Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,861 to 14,880 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the end of Session 95. Judge Halevi asks the accused whether Gerhard Boldt, a critic of Hitler, had broken his oath of loyalty by writing after Hitler's death. Eichmann states that he did not but notes that he felt that Boldt had because he criticized Hitler during the war (00:02:06). Halevi continues by asking Eichmann if one is released from their oath of loyalty after Hitler's death (00:03:10). Footage cuts 00:03:33 to 00:04:17. Halevi's question about being released from one's oath is repeated and footage continues without missing any of the session. The accused repl...

  2. White shirt made from a rayon parachute for a Czech Jewish man for his wedding in a DP camp

    White peasant style blouse worn by Ludwig Frydman. 21, when he married Lili Lax, 22, on January 27, 1946, in Celle displaced persons camp in Germany. Lili told Ludwig that she had always dreamed of getting married in a white dress, so he obtained a white rayon parachute from a former German airman for 2 pounds of coffee and cigarettes. Lili used her cigarette rations to hire a seamstress, Miriam, to sew the gown, 1999.7.21 a. Miriam used the leftover material to make a shirt for Ludwig, who was 6'5" tall. Ludwig, his parents Michal and Gizella, and 11 siblings lived in Sevlus, Czechoslovaki...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges

    Session 106. Eichmann's empty booth, he enters nearly a minute later. Various shots of Eichmann and the crowd as the court awaits the Judges. 00:06:51 The Judges enter and open the 106th Session of the trial, reminding Eichmann that he is still under oath. The Prosecution and Defense inform the Judges that they have come to an agreement to submit into evidence a handwritten document of Eichmann's. 00:11:37 Eichmann says that he gave numeric estimates to Reinhard Heydrich for the Wannsee Conference getting his information from Jewish Yearbooks, local information, and questions to specific pl...

  4. German invasion of Poland

    German invasion; Poland falls. German soldiers in trenches. Hitler with officers, planes. City being bombarded (Warsaw?). Burning buildings, smoke permeates. Firefighters, cannons, burning train.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The following footage is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2159 (from 01:01:07 to 01:05:13). The footage on Tape 2160 is more complete. Eichmann is asked if he was aware that the people on these transports died in the dozens. The accused states that his section was not responsible for the round-ups, the local authorities were responsible. Hausner notes that these people died during transport not before (00:01:48) and children were taken out of the cars dead and he, Eichmann, was responsible for the organization of these transports (00:02:17). Hausner presents a document regarding coopera...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 21, 59 and 61 -- Excerpts of five witnesses

    Sessions 21, 59 and 61. (Sessions and individual witnesses to be verified.) Attorney General Hausner asks the Judges about the upcoming afternoon session. He says that delays should be expected considering that the submission of evidence includes witness testimonies. 00:02:00 Court adjourns until the afternoon session. People leaving the courtroom. 00:02:49 Tape jumps. Document 212 is submitted by the Prosecution, concerning Eichmann's dealings with the new Hungarian government, where the Minister of the Interior acquires a one-time transfer of Jews for the Jaegar (or fighter plane) program...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 49, 51, 53, 55, 56 -- Witness testimony

    Session 49. Testimony from Dr. Ernst Abeles, who describes receiving hundreds of postcards from deportees who had been sent to the extermination camps. Abeles tells of when he first learned about the existence of the camps (00:03:36) and describes the "Europe Plan," an attempt by the Jewish community to pay a large sum of money to stop deportations all over Europe (00:05:15). Section on the "Europe Plan" is abbreviated - duplicate footage found on Tape 2059. Session 51. Testimony from Pinhas Freudiger, who gives an account of what happened to Jews who escaped from Slovakia and reached Hunga...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 70 -- Screening of films

    Session 70. Cuts between the film footage entered into the trial as evidence and of still photos entered into the trial as evidence and Eichmann watching the footage. Eichmann does not seem to change his expression throughout the screening. 00:00:27 Footage being shown in the courtroom - medical examinations of inmates, posters of Nazis. Eichmann in courtroom speaking. 00:04:32 Footage of train with cattle cars going past. Scenes in a camp, jumping into pits, being helped onto trucks (?), being shot in pits and then buried. 00:06:45 Train with cattle cars at dusk. 00:08:08 Footage of people...

  9. 101st Police Battalion photo album

    Contains a photograph album from a member of the 101st Police Battalion. Contains 128 photos; two are detached from page.

