Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,121 to 14,140 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Prayer book

    Miniture torah scroll believed to have been buried by Jews prior to their deportation from Sighet, Romania.

  2. Bricha: Jewish refugees leave Europe for Palestine; Ebensee camp at liberation; Belsen DP camp

    11:00:12 Refugees getting on board buses and trains, UNRRA officials help. Refugees waiting at the border at Nachod, a village on the Czech/Polish border. Reception center at Bratislava. 11:07:25 Jewish refugees leaving Europe for Palestine. Groups of DPs (Bricha Underground) crossing the Alps from Gnadenwald, Austria to Italy in February 1948. Many shots of walking up paths, climbing slopes, jumping over streams, sheltering under a bridge. Arriving at foot of mountain, getting instructions. 11:18:27 (color) Traun Lake and castle in the town of Ebensee. Local Austrians. Roadside statue of J...

  3. Nazi banner

  4. US Air Force; VE Day in London; Strafing

    Formation of A-26 airplanes in flight. 8th Air Force band, colors, and troops passing in review. 01:03:55 Crowds in London on VE Day, double decker bus. Aerial shots of GSAP strafing vehicle on road, factory area, buildings, town, trains, parked aircrafts (shots of flights taken by various pilots, named by cameraman on slates). 01:06:53 VE Day in London, crowd cheering and waving the British, USSR, US, French, and Norwegian flags. Shops with signs, crowd gathered outside Buckingham Palace. 01:08:11 More GSAP strafing footage.

  5. JDC: Relief efforts for Jewish DPs

    Notes from NCJF documentation: "This is the story of 2,500,000 Jews in Europe and Moslem lands on the road to survival." "Against the background of authentic footage showing rescue missions from Europe, Cyprus, Aden, the film shows the importance of aid to the new immigrants. The dramatic effect of the poor living conditions in contrast with the hopefulness of their new life in Israel serves as a powerful message to the audience." Trains with Jewish DPs leaving Germany for Israel (reference to trains leading to concentration camps). People saying goodbye (but many are still left behind afte...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- UNRRA in Berlin; Berlin during liberation

    1251 V: UNRRA-Berlin, August 2, 1945. UNRRA office in Berlin. Waiting room, job applicants, interviewing German woman, UNRRA officials. CU of application. 1251 W: 01:24:01 US Army(?) officials arriving at Berlin airport. Shots of bombed and destroyed Berlin. People in park selling food to Russian soldiers. Berlin stadium. Sign, "US Headquarters-Berlin District."

  7. Chaim Weizmann

    Documentary on the life of Chaim Weizmann. (1874-1952) Weizmann was a scientist, president of the World Zionist Organization during the Nazi era and the first president of Israel. He met with world leaders to protest the racial persecution of the Jews in Germany and elsewhere. His efforts to organize rescue plans and to influence the British to relax immigration restrictions were rejected by the British. The Jewish Agency's Department for the Settlement of German Refugees. In August 1933, the Zionist Congress nominated Weizmann, to head the Jewish Agency's Department for the settlement of G...

  8. Prewar Jewish life

    Documentary of Jewish life in Nowogrodek, Lithuania. Scenes include the countryside, the marketplace, a crowded synagogue courtyard just after Sabbath prayers, a children's summer camp, sporting events, the local fire brigade at work, a vocational training class, a yeshiva in session, the local theater, hospital, orphanage and cemetery. The film centers on a visit by the Yiddish lexicographer Alexander Harkavy to the town. With Yiddish and English subtitles, including: 1. The film crew 2. General view of the city of Novogrodok 3. Castle Hill and the surrounding panorama: (a) Parashika, (b) ...

  9. Judith Taylor collection

    Consists of a photographic print, taken in Nuremberg, Germany. Black and white image of six men seated at a table, some holding documents; verso: "Prosecution staff in big case" handwritten in black ink. Morris Kolander (donor's father) is seated second from right.

  10. Yugoslavia during liberation: UNRRA Pact and diplomats

    C-47 taxiing to halt at Belgrade airport. Ambassador Patterson and staff arriving for the signing of the UNRRA Pact. Greeted by Colonel Charles Thayer of the US Embassy in Belgrade. Group gathered around place. Patterson talking wth Thayer and Harold Schantz, counselor of the embassy. Minister Subasic being introduced to Patterson. Group leaving in jeeps after introduction and greeting. Ivan Subasic at microphone welcoming Ambassador Patterson to Yugoslavia.

  11. History of the UJA

    Part 1. Film depicts the history of the UJA. Still of Hitler, Nazis marching in rally, burning of books (at 05:41:30), wearing yellow star. Man sitting, girl with doll, Herschel Grynspan, Kristallnacht, formation of the UJA, newspaper headlines. Warsaw ghetto footage, Warsaw ghetto uprising (stills), man speaking at desk, declaration of the State of Israel. David Ben Gurion reading.

  12. Jewish daily life and culture shot by Roman Vishniac

    Religious Jews at work in their agricultural community. Various shots of them building homes and at work in the fields in the remote Carpathian village of Vysni Apsa. Also shown are children weaving baskets, studying and riding horses across a river. This footage contains several good CUs of adults and children, particularly focusing on facial expressions, gestures, and clothing. Shots are well lit and expertly framed. Chaim Simcha Mechlowitz, an Orthodox Jewish farmer, tanner, and father of eleven children appears from 12:33:50 to 12:34:11 and 12:35:54 to 12:36:00. He was killed at Auschwi...

  13. Book

  14. Book

  15. Book

  16. Book

  17. Book

  18. Book

  19. Book