Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,801 to 14,820 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner is interrupted by the President of Court asking about the Lidice Children. Hausner begins describing the deportation of these children. He retells the testimony of Krumey, who was remorseful about his role. He continues to refute the statements of Eichmann saying that he had no role in this, that there were multiple meanings of special treatment, and that he knew nothing . 00:10:00 The exact wording of the law concerning membership in illegal groups is read, condemning Eichmann. Precedents are discussed. Hausner emphasizes that the law makes no distinct...

  2. Majdanek at liberation; 1944 War Crimes Trial

    Majdanek camp after liberation, crematoriums. Polish Red Army with prisoners. The 1944 trial of six Nazi war criminals in charge of Majdanek camp outside Lublin. The trial takes place in Lublin. Charges are read in Polish, with views of defendants as they are named. Defendants speak in German (Polish subtitles). Concentration camp inmates (witnesses) sworn in. Man gives testimony, Jewish woman gives testimony. CUs of accused. Lawyer for the prosecution delivers his remarks. Sentencing to death. Public execution (by hanging) of five Nazis. Men swinging from the gallows' ropes, with a crowd o...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 41 and 42 -- Testimony of H. Grueber and C. Salzberger

    Sessions 41 and 42. Two male translators sitting in a booth. Near the beginning of Dr. Heinrich Grüber's testimony, Assistant State Attorney Bar-Or asks if Grüber knows the accused, when he first saw him, and about the discussion he had with Eichmann in their first meeting, which concerned Jewish immigration. Grüber describes Eichmann as a block of ice or marble and says that he never received from him a favorable reply to his entreaties on behalf of the Jewish community (00:08:14). Grüber states that he had tried to find an explanation for Eichmann's virulent anti-Semitism. Bar-Or question...

  4. Medical kit

  5. Heute eine neue illustrierte Zeitschrift

    The papers consist of photographs and a magazine relating to the Ruth Rintel's family in the time period of the Holocaust. The magazine, "Heute," - July 15, 1946, has a black and white photograph of Ruth Rintel as a child on the cover with the caption "Judisches Kind in Landsberg."

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 94 during cross-examination of Adolf Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Hausner questions the accused about how he reacted when he saw the corpses of Germans killed by Allied bombing beginning in 1943. Eichmann recounts the first time he saw dead bodies of Jews (00:01:37). The accused, when questioned about his claim that he asked to be relieved of his duties, states that he had asked Heinrich Mueller for his release (00:04:56). Mueller was head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) and deputy commander of the ...

  7. Leaflet

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 52 -- Testimony of Pinhas Freudiger

    The footage begins in the middle of the proceedings with witness testimony from Pinhas Freudiger. Freudiger gives an account of his escape to Romania and from there to Palestine. Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius poses questions to Freudiger about the ban on railway travel for Jews. He is asked who issued the orders to set up the Kistarcsa camp, as well as about arrests and the severity of anti-Jewish legislation in Hungary and Germany (00:04:14). Freudiger is further cross-examined by Servatius about a report he wrote with Alexander Diamant and Yohanan Link describing Hungarian anti-Je...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    A slate indicates the date and the session time. The opening shots show the courtroom before the trial starts, focusing on people in the courtroom. Attorney General Gideon Hausner with his assistants at the prosecution table appear in the opening shot. The defense lawyer, Robert Servatius, enters the courtroom and sits at the desk closest to Eichmann's booth. Adolf Eichmann, carrying a stack of documents, is escorted by two security officers into the bulletproof booth. The people in the courtroom rise as the judges enter (00:05:29) and announce the opening of the 103rd session. Cross-examin...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 32, 38 and 39 -- Transport of French children; how other leaders saw Eichmann

