Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,821 to 13,840 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Sutzkever (Yiddish writer) and Szmaglewska (Polish underground member) testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MLSs, Abraham Sutzkever, a witness who spent two years in a ghetto and joined the partisans in Lithuania. MSs, Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle making notes at the bench. LS, Justice Lawrence questions Sutzkever. MLS, Seweryna Szmaglewska testifying through an interpreter. The witness was active in the Polish underground.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Election day in Manila

    Presidential Elections in Manila in April 1946, including a candidate, Manuel Roxas. Various political parties, streets.

  3. Petain's Trial; Military parade

    21:18:36 (NR 361) Trial of Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, July 23-24, 1945. German film of Petain and Hitler meeting and shaking hands at Montoire. Petain and Goering meeting and shaking hands. MLS, Petain arrives by car, steps out, and lifts his hat. Petain and wife arrive by car and enter Fort de Montrouge prison building. INT views of cells in which Petains will live. Crowds attempting to enter court building. INT courtroom, Marshal Petain enters and sits down. Justices of the Court, President Mongibeaux, and Solicitor Gen. Mornet enter courtroom. Great excitement as Prosecuting Advocate...

  4. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 4: Closeup, head on, to camera. SS on sleeveband [see Protokoll for content]. Ein Symptom...Volk...Gefahr. Wir muessen immer zum Teil in der Grossstadt leben. Ein Lebenstil. Ich habe die groesste Angabe...der Partei...Partei und Stadt wird. Einheit. 01:25:10 VCU to camera [see Protokoll for quote in German, roughly translated]: 'A people (Volk) must be either hammer or anvil. The value of the blood determines the value of the race. The German Volk has demonstrated its worth. It must become the nucleus (kernel) of the Greater German Reich. Then we will succeed in providing the proof tha...

  5. Case against M. Bormann and A. Seyss-Inquart at Nuremberg

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 16, 1946. LS, MS, rear view, Lt. Harris, USN, prosecution counselor, addressing the tribunal and presenting the case against Martin Bormann, specifically on the lynching of US airmen. LS, MS, Lt. Henry Valpey Atherton, US Army, prosecution counselor, presenting the case against Arthur Seyss-Inquart.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Men in office; Ministry of Information in Prague

    1150 N (14:09:45) Man at desk. Another man meets him in office. Signing documents, talking. Crucifix on the wall. Cameraman in shot. EXT, man with top hat and black coat walking (shots repeat). Looking at trees and grass. 1150 O (14:12:47) Prague, Czechoslovakia. LS, entrance of Kolovratsky Palace where the offices of the Ministry of Information are. CU, plaque, "Ministry of Information" on the building. Vaclav Kopecky, Minster of Information, holds a press conference after the elections, in the Kolovratsky Palace. Kopecky explains to the chief editors what would be the policy of the new Go...

  7. Landsberg Hangings

    (Munich 193) Landsberg (Dachau) Hangings, Landsberg, Germany, May 1946. Coverage of the military hangings of Becher, Lippman, Temple, Hintermeyer, Knoll, Eicheldorfer, Boettger, Kick, Weiss, and Wagner.

  8. Pogroms in Ukraine

    Silent film with French intertitles. Synagogue of Demijevka after it has been destroyed. The Torah has been desecrated. VS, all stills, of the INT of the synagogue, Torah scrolls are unspooled on the ground, the Jewish male elders are picking up the pieces, image of the altar turned upside down, etc. "Des juifs tues et assassins" "Des victimes jetees au Dnjepr par les bandits. Meschigorie (Dep. de Kieff)." Various stills of the burned victims' bodies, they are lying in rubble. "Les massacres a' Jitomir." Various stills of the bodies of the massacred victims, laid out in a circle and men sta...

  9. Karl Bodenschatz testifies at Nuremberg Trial for Goering's defense

    (Munich 35) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Karl Bodenschatz, former member of the Reich Air Ministry in 1935, is cross-examined by US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. The witness speaks of two elderly Jews who had helped Goering when he was wounded in the 1923 putsch attempt in Munich. Jackson in subsequent testimony traps him into admitting that they were arrested simply because they were Jews (20:33-20:34). LSs, prisoners' dock and attorneys seated in front of dock. Pan from dock to Bodenschatz testifying.

