Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,941 to 14,960 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 18 and 19 -- Testimonies of D. Meretz, W. Zimet and M. Burger

    Sessions 18 and 19. Assistant State Attorney submits Prosecution Document 505, a cable from Joseph Kennedy, American Ambassador in London. The cable describes a meeting with Ribbentrop about possible Jewish emigration to foreign nations. Bar-Or submits a report on Eichmann's trip to Palestine and Egypt. Blip at 00:09:21 and Bar-Or continues to submit relevant documentation. Blip at 00:11:30. Court is not in session; Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius and the Judges enter the room. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau reprimands Bar-Or for using so much time to submit fifty documents. Bar-Or asse...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 92 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about the Madascar Plan, deportations, "im Auftrage"

    The camera fades in on Hausner and Servatius seated in the courtroom. Assistant State Attorney Gavriel Bach enters (00:01:34). The camera pans to the empty booth. Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:02:51). All rise as the judges enter and Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens the ninety-second session (00:04:58). Hausner begins cross-examination of the accused (00:05:23). Hausner continues his questioning from the previous session about the term "by order" (im Auftrage) which Eichmann used when he signed documents. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2133 (at 00:00:45 and again at 01...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 98. Cross examination of the accused continues with Attorney General Gideon Hausner questioning Eichmann about his refusal to allow parcels to be sent to Jewish deportees in the General Government from their relatives in the Reich. Eichmann replies that there was nothing he could have done on his own initiative (00:01:14). Hausner continues, asking Eichmann why this matter concerned him and if he had to receive instructions from Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office, first (00:03:28). After giving insufficient...

  4. Gem micromatic safety razor and case given to a concentration camp inmate after liberation

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn516031
    • English
    • a: Height: 3.625 inches (9.208 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Depth: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) b: Height: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Width: 4.000 inches (10.16 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm)

    Gem safety razor and case given to 24-year-old Morris Rosen after his liberation from Theresienstadt concentration camp on May 9, 1945. Following the occupation of Poland by Germany in September 1939, Morris, his parents, and 10 siblings were interned in the Jewish ghetto in Dabrowa Gornicza. From 1942-1944, the Germans transferred Morris through a series of camps: a labor camp in Szczcakowa, Sosnowitz and Annaberg concentration camps, and Gruenberg and Kretschamberg labor camps. In early 1945, Morris was in Kretschamberg labor camp when the Germans decided to evacuate the inmates because o...

  5. Robert Barton photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs depicting life in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, after World War II.

  6. Werner and Trudy Coppel papers

    The Werner and Trudy Coppel papers include correspondence, identification papers, and printed materials documenting the couple’s status in Berlin after the war as displaced persons and victims of fascism and their immigration to the United States. Correspondence includes a letter and five telegrams to the Coppels from the American Consulate in Berlin about their immigration and two letters of appreciation for Werner Coppel from the American Joint Distribution Committee and from the captain of the troop transport ship General J.H. McRae. Identification papers include identity cards issued to...

  7. Anna Goldberg photograph collection

    The collection consists of ten photographs depicting Anna Goldberg and other young refugees in Die Jordan House orphanage in Feldafing displaced persons camp in Germany and in Bensheim displaced persons camp in Germany after World War II.

  8. Judith Hershkovitz photograph collection

    The collection consist of two photographs of a demonstration of refugees at Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany demanding permission to immigrate to Palestine.

  9. Paul Levy photographs

    The collection consists of three photographs of Paul Levy (Pinchos Lewaszewski) and other Holocaust survivors taken at Lager Wegscheid in Linz, Austria. Two photographs depict Paul Levy, his cousin, Sidney Habel, and other members of Kibbutz Dror gathered around a memorial to victims of the Holocaust in Linz.

  10. Martin Perlmutter papers

    The Martin Perlmutter papers contain biographical materials and photographs documenting Perlmutter’s time in Italy with his wife, primarily in the Bari displaced persons camp, after World War II before their immigration to the United States. Many of the photographs depict camp demonstrations against British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin and restrictive Palestine immigration policies. Biographical materials include identification papers and travel papers documenting the displaced persons status of Martin and Dora Perlmutter and their immigration to the United States. Documents include immigr...

  11. Romana Primus photographs

    The collection consists of four photographs of Romana Strochlitz Primus as a baby, her parents, Sigmund and Ruzka (Rose) Grinburg Strochlitz, and other refugees at the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany after World War II.

  12. Mickey and Magda Quittner photograph collection

    The collection consists of seven photographs of Mickey and Magda Quittner and other refugees at a Hanukkah party, Purim play, and Hungarian Federation meeting at the Pocking displaced persons camp in Germany. The collection also includes a photograph of Magda and George Quittner with friends at the Wasseralfingen DP camp.

  13. Photograph of a group of Holocaust survivors from Radzyń Podlaski, Poland

    The photographic postcard depicts a group of ten men and one woman seated at a table with lit candles, a Yizkor sign, and a banner with Hebrew characters on the wall behind them. Caption on the verso: "Radzyń Podlaski Poland / This was taken in / Germany D.P. Kamp sic."

  14. Jack Zimmermann papers

    The papers consist of pre-war photographs of the Zimmermann family in Przemyśl, Poland and post-war photographs of Malwina Zimmermann, Jack Zimmermann, and Cesia Zimmermann at the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany and of the Zimmermann family after they immigrated to the United States in 1949. Also included is a certificate from the ORT-UNRRA trade school in Landsberg for Jack, a driver's license issued to Jack in Landsberg, and a letter sent to Jack from Mulke, in 1948.

  15. Nechama Shneorson papers

    The Nechama Shneorson papers consist of certificates and identification cards, theatrical and choral programs, and photographs documenting a Lithuanian Holocaust survivor’s life at the Landsberg displaced persons camp after the war. Certificates and identification cards include a document from the American Joint Distribution Committee certifying that Nechama Shneorson had been held at the Stutthof concentration camp, her identification card from the Former Political Prisoners Committee at Landsberg, and her Jewish Agency for Palestine certificate of registration. The clipping and programs d...

  16. Rachela Rottenberg papers

    The Rachela Rottenberg papers consist of identification papers and certificates documenting the life of a Polish woman living under a false identity in Warsaw during the war, antisemitism in Radom at the end of the war, and her stay at the displaced persons camp in Stuttgart, work for UNRRA, and immigration to the United States after the war.

  17. Bracha Scheinman photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting Jakob (Jack) Scheinman and other refugees at the displaced persons camp in Wetzlar, Germany, after World War II. Several of the photographs depict members of a Jewish scout troop at Wetzlar.

  18. New Year card

    The Rosh Hashana card depicts Dora and Israel Iwler holding their young daughter, Jeanne, between them; an image of a flower is in the upper right corner; Hebrew text reads: "L,Shana Tova Tikatevum" ("Happy New Year"); was created in Rome, Italy.

  19. Anna Lewis papers

    The papers consist of an identification card issued to Geza Ottai in Cinecittà, Italy, dated November 1948; a photograph of Anna M. Ottai, Geza’s daughter; a registration certificate issued to Geza Ottai by the International Refugee Organization Italian Mission in Rome, Italy, dated May 1949; and a Stewart Times newsletter, dated January 1, 1952.

  20. Ida and Murray Turner papers

    The Ida and Murray Turner papers consist of identification papers, certificates, and a photograph documenting Ida and Murray Turner’s experiences at the small Jewish displaced persons camps at Bad Gastein and Ebelsberg and their immigration to the United States with the help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in 1949.