    Session 32. George Wellers is testifying for the Prosecution. He is discussing the transport of 1000 French children, in four transports from Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers transit camps (from these transit camps Jews were then transported to the killing centers in occupied Poland). The children were accompanied by 200 adults. They arrived at the camp by bus. Wellers discussing the transport beginning at 5am. He describes the children, scared and often crying, as they were forced onto railcars and sent to Auschwitz. He says he never saw these children at Auschwitz. 00:04:04 Session 38. Mo...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 99 with the continuation of cross examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Eichmann is questioned about the Economic-Administrative Main Office's recognition of two categories of Jews 1) transport Jews who arrived based on instructions from Eichmann's section and 2) custody Jews, who arrived on instruction from Department IVC2 (00:00:34). Hausner goes on to question the accused about instances in which Jews who couldn't be included in transports were ensured, by Eichmann, to be sent to Auschwitz as inmates in "protective custody" (00:01:30). Th...

  12. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen

    Piece of scrip from Theresienstadt Ghetto, Terezin, Czechoslovakia; in German

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Eichmann, under direct examination, answers the question posed by Servatius about whether he talked to Theo Grell of the Foreign Office about the number of Jews being exterminated. Servatius asks Eichmann to comment on Grell's recollection that Eichmann said he had six million deaths on his conscience. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2117 (at 00:59:17) and Tape 2119 at (00:00:37). The footage resumes later in the session with cross-examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Judge Landau warns Eichmann that he must answer Haus...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 82 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Bohemia and Moravia and France

    The footage begins near the opening of Session 82 with Servatius questioning Eichmann on the stand. Servatius presents communications between Himmler and Kaltenbrunner about the deporation of 5,000 elderly Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. There is some confusion regarding the date of the document. Servatius presents another document, which describes a change in the Jewish leadership of Theresienstadt from one person, a Dr. Edelstein, to a triumvirate consisting of Eppstein, Löwenherz and Edelstein. Servatius asks Eichmann if this was a demotion for Edelstein. Some of the proceedings a...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 85 -- Written testimonies from Germany presented to the court re: Communists, questions, self-reliance

    Session 85. This tape includes the presentation of the records of testimonies of the following witnesses, but their names are not mentioned on the tape: Wilhelm Hoettl, Walter Huppenkothen, Eberhard von Thadden, Hans Jüttner, Theodore Horst Grell, and Kurt Becher. All of these individuals were witnesses for the Prosecution. An affidavit is being read, saying that Hitler included Communist leaders along with Jews in the laws, and this was the basis for the first executions of the Jews. The affidavit says that Generals refused to follow the order to execute Russian commissars and treated them...

  16. Medical kit

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 85 -- Written testimonies from Germany presented to the court re: following orders, cruelty, numbers killed, and Himmler

    Session 85. This tape includes the presentation of the records of testimonies of the following witnesses, but their names are not mentioned on the tape: Wilhelm Hoettl, Walter Huppenkothen, Eberhard von Thadden, Hans Jüttner, Theodore Horst Grell, and Kurt Becher. All of these individuals were witnesses for the Prosecution. Dr. Servatius reads a conversation of a meeting with Eichmann, where he seemed strained, offered him alcohol, and sat down to talk to him saying that he believed that the German war effort was doomed, and that the Allies believed him to be one of the chief war criminals....

  18. Medical kit

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Hausner sums up

    Session 112. Hausner talks about group responsibility in crimes. Eichmann as a man who didn't take orders. Discusses whose responsibility it was for the extermination of the Jews, and the legality of murder and persecution as a result of law changes. 00:06:59 Asks why did they camouflage what was happening if it was legal. 00:08:49 Jumps to Hausner speaking about everyone's guilt within the "nerve center of the Gestapo" on condition that they knew what was happening and remained in Gestapo center after realizing what the purpose was. Eichmann, admitted himself that he knew of the order of t...

  20. Henry Greenbaum papers

    The collection contains photographs and identification papers documenting Henry Greenbaum’s Holocaust-era experiences as a refugee in several displaced persons camps. Documents include identification papers from the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp, a Jewish Committee membership card from Neunberg vorm Wald, a document stating that he was an inmate of the Flossenbürg concentration camp, and a driver’s license. Photographs consist of fourteen photographs from the Zeilsheim DP camp, including portraits of Henry's friends.