Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,741 to 14,760 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. DP Camp Neu Freimann

    Scenes at DP camp Neu-Freimann near Munich, Germany. Sign: "IRO Area Team 1055 / Neu-Freimann / Siedlung" Pan of DP camp, displaced persons walking around, conversing. Shots of Jack Sutin. Women pushing baby carriages.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 80 -- Examination of the Accused re: relocation, deportation, Lebensborn, Palestine, Bulgaria

    Session 80. Dr. Servatius reads a document about 1,000 Poles taken on each transport, and a request to get moving so that the Aktion can begin in November. Servatius then asks Eichmann when he was involved with this in Berlin. He says that these were in the Government General area, and Birkenau was requesting transports, so his office got together to figure out how to fill the order. He says that teenage Poles were to replace the Jews of similar ages working in war industries. He says that he was involved with this indirectly. He says that Mueller's orders demanded setting up children's cam...

  3. Rosh Hashana card

    Contains a Rosh Hashana card from Jewish DPs living in Rome. Image of woman and man, Mark and Libby Stern (donors), standing together on right; on left Rosh Hashana greeting: central image of two hands shaking, banner above and below hands reads "L'Shana Tovah!/Tikatevu" [Happy New Year], in upper left corner image of dove and "5707", in lower right corner star of David and "1946-47."

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 55 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert


  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Hungary

    This tape begins in the middle of the proceedings of Session 104. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Eichmann about comments Eichmann made to Wilhelm Sassen regarding his inability to keep up with the pace of deportations in Hungary. Hausner cites quotes in which Eichmann compared the deportation in Hungary with the ease of those in Denmark and Holland, referring to the Jews of Hungary as being offered to them like "sour beer." This section duplicates footage found on Tape 2181. The footage is edited at 00:03:30, skipping a lengthy section in which Eichmann is cross-examined about hi...

  6. Book ...indogermanischer Sprache

    Book on racial science in Europe.

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Begins midsentence as Hausner sums up his points of evidence, saying that Eichmann could not have done any of this without the Nazis, they created the situations from which the Jews fled. 00:02:06 Tape jumps, and Hausner is now finished, and gives copies of his summations to the Judges and the Defense. Hausner justifies the hearsay evidence mentioned in the previous session through the duty of an officer to accurately note the goings on and actions around him, and that the burden of proof is on the Prosecution to show that any testimony is a lie. He talks about the logistics of...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines the Accused

    Session 105. Tape begins with Eichmann midsentence, reading a quotation. This is a duplication of a segment of Tape 2187. It is a description of what Eichmann told his subordinates as Berlin was under siege. He said he was glad it was the end, and expected to die gloriously in this final battle. 00:02:39 After the tape is interrupted by a slate, the translation of Eichmann continues. He describes how many millions died in the war, including, he estimates, 5 million Jews. He says that the text following his statement is forged. 00:09:17 Court adjourns, shots of crowd, Dr. Servatius, and others.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 69 -- Testimony of A. Beilin and Y. Bakon

    Session 69. Court room. 00:00:59 Witness Dr. Aharon Beilin is asked about whether he saw Jewish boys who had had experiments carried out upon them. He describes seeing 40 Greek Jews who had burns on their genitals from x-rays - tests performed by Dr. Schumann. 00:02:10 Describes giving them treatment - ointments. Mengele would come and look at the wounds, one day he took them away - disappeared. Also describes a case of castration. 00:03:35 Describes Schillinger as committing the worst atrocities in Birkenau. Schillinger was murdered by a woman in transport [Note: accounts of his death vary...

  10. Book

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Examination of the Accused as witness, completed

    The footage begins in the middle of session 88. Dr. Servatius asks Adolf Eichmann whether he knew the people he was responsible for deporting were being killed in the concentration camps. Eichmann replies that he had to carry out his orders and admits that he knew that some of the people were being killed in the camps. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2119 (at 00:06:44). Servatius asks the accused about his feelings of guilt. Eichmann gives a long reply in which he attempts to differentiate between his legal guilt and his ethical guilt (00:02:17). He says that he bears no politi...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 90 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about forced emigration

    The footage begins near the opening of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner asks Adolf Eichmann if, when he joined the Nazi Party, he knew of the slogans "Awake, Germany Judea, Perish" and "When Jewish blood spurts from the knife." Eichmann states that he did not know these "songs" and that he joined the party not because of its program against the Jews but because of its stand against the Treaty of Versailles. This duplicates footage found on Tape 2129 (at 00:06:20). Hausner then asks Eichmann whether he knew that Hitler's aim was to destroy the Jews (00:03:56). Hausner questions E...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Answer to indictment reading of 15 counts

