Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,241 to 14,260 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Joan Inge Maas collection

    Contains a Haggadah (Hagadah), nine pages, hand-written text in Hebrew (reproduced on page?) with drawing and explanation of seder plate. Extra page with typed text on both sides (torn in half). Cover page with hand-written text, "Maas Inge" on one side and inscription on verso dated Pessach 1941, Camp de Gurs (torn in half). Haggadah, multi-paged, hand-written text in Hebrew with drawing and explanation of seder plate. Incluced with Haggadah is singular song sheet stating verso, "Editee du Rabbinat du Rabbin Leo Ansbacher, Gurs..Nissan 5701" (April 1941). Separate page: given to Inge Maas ...

  2. Yves Masson collection

    Group of black and white photographs: 26 mounted on two album pages and 2 loose photographs. Three photo reproductions from newspapers. Photographic prints: two pages, possibly removed from photograph album, bearing 26 captioned images, post-liberation in concentration camps Dachau and Buchenwald, taken by Pierre Jean Louis Masson (donor's father) who was part of Red Cross (in France) attached to American 3rd Army. Five loose 5 x 7 black and white images, two depicting stacked corpses in Buchenwald and three are photographic reproductions of vintage newspaper articles, in French, also depic...

  3. KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps. Pictorial report of concentration camps

    A copy of the “KZ: Bildbericht aus fünf Konzentrationslagern” [KZ: Pictorial report of five concentration camps] pamphlet published in Germany in 1945. It was published quickly by the American War Information Office to increase awareness of the atrocities that had occurred. It contains post-liberation photographs at Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen, and Ohrdruf concentration camps and the site of the Gardelagen massacre.

  4. Hermann and Josefine Neuman collection

    Consists of two passports; "Deutsches Reich Reisepass," issued to Hermann and Josefine Neumann (donor's husband and first wife); each marked with a red "J" on the first page. They contain visas for Sweden and the United States; issued November 1938; Vienna, Austria.

  5. Max Michelson photograph collection

    The Max Michelson photograph collection consists of photographs depicting the Michelson family, the Kretzer family, and the Griliches families before the war in Riga, Latvia and in Moscow, USSR; and photographs relating to Max Michelson's emigration from Germany to the United States in 1947.

  6. Arthur Nunberg collection

    Pass, issued to Arthur Nunberg, typed in black carbon ink with entries hand written in graphite, that states holder is permitted to be absent from the Bremen Emigrant Staging Area from 10 am - 10 pm on 3.5.46.

  7. Ida Nestoyter collection

    Photograph: black and white image of two girls in the shape of a leaf with preprinted text above. Blue ink inscription on side of image, "Rapoport Ida." Verso, inscription in blue ink, "Ida Nestoyter/ Ida Rapoport/ (maiden name)", dated April- May 1945; Yampol, Ukraine.

  8. Franz Goldberger postcard

    Consists of a typed postcard, dated 17 July 1939 and addressed to the Beth Sholom synagogue in San Francisco, from Professor Franz Goldberger in Vienna, Austria requesting acknowledgement of previous correspondence in which he asked for a namesake willing to supply an affidavit of support for immigration to the United States.

  9. Garry Pierce photograph collection

    The Garry Pierce photograph collection consists of 29 black and white photographs mounted on three album pages. The photographs were compiled by the Garry Pierce's uncle and show concentration camps after liberation, plus scenes in France and on a military ship. Notations made in white ink on the black album pages; dated 1944-1946.

  10. Harry Perkal collection

    Collection of black and white photographs of donor's family in the Displaced Person's camp near Kassel, Germany where they lived from 1945 to March 1952, before leaving for the United States.

  11. Morris Rosen collection

    The Morris Rosen collection consists of telegrams offering congratulations to the couples' engagement, Berlin, Germany, 1948; a permit issued to a survivor of Auschwitz, Krakow, Poland, issued to June 13, 1945; and "Vorlaufige Aufenthaltserlaubnis"(Temporary Residency Permit), July 26, 1948.

  12. Rachel Szpigelman Rappaport collection

    The Rachel Szpigelman Rappaport photograph collection consists of photographs depicting the Rachel Szpigelman Rappaport, her sisters, and mother during and after the war; and one vintage portrait photocopy print of four of the Rachel's sisters, who perished in Auschwitz, and of her father, who died six weeks before the liberation. The photographs were taken in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland.

  13. Zinaida Rabinovich collection

    Black and white photograph of a woman wearing a heavy coat and hat; verso: blue ink inscription; dated 1947.

  14. Aryan race certificates

    Two certificates with printed, handwritten and typed sections: one "Gerburts=und Taufschein" and one Ahnen=Nachweis." The certificates were used to prove Aryan ancestry, as required by German law.

  15. Racial science collection

    Two German ancestry books ("Familien Stammbuch") for the Mikvlajewicz and Haase families used to document Aryan status. One bookmark advertising German racial magazines.

  16. The Eternal Jew Der ewige Jude [Book]

    One book, titled "Der Ewige Jude" (The Eternal Jew), containing Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda; dated 1938. The pages are loose and the paper is yellowed.

  17. Italian newspaper clippings and documents on the Holocaust, genocide, and racial topics

    Contains a variety of newspaper clippings and documents related to the Holocaust, genocide, and contemporary ethno-racial conflicts.

  18. Gutman family photographs

    Collection of 15 black and white photographs depicting the Gutman family during the time period of the Holocaust; Kalisz, Izbice, Brener, Łódź, Zamoein, Poland.

  19. Itta Shvartsur photograph

    Black and white image of a woman, man and child standing together outside; verso, black ink inscription, "Itta Shvartsur/1959."

  20. Album Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers