Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,521 to 14,540 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Prefecture of Police adult index file Fichier "Individuel" (Adultes) de la Préfecture de la Police de la Seine

    This collection contains catalog cards for adults arrested in the Prefecture of Police in the Seine region. These records form part of the records of the Seine Police Prefecture and the Drancy, Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande camps, also known as the “Jewish files.” These files overlap with the Family files (Fond F/9, file 5605-6531) comprising RG-43.014M.

  2. Harry Langsam papers

    The Harry Langsam papers include a letter written by Harry Langsam to his gentile neighbor, Mr. Glazar, inquiring about his family and the rest of the Jewish population as well as a translation of the letter, in English. Also included are two photographs of Jewish policemen in the Ziegenhain displaced persons camp and a photograph of a group of men learning the bricklaying trade as part of vocational training provided by the ORT.

  3. Henry Alter papers

    The Henry Alter papers primarily document his family’s pre-war history; his immigration to the United States in 1939; and his service in the military, including training at Camp Ritchie and working as a Film Theater and Control Officer for the Information Services Branch, 1943-1946. Biographical material includes birth certificates, education materials, and immigration paperwork. Military service records include paperwork and memorandums related to his training at Camp Ritchie and his service overseas, including correspondence with Martin F. Hertz and memorandums from the theater and music ...

  4. Porus and Palevsky family photographs

    Contains eight black and white photographs of members of the Porus and Palevsky families who were murdered during the Holocaust.

  5. Norbert Bikales photographs

    The Nobert Bikales photographs depict Bikales and other children rescued and hidden in France and sheltered in Switzerland during the Holocaust at children's homes including at Chabannes, Fursac, and the Hôme de la Forêt in Geneva, Some of the children are identified on the backs of some of the photographs. The collection also includes a postcard depicting the Chateau de Quincy-sous-Sénart.

  6. Andrew F. McCarthy photographs

    Contains approximately 240 United States Signal Corps photographs that include images depicting the Dachau concentration camp, Normandy, the liberation of Paris, and bunkers in Berlin, Germany.

  7. Jules Benjamin Grad papers

    Contains 14 black-and-white photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, a memoir, and biographical information about Jules Benjamin Grad's experiences as a Sergeant pool correspondent for General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

  8. Jacob Birnbaum papers

    The Jacob Birnbaum papers consist of an identification card documenting Jacob Birnbaum’s status as a concentration camp survivor and letters Jacob wrote to Rose (Róża) Strzegowska (later Rose Rothschild), an inmate at the women’s camp, while both were imprisoned at Langenbielau concentration camp, a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen, during the Holocaust. Birnbaum had been exchanging letters with Rose’s twin sister, Eve (Ewa), until Eve became too sick to write. Jacob’s letters describe the terrible living and working conditions at Langenbielau, insufficient food and his efforts to obtain more food, ...

  9. Eline Hoekstra-Dresden collection

    Contains documents issued to Eline Dresden and her father, Professor Daniel Dresden, while interned at Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands.

  10. Simone LePort testimony

    Contains a typewritten oral history of Madame Simone LePort concerning her experiences in the French resistance during World War II.

  11. Marie Gardova collection

    Contains four black-and-white photographs of Marie Gardova, a former head nurse in the Terezin hospital.

  12. Michael Grauman collection

    Contains documents and photographs relating to the Graumann family's pre-war life in Germany and their immigration to the United States. The collection includes passports, identification cards, birth and marriage certificates, certificates of good conduct, Buchenwald release documentation for Erwin Graumann (dated November 16, 1938), and other documents compiled to support the family's emigration efforts.

  13. Yoram (Joram) Bar papers

    Contains one memoir written by Jacques Bar entitled, "Many Like Me," describing the Russian campaign 1941 along with handwritten notes, and the Polish military archives response to Yoram Bar's query regarding antisemitism in the Polish army.

  14. UJA/JDC appeal for relief for Jewish DPs

    Notes taken from NCJF documentation: Against a background of authentic newsreel footage showing the condition of the remaining survivors, the audience is urged to give to the campaign. The funds will allow these people to immigrate, either to Palestine, or the United States, where they can resettle. The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) endorses United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) executives' appeal to bring DPs from Europe to Palestine or to the USA. Remnants of Warsaw Ghetto ruins, DP survivors, people in rags, walking aimlessly. Concentration ca...

  15. Book

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- German POWs; concentration camp liberation

    1251 J: (mute) Arrested Nazi officers entering car with sign "Securite Militaire." Large group of German POWs. 1251 M: 01:29:16 (sound in French) Liberation of a concentration camp in Germany. People behind barbed wire. Very sick people lying in bunks; emaciated, starved. Bodies lowered into graves. Tattoo on the arm of one inmate.

  17. Ghetto conditions; soup kitchen; eating in street

    Various ghetto scenes: people, including children, eating in muddy and garbage-infested building courtyard. People line up for food at soup kitchen. Woman washes clothes in small tub. Woman sells food from stall heated by charcoal. Child takes food from wired street vendor box.

  18. Thomas Allen papers

    Contains seven documents: two pieces of stationery, one ration card, one magazine clipping, one copy of "Yank" magazine, one copy of "Warweek" newspaper, and one partial 1 scrapbook.

  19. Larry Rebacz collection

    Contains nineteen original letters and postcards written by the Atterman family in Nazi-occupied Poland to their children in the United States, dated 1939-1941.

  20. DPs; German prisoners; VE Day in Paris; German civilians

    VE Day in Wiesbaden, Germany (April 19, 1945). MCUs, long line of Russian displaced persons, marching and carrying Stalin's picture and red flags (with inscription in Russian). Speeches in courtyard (slates indicated date of February 24, 1945), women marching. Bomb damage, town streets, ruins, civilians & military, US military jeeps passing by. Fast aerial shot of road crowded with German prisoners and surrendering Germans, trucks. Railroad damage. 01:06:37 VE Day in Paris. Waving US, British and French flags. MCUs, huge crowd greeting de Gaulle, marching. Aerial shots, strafing in fore...