    Session 1. The end of Film ID 2001 is repeated here with Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius requesting permission to voice two objections to the court before his client enters a plea. Judge Moshe Landau agrees, and Servatius asks for a change of venue and/or a case dismissal on the basis that the panel of Judges lack sufficient objectivity. Secondly, the defense suggests that the court is incompetent because it ignored international law by allowing and justifying the seizure of Adolf Eichmann. Furthermore, Servatius accuses the court of proceeding with trial despite Israel's lack of poli...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7, 8 and 9 -- Hausner's opening statement and the first witnesses, R. Bar-Shalom and A. Less

    Sessions 6, 7, 8 and 9. The bulk of this tape is a compilation of points within the prosecution's speech. Attorney General Gideon Hausner's opening statement as he discusses concentration camps, specifically Majdanek: " one day, 18,000 Jews were shot." There is a blip at 00:06:54 and the story skips from examination of Majdanek to Auschwitz: "...this camp was established with the sure knowledge that it was to be a slaughter house." Hausner continues to describe conditions and methods of punishment at Auschwitz. There is another blip at 00:17:14, where the prosecution begins Section X: ...

  15. Schema of inmates, soccer, train at Camp Westerbork

    Schema with camps and numbers of inmates. (**This most likely refers to where Jews were deported to from Westerbork. The numbers closely correspond to those in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, p. 1646): EINGANG 103.376; BERGEN BELS 3029; THERESIENSTADT 2470; NACH DEM OSTEN 91.545; INTERNIERURG 350; LAGER VUGHT 897. 03:02:30 Horse-pulled plowing tool, farm animals, preparing soil for seeding. 03:03:12 Slate: ...ALSO JETZT KOMMT...AH...SCHAUN SIE SICH'S MAL AN! Man and woman carrying large wooden board, unfinished barrack in BG. 03:03:35 Soccer match. [VQ deteriorates: jumpy, unstable "doub...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 57 and 58 -- Psychologist Gilbert re. Nuremberg. Report of Moshe Sharett; witness H. Brand

    Session 57. Starts with Attorney General [Video translation is inaccurate refers to exhibit T/1777 when means T/1177, June not July]. Submission of documents from Central Zionist Archives and Weizmann Archives. Attorney General describes letter from Hall, of the British Foreign Office, to Dr Weizmann, stating proposal for swapping Jews for trucks and goods (referring to Joel Brand's testimony in Tape 2069, Session 56). 00:03:25 Video translation and transcripts continue to vary. Communications between Britain and Jewish Agency continue. 00:08:30 Report by Mr. Shertok (Moshe Sharett) from Lo...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 46, 53, 62, 64, 68, and 71 -- Testimonies regarding badges, postcards, furnaces, ditches, suicides, selections

    Session 46. May 19, 1961. Alexander Arnon talks about wearing the Star of David badge. He is interrupted by the Prosecution, and asked about the forced payment of 100,000,000 Denars, with 60 Denars equal to an American Dollar at the time. Following that, legislation that required wearing the Jewish Star was put into effect. The court decides that photographing the badge he holds up will suffice for evidence. He was given the task of supplying the Jews of Zagreb with the badges, as ordered by the Gestapo officer Mueller. 00:10:46 Session 53. May 25, 1961. Margit Reich testifies. A translator...

  18. Siege of Warsaw, reel 2

    Fires at night. Blazing apartments. CU flames, through windows. Burning area. Dead horse dragged. Several dead horses. Severely damaged apartment block. Dead woman on grass near bricks - CUs. Hospital and wounded. Nurses attending to the injured in beds, cleaning wounds. Maternity ward, doctor, newborns. Julien Bryan talking to female doctor. Caring for a wounded man (Jewish), patients' heads being shaved. Priest speaking with a Jewish man. VS, men in hospital beds. Potato fields on outskirts of Warsaw: after German strafing. Women pass bodies in the potato field - wooden huts visible in BG...

  19. Broadside

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 55 and 56 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert, J. Brand

    Session 55. Repeats Tape 2067 with Professor Gustave M. Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Long Island University, USA. He served as the chief psychologist at the jail in Nuremberg where many SS officers were interned and in that capacity spoke to many of the prisoners while they were awaiting trial. He also published his diary which describes his experiences. Testimony stops and starts, jumps from scene to scene. 00:06:06 Höss' statement about transportation, extermination, and figures. 00:08:59 Cuts out. Talks about what else Höss said to Gilbert about Eichmann, referred to him as "chief...