Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,541 to 14,560 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- De Gaulle in Paris

    1251 TTT: Snipers Panic De Gaulle Reception in Paris, September 11, 1944. Mob cheering. Moving shots of vehicles. German snipers open fire, fire returned by GIs. Crowd panics. People race for shelter. 1251 UUU: 01:15:07 De Gaulle Receives Paris Ovation, August 26, 1944. De Gaulle and his aids approach the Eternal Light. Traveling shots of vast crowds cheering, applauding. Crowd outside Champs Elysee, outside Notre Dame. Sniper fire. Police carrying one of the snipers.

  2. Yugoslavia during liberation: sports; wounded soldiers; parade; Tito

    Reel 1: Partisan sport event in Belgrade stadium. Soccer game at Belgrade Stadium. Crowds in stands. Army guards in FG. Girls' 100 meter race. Injured girl assisted off track. Man congratulates winners. Crowd cheering.Young Yugoslavian soldiers with machine guns in crowd. Young boys selling soft drinks. Girls finishing race. Winner and runner up. Crowds in stands watch boys' 100 meter race. Attendant at grill selling food. Spectators eating. Beginning and finish of race. Crowd singing at half-time. Soccer game in progress. Refugee children marching to river boat for transport to test camp. ...

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- street scenes, urban life

    Life in Czechoslovakia, street scenes, urban life. General views of Prague. Vltava River, bridges and towers of Prague. Suburbs, men and women working in the arena of the new Sokol Stadium. VS of modern buildings, Gothic Powder Tower with Community Hall, Old Town wall. Huss statue with Tyn Church in background. Old arcades on the Rathaus Platz. Charles Bridge, statues, people crossing the bridges.

  4. JDC: Relief efforts for Jewish DPs

    Notes from NCJF documentation: "This is the story of 2,500,000 Jews in Europe and Moslem lands on the road to survival." "Against the background of authentic footage showing rescue missions from Europe, Cyprus, Aden, the film shows the importance of aid to the new immigrants. The dramatic effect of the poor living conditions in contrast with the hopefulness of their new life in Israel serves as a powerful message to the audience." Trains with Jewish DPs leaving Germany for Israel (reference to trains leading to concentration camps). People saying goodbye (but many are still left behind afte...

  5. Sephardic Jews

    Documents on the Sepahardim collected by Ernesto Gimenez Caballero. The following notes come from intertitles from the film, restored by NCJF in 1994: The Jews lived in Spain, more or less tolerated, from the time before Christ until March 31, 1492, the date of the national consolidation of Spain. And in this land of "Galud" (Exile), they produced a rich culture for centuries. For this reason Spain, apart from Zion, is the Sephardi's most sentimental homeland. The ancestral home of their most respected ancestors whose descendants are the aristocratic Sephardim--The Jews of the Spanish Homel...

  6. Corpses carried in wagons, piled in shed, buried in pit

    Men load bodies onto wagon, pushing wagon down street by wall; little boy helps. More shots of corpses, loading on wagons. Wagon brought to central, primitive morgue, bodies unloaded. CU of piles of bodies. Line of hand carts with corpses brought to burial ground, bodies put into pit, as religious men look on. Putting layer of paper and dirt on bodies.

  7. Book

  8. Book

  9. Book

  10. Oral history interview with Donald N. Brandin

  11. Oral history interview with Sidonia Bein Weinberger

  12. Oral history interview with Gina Haurowitz

  13. Yugoslavia during liberation: parade with troops and peasants

    Parade scenes. Troops marching through Terazyje Square (main square in Belgrade). Boys watching from trees. Children waving and cheering. Girls throwing flowers. Yugoslavian Partisan Army cavalry riding past. Reviewing stand in BG, officers saluting. Russian heavy tanks in parade. Pan across spectators waving scarves. Girls riding in truck. Peasants in native dress demonstrate, carrying banners and flags, marching. Boy playing accordian, band playing. Peasants dancing and singing. Demonstrators at Pozorizini Square. Statue of Prince Michael. National Theater in BG

  14. Oral history interview with Sam Orshan

  15. Oral history interview with Marion Wolff

  16. Pin

  17. Repatriation of POWs: airplane; supplies; camp; classroom; sports; roll call; mess hall

    Repatriation of Russian POWs in Bari and Florence, Italy. Reel 1: Airplane at Bari airport, Russians departing, lining up in double columns and marching. Inspecting airplane. Russian POWs boarding truck to repatriation camp, receiving mess kits. Men entering and leaving Russian orderly room. MCU, sign: "Orderly Room" in English and Russian. Russians entering and leaving recreation hall, star over entrance. Men entering and leaving shower room. Men cleaning up yards and sweeping living quarters. Back view of Russians sitting in group, officer delivering latest war news from European map. Men...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- John Dulles; New York City

    John Foster Dulles (US delegate to UN,1945-1949 and Secretary of State under Eisenhower) dictating statement to secretary. Wall Street sign. View of Wall Street. View of 5th Avenue, NYC.

  19. Central Jewish Committee in Poland, Department of Education Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Oświaty (Sygn. 303/IX/649)

    Sygnatura 101/IX, File 649 consists of 7619 index cards of the Jewish children registered by the Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce (CKŻP), Wydział Oświaty (Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Department of Education) after World War II.

  20. Der Aelteste der Juden vom Litzmannstadt-Getto The elders of the Jews in the Łódź ghetto Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydow w Getcie Łódzkim

    Contains various documents of the record group Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydow w Getcie Łódzkim, 1939-1944. Consists predominantly of the records of Chaim Mordechai Rumkowski, the Eldest of the Jews in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, and of his administration. Included are letters, announcements, circulars, charts, publications, reports, essays, name lists, and photographs.