Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,761 to 13,780 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. March of Dimes drive; War Crimes Trials: Buchenwald

    16:10:46 The March of Dimes Drive in the 88th Infantry Div, Italy, February 7 (6?), 1947. MS, enlisted man and officer counting money received for drive. CU, Major's hand handling script. Thermometer showing Division progress in drive. Group at American Red Cross: One enlisted man drops money into wishing well. Maj Gen Bryant E. Moore, Commanding General, 88th Inf Div, receiving check from Maj Chirico. CU, sign: "Blue Devils" showing March of Dimes campaign. 16:13:48 (Munich 541) Buchenwald Trial, Dachau, Germany, April 12 (11?), 1947. LS, MS, war crimes courthouse at Dachau. CU, sign: "War...

  2. German invasion of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Ravine. German soldiers in a ravine. LS of a country road. Very poor quality, high contrast image with MLS of a large group of people moving forward. CU, German soldier smoking. Russian narration at end of story: A woman is speaking: "When we have entered..."

  3. German tradition of war; Allied troops in WWI

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 3 dramatizes the development of German industry, railroad system, merchant marine, army, dueling at German universities, and the German Staff. German troops cheer Kaiser Wilhelm, march to conquest, invade Belgium during World War I, develop poisonous gases, and attack U-Boats. Transports carry US troops overseas. Shows US tanks and artillery in action. Ludendorff requests an armistice. Crowds cheer news of peace.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Soldiers singing on Rhine River

    Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1532. GI chorus on Rhine River, Germany. 102nd Infantry Div. HAS, German city with Rhine through its center. LS, excursion on boat at pier. River and countryside. LS, soldiers on ship singing American tunes. Beer stein.

  5. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 112) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 12, 1946. MSs, MHSs, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions an unidentified witness, possibly Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Wilhelm Keitel seated in prisoners' dock. HASs, defense counselor Dr. Kurt Kaufman at stand interrupts a US military member of the prosecution and addresses the Tribunal. HASs, judges on bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks to Dr. Kaufman and reprimands him for delaying the trial. MLSs, Maxwell-Fyfe seated at prosecution table. MSs, Kaltenbrunner looking over lawyer...

  6. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi propaganda film about the measures to contain typhus. The Polish-Jewish population is made responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 3: Scientists at work, seeking inoculation vaccine. Animation. Scientists.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental fighter planes

    Experimental fighter planes, Muroc Air Base, CA.

  8. Ilse Hausstein collection

    Contains documents pertaining to the sterilization of Ilse Hausstein. Includes a letter from authorities in Zwickau, asking her to show up at counseling appointment in 1936; a printed insert explaining the purpose of sterilization; and a 1926 letter of reference from a former employer of Haustein, where she had worked as a maid. File also contains a letter of reference for Rudolf Beiersdorf, attesting that he had successfully completed his apprenticeship in 1925 as a "Zimmergesellen."

  9. Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 146) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 4, 1946. Dr. Fritz Sauter questions his client Dr. Walter Funk. MS, Dr. Funk testifying. (Munich 147) Scenes are same as above. The soundtrack is of translator's voice giving questions and answers in English.

  10. Walking stick with a knob shaped as the head of a Jewish man in a yarmulke

    Wooden walking stick with a brass knob handle in the shape of the head of a Jewish man. European artisans commonly adorned everyday items such as ceramics, toys, and even walking sticks, with caricatures of Jewish faces. These walking sticks are examples of racial antisemitism becoming part of everyday life.

  11. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 4: Opens with CU of a barbed wire fence. Soldiers crawl out of a trench and through a field. They cut through the barbed wire ...

  12. Ceremony; train production; German troops advance in Russia and Africa

    Military ceremony, swearing-in. Train. Women swimming in winter. Producing advertisement/poster. Entertainment - dancers on stage. Factory for trains. Train with "1000" sign. Map, German troops advancing in Latvia/Russia. Planes, soldiers, military equipment, snow, ice, military vehicles, fighting. POWs. In Africa, German soldiers riding in open vehicle, natives welcoming/cheering, looking at map, fighting. Prisoners, CUs faces, marching in columns with belongings. Troops at sea, firing cannons. INT, boat, various mechanisms.

  13. Jodl testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 216) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7, 1946. ) MS, unidentified colonel sitting at American counsel table. MLS, British prosecutor G B Roberts cross examining Alfred Jodl (Jodl not seen. Translator gives Jodl's answers in English). LS, Jodl testifying on stand.

  14. US soldiers search houses in German town; capture Cologne

    (LIB 3784) Attack on Meschernich, Germany, March 6+8, 1945. LS, MS 23rd Regt, 2d Div, soldiers move along street in deserted town, rainy. Civilians watch. CU, soldiers break down door of house with guns and enter. VS, soldier directs civilians and German officers by wave of hand. CU, woman unlocks door of house and soldiers enter. MS, CU, German soldiers surrender, being searched by US soldiers. CU, officer speaking with German civilian. LS, rolling hills, village. MS, soldiers crossing field and entering Meschernich. Civilians stand at edge of a square, fork in road. MS, soldiers entering ...

  15. [Magazine]

  16. George Byfield album

    The George Byfield album titled “Oroszfront 1942-1943: Munkaszolgálat Oroszországban” was compiled by Gyorgy Beifeld (later George Byfield) while serving in a forced labor brigade. The album includes journal entries and drawings documenting Gyorgy’s experiences in the Hungarian Labor Service in the Soviet Union from 1942-1943. The album also includes captions and artwork he created after the war, often relating to notes or memories of his experiences. The entries describe the scenery, observation of the surroundings, villages, people, struggles of war, and daily activities.

  17. Memoirs

    Contains the memoir, 138 pages, of a Hungarian professor of pathology, centering on her childhood experience in the ghetto of Szolnok, Hungary, her deportation to Strasshof concentration camp in Austria and subsequently to Bergen-Belsen, and her life after liberation, including the time when she and her family were interned within Hungary as bourgeois elements by the communist authorities.

  18. Zbigniew Kosc collection

    Consists of 15 photographs of the donor’s parents and their families before and during the war in Poland.

  19. Dziunia Eichenholz Goop collection

    Includes a photo album with photographs of the Eichenholz family and their friends before the war in Krakow, on holiday along the Vistula River, on the Baltic coast, in Gdynia, and in Zakopane, and the children performing at the Moniuszko Conservatory; photographs of the Eichenholz and Goldstein families living in the Krakow ghetto; and images taken in Julius Madritsch’s Clothing Workshop in Krakow before it was moved to Płaszów concentration camp.

  20. Translators; Russian prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Trial

    20:00:40 (Munich 70) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 26-27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, translators' section: Voice of witness is heard testifying in French as civilian interprets in English; voice heard speaking in German, translated to English by same man. References to Lord Halifax, Goering. 20:03:09 A woman translator is heard interpreting into Russian. German translator speaks into microphone. 20:04:24 Silent scenes: MSs, sailor operates console where sound is mixed and routed to different headsets. MSs, translators at work. MCUs, defense attorney at speaker's stand places headphones...