Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,261 to 14,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Simon Slivka photograph collection

    The Simon Slivka photograph collection consists of eight photographs of the Śliwka family in Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland before and during the war.

  2. Alexandrul Ausch collection

    Photographic postcard with black and white image of group of men wearing armbands, black ink "X" over head of Alexandrul Ausch [donor] standing in last row with inscription on verso: dated January 26, 1943; Targu Mures, Romania; pictured Detachment Camp IV Jewish forced labor brigade. Booklet titled "Cimtara"; printed in brown ink with lists of names and addresses?; dated 1943.

  3. Gitlya Starikova photograph

    Black and white photograph of a man and a woman with an inscription (handwritten) in black ink on verso: "Mr. Iosif Starikov and/Mrs. Gitlya Starikova/1948"; verso: purple sticker with black ink numbers "05370" adhered on left. Created by unknown photographer, 1948.

  4. Martin and Monica Spier collection

    Registration certificate issued to Dr. Kurt Gurassa (Monica Spier's uncle) on July 6, 1945 in Terezin, Czechoslovakia; in Czech, Russian and English. Certificate (Amtsgerichtsprasident) issued to Hern Dr. Kurt Gurassa, stamped with Nazi insignia, dated April 12, 1939, Breslau, Germany, in German.

  5. Leo Spellman photograph collection

    The Leo Spellman photograph collection consists of four photographs including a photograph of Waldemar Szpilman and Leo Szpilman playing the violin and piano in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, circa 1950-1955; a photograph of Waldemar Szpilman, Jakob Gimpel, and Moyshe Szpilman, circa 1926; a portrait of Reuven Szpilman, Ostrowiec, Poland, 1935; and a group photograph of members of the Cultural Committee of the Fuerstenfeldbruck DP camp, Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany, circa 1945-1950. Pictured in the group photograph are musicians, including (seated left to right) unidentified, Jonas Turkow, Diana Blu...

  6. Dr. Morton S. Webber photographs

    Consists of thirteen black and white photographs taken by Dr. Morton S. Webber, a surgeon in the 32nd Evacuation Hospital, 106th Portable Surgical Hospital, during his tour of duty in the liberated Mauthausen concentration camp, May 1945. The photographs primarily depict survivors and camp architecture.

  7. Medical card

    Medical card issued to donor's father (Josef Zolna) with black and white negative of a chest x-ray stapled on the right side; issued by "Croix Rouge Suisse, Swiss Red Cross;" 27.Feb.1946."

  8. Helen Zimm photograph collection

    The Helen Zimm photograph collection consists of seven photographs of Helen Zimm at the Berlin-Schlachtensee DP camp, 1946-1948.

  9. Zofia Wróblewska photograph collection

    Photographs of the extended family of Zofia Wróblewska (1920- ), originally of Warsaw, Poland, depicting her parents and sisters, and the family of her sister, Sabina Rozental Wójcikiewicz (1916-1941). Photographs include pre-war family portraits, copies of documents related to her brother-in-law, Ludwik Wójcikiewicz, who was killed in the Warsaw ghetto, including a copy of a letter he wrote while in the ghetto, October 1942; photographs of the grave of Sabina Wójcikiewicz, who committed suicide during the German occupation of Warsaw; and postwar photographs of Wróblewska, her husband Micha...

  10. Slonim Jews' Association memorial bronze medal

  11. German announcements

    Collection of 3 German announcements titled: Nasco ta vijna?, Zapewnienia w miejsce przysieg, and Pomowmy szcerze! W zyciu naro.

  12. Handbill

    Anti-Jewish propaganda printed between the cover of false American dollar bill.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Russian, Polish, Yugoslav governments; War Crimes Trial: Romanian war criminals

    1251 GGG: January 23, 1946. Russian Newsreel. Moscow, Russia. Members of the Polish government with Russian ministers (Molotov, Bulanin, Vishinsky, Osubka-Moravsky, Gomulka, Sir Kerr, etc.). Warsaw rebuilds, brigades of volunteers. 1251 HHH: 01:26:24 Russian Newsreel. Moscow, Russia. Yugoslsav President Marshal Josip Broz Tito with Russian Minister Molotov. Marshall Tito visits Lenin's Mausoleum, takes a boat ride at Volga Canal. 01:30:38 Bucharest, Romania. Trial of Romanian war criminals: ex-Marshall Ion Antonescu, General Alexianu, ex-chief of Police Vasiliv, etc. Reconstruction of Dneip...

  14. Portfolio

    Portfolio of prints of drawings by Violette Rougier-Lecoq depicting life in Ravensbrück concentration camp.

  15. Zionism; Travel to Palestine

    A 1934 newsreel, and "advertisement" to persuade Jews from Europe to travel to Palestine via ship from Constanza (Romania). Original archive copy has title and censor's permission for showing in British occupied Palestine (can be viewed briefly in this video, in a few frames at the beginning of the story: TC 03:52:45:19). Segment depicts the first voyage of a Polish ocean liner to Palestine. The film contains crudely edited footage of the embarkation at the Black Sea port of Constanza, the passengers enjoying the pleasures of the open sea, the recitation of Yom Kippur prayers on deck, an ex...

  16. UJA relief efforts

    Title card reads, "UJA Report from Israel." Immigrants wave from a ship's deck while the narrator explains that these are Holocaust survivors arriving in Israel from Europe. Survivors disembark in Haifa as a crowd waits on the dock behind a fence. People sort through luggage and other belongings. A man stacks blankets and a woman searches for her baby carriage among several others. Items are loaded onto a truck which then takes immigrants to a camp. Dramatic CU of International Herald Tribune headlines: "Heavy Burden Of Immigrants Strains Israel," "Situation Called Explosive,"(article writt...

  17. Harry Schiller collection

    Consists of two report cards from the Prague English Grammar School, issued to Harry Schiller, and three picture postcards depicting Harry Schiller and his brother, Gustav (born 23 October 1923).

  18. Eugen and Gertrude Schwarz family papers

    The Eugen and Gertrude Schwarz family papers include letters and telegrams from Gertrude’s mother in Brünn (now Brno) and brother in Lvov (now L’viv) documenting their efforts to emigrate and scrapbook pages containing photographs of Eugen and Gertrude Schwarz and their family members in Czechoslovakia as well as French identification papers for the couple documenting their brief stay in Paris and their immigration to the United States. Most of the correspondence in the collection is written to Gertrude Schwarz and her family from Gertrude’s mother, who describes the difficult sale of her h...

  19. Itzhak Karpman photograph collection

    The Itzhak Karpman collection consists of photographs of Itzhak Karpman and his work with Hashomer Hatzair, Hashomer Haleumi, and Hanoar Hatzioni, and his work in hachsharot in Poland; and his life in Palestine after emigrating there in 1936.

  20. History of Zionism; development of Israel

    Part Two - The film's finale and rallying cry for Jews to come to Palestine. Introductory titles provided by NCJF accompany this film (their restored version): "This film has no other aim except to be a collection of documents. It demonstrates what Zionists desire to accomplish in the rebuilding of Palestine and their accomplishments in the span of some 20 years. It shows this in pictures of the past. The contemporary character has not been altered through retouching or other changes. The film bears the name Hatikvah: the Hope. And even though the sources may seem matter of fact or primitiv...