned to Vilnius and its environs. Included are lists of Jews working in local SS and police buildings as well as information on partisan activities.

  3. Records of the SS- und Polizeistandortführer Wilna, Fond R-659/1

    Contains records of the SS command for Vilnius. Included are announcements, reports, and correspondence regarding Soviet partisans, the local population, and police personnel.

  4. Records of the Stab der Selbstschutzeinheiten (Schuma) Vilnius, Fond R-660/1 and Fond R-660/2

    Contains records of the Vilnius self-defense units (Schutzmannschaften), including information about personnel, Pioneer Battalion 184, and Communists.

  5. Records of the 1st Selbstschutz Polizeibataillon, Vilnius, Fond R-661/1

    Contains records of the 1st Self-Defense Police Battalion in Vilnius, including orders and a history of the battalion.

  6. Selected records of the Feldkommandantur 814, Vilnius, Fond R-677

    Contains records of the military unit in Vilnius, including information about conscripted Jewish labor, Jewish doctors, orders of the Feldkommandantur, and battles with partisans.

  7. Records of the Standortkommandantura Marijampole, Fond R-678

    Contains records of the military unit in Marijampole, including secret reports on combat with partisans and on the shootings of Soviet prisoners of war.

  8. Hersch Berman collection

    Contains ten black and white photographs and one legal document pertaining to his experiences in the Enns Displaced Persons camp.

  9. SS-Hauptamt (NS 31)

    This collection contains files relating to the ideological and political training of the SS, especially replacements in the Waffen-SS, the police and other organizations absorbed by the SS, the build-up and training of the SS in the “Germanic” countries, and the collection of information on the racial backgrounds of SS members.

  10. SS-Führungshauptamt (NS 33)

    This collection contains files relating to the direction of Waffen-SS activities; the military training of the Allgemeine-SS; and the recruitment, armament, training, administration, and operational activities of the SS and its subordinate organizations.

  11. Histoire de l'arrestation et de la dispartion de la Famille Suganas du Mans

    Contains a memoir about the Holocaust experiences of Claude Audinot's family friends, the Suganas family.

  12. Central Consistory of Jews in Bulgaria (Fond 622)

    Contains reports, minutes, correspondence, and financial records relating to activities of the Central Consistory of the Standing Committee and the Public Cultural and Educational Organization of Jews in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Includes lists of Jews who left Bulgaria for Israel and lists of Jews living in Sofia, Bulgaria.

  13. Jewish bank Geula records (Fond 559)

    Contains selected documents including statutes; minutes of annual meetings and executive council meetings; correspondence regarding mortgages, local courts, and mergers; name lists of bank members; and circulars issued by other banks.

  14. Parliament (People's Congress) records (Fond 173)

    Contains requests made by the People's Representative Professor Stainov to the Chairman of Parliament and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding deportation of Asian Jews. Also includes Law of Protection of the Nation records: telegrams, resolutions, and other supporting documents.

  15. Main Administration of Broadcasting records (Fond 178, Opis 5)

    Contains a broadcast script about life in the labor camps in Germany for Ostarbeiter. The date of the script is unknown.

  16. Union of Journalists records (Fond 185, Opis 1)

    Contains the regulations of foreign journalists’ unions regarding welfare benefits, drafts of legislation regarding journalists in Bulgaria, and letters from establishments and private persons regarding foreign journalists in Bulgaria.

  17. Union of Doctors (Fond 274, Opis 1)

    Contains correspondence with the branches of the union in Sliven (Bulgaria) (file 62), Svogen (file 70), and Khaskova (file 79), including topics such as prohibiting Jewish doctors from having private practices.

  18. Bulgarian Peoples Bank of Ksanti, Fond 1222, Opis 1

    Contains dossiers of Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  19. Bulgarian Peoples Bank in Dedeagaeh (Fond 1240, Opis 1)

    Contains signatures of supervisors of the Commissariat of Jewish Affairs, correspondence relating to Jewish property, and Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  20. Bulgarian Peoples Bank in Seres (Fond 1251, Opis 1, file 926)

    Contains dossiers of Jewish accounts that were closed on March 5, 1946. The deposits were transferred to Greece.