Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,821 to 14,840 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The Judges say they are ready to hear the summing up by the Defense. Dr. Servatius says that the accusations of the Attorney General Hausner, if true, would be worthy of a monument to Jew-haters, saying that Eichmann was some superman able to commit all of these atrocities. Instead, he says, it was the top brass that decided that Eichmann would be the scapegoat for their actions (duplicate footage from Tape 2232). 00:04:18 Tape jumps, and the Judges enter the courtroom and tell Dr. Servatius to continue his summing up. Servatius comes to the main count of the case, the charge o...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Near-empty courtroom. Eichmann and Dr. Servatius attempt to talk over the private microphone line. Eichmann motions that it's not necessary. 00:05:43 Judges enter. They open Session 113. The Attorney General Hausner submits translated copies of his summing up. 00:08:54 Hausner says that he will say a few words regarding the proof as presented in the testimonies of the witnesses as well as various documents already discussed. Questions of the honesty of the witnesses, as well as the possibility of corroboration, are raised by the Judges. Hausner answers these in turn. 00:19:44 H...

  3. Sutin family footage

    Family footage showing Rochelle and Cecilia Sutin in the Neu Freimann DP camp. Walking in park, Cecilia in baby carriage. CUs, Cecilia taking a bath, eating. 01:03:19 Julius Sutin (Jack Sutin's father) with Cecilia in carriage. 01:04:41 An older Cecilia with two other children posing for the camera and playing in the street. DPs opening a box, shopping at a street market in the camp, purchasing goods, conversing. Sign, "Uhrmacher". Man holding two bottles of wine. DPs gathering for a celebration? DP holding up a bunch of grapes. Cars, bicycles, sausage. 01:08:53 (poor quality) INT, Rochelle...

  4. Henryk Horowitz collection

    The collection contains identity cards, postcards, a student book, and other documents relating to Henryk Horowitz and his experiences before, during, and after World War II. Also included are 44 photographs of Henryk's family in Poland and the Soviet Union.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 89 -- Decision of the court to cancel session

    Session 89. Empty chairs of the Defense and Prosecution. People milling about the courtroom. 00:19:51 The Judges still haven't entered, and everyone is seated. Attorney General Hausner and Dr. Servatius are pulled and walk out of the courtroom. 00:31:06 Judges enter. They open the 89th session of the trial. The President of Court says that the Defense requests this session be cancelled because the medical condition of Eichmann prevents him from being cross examined in both the morning and afternoon. They cancel the morning session, and adjourn. Shots of people leaving.

  6. Medical kit

  7. Roma Nitkowska papers

    The collection consists of a false birth certificate purchased by Michal Holzer for his daughter, Roma Drzewiecka Nitkowska as well as three copy photographs.

  8. Anne Löb Marx papers

    The Anne Löb Marx papers contains a blank color postcard of the MS St. Louis and a black and white photograph of passengers boarding the MS St. Louis in Hamburg, Germany, May 1939. Pictured in the photograph are Anne Löb Marx’s grandfathers, Solomon Lehmann and Isidor Löb. Both men disembarked the MS St. Louis in Belgium and perished at Auschwitz concentration camp.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 12 and 13 -- Testimonies of A. Less and S. Baron

    Sessions 12 and 13. The courtroom is out of session. Eichmann enters the glass booth and exchanges papers with his attorneys. The tape skips at 00:01:43 from a shot of Eichmann to a shot of the audience during the trial. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau asks witness Avner Pakad Less (Israeli police Captain who conducted the pretrial interrogation of Eichmann in 1960) to present his evidence to the court. Court officials organize documents with serial number 1491. There is a blip at 00:04:01 and the story moves to Attorney General Gideon Hausner asking Less about the questions he asked Eichmann ...

  10. Medical kit

  11. Medical kit

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Footage of an empty courtroom. It is before session 8; the camera focuses on the audience members as they take their seats. Attorney General Gideon Hausner sits at his desk readying himself for the next session. The Judges enter the courtroom and open the trial. Hausner continues his opening statement with Section 7 - "The Extermination in Northern, Western, and Southern Europe." He details the anti-Jewish campaign in Western Europe, instigated by Eichmann's department: "...anti-Jewish legislation, depriving the Jews of human and civil rights; identification of Jews by ...

  13. Medical kit

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    Session 76 (approximately midway): Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about whether it was possible for him to act against the instructions of higher SS leaders in Hungary, to which Eichmann responds that it would not have been possible. Servatius questions Eichmann about a statment made by Huppenkothen at Nuremberg. Eichmann denies that he had a special position, as Huppenkothen had asserted. He says that documents he has seen since the beginning of the trial convince him that there were special duties assigned directly to Günther (Eichmann's deputy) by Müller (Eichma...

  15. Das Ziel

    Magazine; “Das Ziel”; cover image of bride seated at table; article about Jewish DP wedding on pages 14-16; dated June 1948; in German

  16. Rabbi Nathan Landman collection

    Consist of a copy of Nazi illustrated magazine "Signal," published by Deutscher Verlag, Berlin.

  17. Pnina Blum photograph collection

    Consists of a photographic print; monochromatic black and white image of Jewish man being forced to cut the beard of another Jewish man to publicly humiliate them; men with beards, all wearing long coats, standing on left and center, man on far left getting his beard cut, two German soldiers, one wearing armband reading "Deutsche/...ehrmacht" standing on right; verso: brown ink stamp in center "FOTO ZEISE/C817/REICHENBACH." Also includes a photographic print; monochromatic black and white image of close up of corpses, some wearing striped prisoner uniforms, others unclothed, "JUGO..UTO" at ...

  18. Lonnie E. Linderman photographs

    Consists of fourteen photographs taken or received by Lonnie E. Linderman in either Buchenwald or Dachau concentration camp immediately following liberation.