  10. Medical kit

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 42 -- Cross-examination of Grueber by defense attorney Servatius

    Defense lawyer Servatius is seated going through papers. He hands one of the papers to a man who passes by his table. Shot of the courtroom, Eichmann's booth; Eichmann is escorted in carrying documents. One of his guards delivers a note to Servatius. The camera focuses alternately on Eichmann and Servatius for several minutes. All rise as the judges enter court. Judge Landau announces the opening of Session 42 (00:05:41). Continuation of interrogation of Dr. Heinrich Grüber, Protestant Dean of Berlin by defense attorney Robert Servatius. Grüber describes his association with the Confessiona...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- End of Eichmann's testimony and affidavits from abroad

    Session 107. Tape begins midsentence with Eichmann explaining the circumstances of his being awarded a medal. (Duplicate material on Tape 2195.) The Attorney General Haunser asks a last question about a segment of the Sassen memoirs that was previously read. He asks Eichmann to read the sentences following what he previously read concerning Eichmann's zeal to complete his orders dealing with the Jewish people being a "guest nation" inside the German "host nation". Dr. Servatius ends his questioning. 00:11:26 Court adjourns for a 20 minute break. Various shots of the crowd milling about. 00:...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner gives examples of instances showing that Eichmann was in control of the fates of the Jews at Auschwitz (Duplicate footage from Tape 2220). This includes his visits to Auschwitz, discussing how they would be unnecessary if he was only in charge of getting trains there. He says that the requests to Auschwitz for skeletons for medicinal and educational use went to Eichmann. Everything points to Eichmann as the leader, not a follower, and that his office was in fact directly related to Auschwitz. 00:14:09 Tape cuts out. Judges enter the courtroom. They read the schedule for...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Greece

    The video begins in the middle of Session 83. Eichmann, having previously stated that he had nothing to do with postal matters, discusses a document in which mail censorship is mentioned. Eichmann explains that censorship of the mail was very important in Holland, given the country's proximity to England. Servatius presents a set of documents about diamond dealers and other tradesmen and the plan to deport these people to Auschwitz. Eichmann testifies to the role of SS Gruppenführer Gluecks and why he himself was sent to Holland for the meeting about the fate of these individuals (00:07:34)...

  15. Westerbork Deportation

    WS, train entering station. Rows of people with armbands "FK" [Fliegende Kolonne]. One of the women with the "FK" is Lenie Nijstad Cohen. Well-dressed Jews with Star of David on their coats on the platform, some getting bundles off the train. Soldiers checking documents. Guards with dogs. Another train (goods wagons) pulls into the station from which men wearing clogs get out, caps on their shaven heads. These are Jewish prisoners from Vught concentration camp being sent to Westerbork on punishment. LS, prisoners on platform. INTs, men with shaved heads (light on left), sharing bread. Men b...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins at an early point in Session 97. Hausner continues cross examination by asking Eichmann about his rank and command as an Obersturmbannfueher. The accused is also questioned about his meetings with Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) within the Reich Main Security Office including how many times a week they met (00:03:15), how long the meetings ,were (00:04:34), and what was discussed (00:04:53). The beginning footage to this point is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2153 (from 00:45:50 to 00:50:57). The footage on Tape 2153 is more complete. Footage cuts (00:06:...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 39 and 40 -- Whether Musmanno can testify; other leaders implicate Eichmann

    Sessions 39 and 40. Attorney General Hausner, citing that a certain witness could not make it for that day, breaks the current narrative to call Justice Michael Musmanno, a judge at the Nuremberg trials who was responsible for interrogating Nazi leaders, as a witness. Dr. Servatius objects and argues that he has already made judgments and would only present hearsay evidence to the case. 00:08:51 Tape jumps. Hausner is arguing that the cases of Musmanno do not affect this case. He says that since none of Eichmann's superiors are around, nor anybody directly related to this case, he must obta...

  18. Lusia Berkowicz-Hammer photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Henoch Berkowicz, Abram’s father, taken in the Łódź ghetto, in Poland, circa 1940, and a photograph of Fajga, Abram’s sister, taken in Łódź, Poland,circa 1939.

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 50 and 51 -- Lidice; Witness B. Steiner; Hungary documents

    Footage begins early in the proceedings of Session 50 with State Attorney Gavriel Bach requesting the court to allow him to submit evidence of the murder of the children of Lidice. The inhabitants of Lidice were murdered in 1942 in retaliation for the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich. Footage resumes with testimony from witness Bedrich Steiner who gives approxmate statistics of the number of Jews deported from Slovakia in 1942, how many of them were children, the numbers that went to various camps, and the number killed by the Einstazgruppen. There are various shots of the judges and the t...