  10. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 10)

    A Slovak newsreel shows Frick, Stuckart, and Globke with leaders of the collaborationist government of Slovakia. Globke is held responsible for the enactment of anti-Jewish measures (Judenkodex) in that country. Footage of the deportation by train of the Jews of Warsaw. Shots of sumptious meals that Globke might have eaten interspersed with footage of liberated women prisoners in the barracks at Auschwitz, containers of Zyklon B, and the death train at Dachau. Still photographs of the Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz; women waiting to be executed on the beach at Liepaja, Latvia, and in Mizocz, U...

  11. Interview with survivor at Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6556) Interview of Prisoner, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MS, off-screen interview of Jewish prisoner, Dr. Mieczyslaw (Mietek) Dortheimer. Dr. Dortheimer was a lawyer in Poland prior to his internment in the Nazi prison camp. He relates in English his experiences in the camp and describes the tortures suffered by all.

  12. New York Herald Tribune (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    New York Herald Tribune, May 23, 1941, with the headline: "Germans Get Foothold in Crete, Win Air Control; Nazis Say Dive-Bombers Sank 4 British Cruisers; Roosevelt to Ship War Aid " "Through Seven Seas"."

  13. People with disabilities and heredity

    Nazi propaganda film -- Aufklaerungsfilm [Instructional film] -- depicting life on earth as a permanent struggle for food, reproduction, and survival between strong and weak animals. This analogy is extended to the sphere of human beings, in which the survival of the Aryan race is threatened by 'hereditary' phenomena like mental disabilities and criminality. Allowing those considered "unworthy of living" to live in "palaces" for the disabled and congenitally ill at the expense of the healthy living in shabby conditions perpetuates this sin against the laws of nature. Shows footage of extrem...

  14. War Crimes Trials: Milch Case

    (Munich 669) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Off-screen voice of unidentified attorney addressing the court in German. The defendants (German generals of the High Command) filing into the courtroom. MLS, the Tribunal. Chief Justice making the opening speech. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, the chief prosecutor, reading the indictment against the defendants.

  15. "Jews & Freemasons Out" sign on Fasching parade float

    Amateur footage of 1939 Fasching (pre-Lent carnival) celebration. 01:08:25 Float marked "Fernsehsender." (TV) CU, float in parade with antisemitic and anti-Freemason slogan reading "Juden und Freimauerer Hand in Hand Nun zieh'n sie ins gelobte Land..." [Jews and Freemasons, hand in hand, go off (migrate) to the promised land.] Two views: 01:10:29 - 01:10:36 and 01:13:13 - 01:13:18.

  16. Yonia Fain drawing

  17. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 617) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Shots of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. The defendants rise and plead to charges in the following order: Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmidt, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hoerlein, August von Knierien, Fritz ter Meer, Ernst Buergin, Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jaehne, Hans Kuehne, Walter Duerrfeld, Heinrich Gottineau. The other defendants standing trial but not answering to pleas are visible in the prisoners' dock: Christian Schneider, Otto ...

  18. German occupation of Latvia; working for the German war economy

    The narrator, uncomfortably shot from below and against images of ruins and corpses, recites excerpts from the Soviet constitution in Russian. Switching to Latvian, the narrator describes how Latvians welcome the Germans after years of Soviet terror. The German 'liberators' are cheered in Riga while marching down the Basteja Bulvaris; German military boots are shown marching over a fur hat with the Red Star. Latvian volunteers are sworn in at the Freedom Memorial in Riga in the presence of Reichskommissar Ostland [Reich commissar for the Baltic territories and Belorussia] Hinrich Lohse. Aft...

  19. Flora Khermouch collection

    The Flora Kermouch papers include four identification cards used by Flora Kermouch in German-occupied France and two satirical handbills. The identification cards include one genuine student ID using her name “Flora Hay,” two false IDs using the name “Francoise Henry,” and one blank ID. The two satirical handbills purport to be Hitler's last will and testament and were printed in France in August-September 1944.

  20. Raincoat

    Selma Bendremer used the raincoat while working for the Joint Distribution Committee in Germany and France after World War II.