Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,741 to 13,760 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Anita Epstein papers

    The Anita Epstein papers contain photographs and documents concerning Salek and Eda Kuenstler's efforts to place Anita, their infant daughter, in hiding during the Holocaust. Documents include letters from Eda and Salek begging the Zendler family to hide Anita as their own child for the duration of the war and notes promising payment for her safety. Also included is a tag worn by Anita while aboard the USS Taylor and a note to Anita from a member of the Zendler family after a reunion visit in 1985. Many of the photographs in this collection depict Anita while she was in hiding with the Zend...

  2. Janina Szmurllo photograph collection

    The collection consists of nine photographs depicting the Szmurllo family who rescued a 4-year-old Jewish girl, Celina Cederbaum, in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland.

  3. Prisoners' dock at Nuremberg Trial; Yamashita Trial

    23:09:57 (Paris 391) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess sleeping in prisoners' dock. Joachim von Ribbentrop with sunglasses, consulting person behind him. Unidentified counsel from defense speaking in courtroom (in German). MS, defendants in dock during session. German naval captain, counsel for Doenitz, making plea. MS, Keitel standing in dock speaking to his lawyer at two US MPs look on. MS, Streicher chewing gum and Funk sleeping in prisoners' dock. 23:14:34 Yamashita Trial, 31st day, Manila, Philippines, December 5, 1945. ML, MS Col. Harry E. Clark...

  4. Ivan Deutsch's letter of protection

    Contains Hungarian language letter of protection (Oltalomlevèl, schutzpass) issued and signed on November 13, 1944, in Budapest, Hungary, by the Ambassador of the Holy See, Apostolic Nuncio Monsignor Angelo Rotta who was honored as a Righteous Among The Nations in 1997.

  5. Carla Benninga collection

    The Carla Benninga collection consists of a false identification card for Carla Benninga issued to "Johanna Geertruda van Hout," issued 10 May 1944, Vierlingsbeek, Netherlands; and a manuscript, "Adolescence Lost," by Carla Benninga in February 1986 which includes a translation of memoirs written by the donor's father, the original of which is dated 17 April 1945, and written while in Westerbork transit camp, the Netherlands.

  6. Time (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    One copy of Time Magazine; dated October 11. 1943. Cover has drawing of "Himmler, Police Chief of Nazi Europe, The dead do not revolt." Portrait of Himmler in front of a pile of corpses.

  7. Moshe Lovy collections

    Consists of fifteen photographs depicting the life of Moshe Lovy from 1938-1945. Mr. Lovy was in the Yugoslavian army and appears to have been stationed in the Middle East from 1943-1945. Most of the photographs are of groups of soldiers in his unit. The collection also includes two blank postcards dated 1928, showing groups of people working on spinning wheels and looms on the side of the road.

  8. Esfira Bramson-Alperniene collection

    Consists of a photograph of members of the Bramson extended family, circa 1900. Many of those identified perished during the Holocaust.

  9. Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp

    Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The tag was picked up by an American soldier on a tour of the camp in the spring of 1945, after the camp’s liberation. A numbered tag was placed with each corpse to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazi government in 1933, originally for political prisoners. Over time, other groups were interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, ...

  10. British prosecutor and map at Nuremberg Trial

    02:10:04 (Paris 419) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 5, 1945. MLSs, rear views only, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Chief Prosecutor for Britain, speaking before the Tribunal. Cut-in animated map, "Violations of Treaties, Agreements, and Assurances." 02:12:24 (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. Rear views only, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, Dr. Robert Servatius, makes a plea before the Tribunal, requesting that the defending counsels be given copies of the evidence. Pan to Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence requests the counsel to clear up so...

  11. Jackson addresses German criminal code at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 28, 1946. MLS, front view, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking about organizations within the Nazi government and their members. Jackson deals at length with the German criminal code of 1871.

  12. Records of David Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt

    The collection consists of copies of court records, expert reports submitted by historians and copies of documents referred to in the reports, witness statements, printed and electronic publications, personal papers (e.g. letters, diaries, etc.) of David Irving, and critical writings about David Irving pertaining to the Jan.-April 2000 David Irving vs. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt trial in London, England. The collection includes material relevant to World War II and the Holocaust, with an emphasis that David Irving in his writings, lectures, and other manifestations represents an ant...

  13. German naval officer testifies and case against Raeder presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 505) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 12, 1946. MLS, Karl Heinz Moehle, a former German naval officer, is sworn in and testifies. LS, MS, rear views, Col. Griffith-Jones (British prosecution) presenting case against defendant Erich Raeder. LS, rear views, Col. Phillimore (British prosecution) asks witness, "What were your orders in regard to rescue?" Moehle says that he was ordered to put priority on the safety of their own boat. It should not be put in jeopardy by rescue operations.

  14. Exhumation of corpses of Soviet civilians by German POWs

    Exhumation of corpses of the Soviet civilians by German POWs. Woman, stands to the side of the pit, hands clasped, watching as they take out a body, and crying (possibly her husband or son). VS of soldiers digging up graves. The woman who was crying before appears again, in a different shot, MCU, she is being interviewed by someone behind the camera, and, with her hands clasped she explains her story to the camera and continues to sob. Soldiers look on, standing behind this woman. Pan, scores of bodies laid out, quick cut to another elderly woman speaking, she remains on screen for a fracti...

  15. Paris; Workers/POWs; soldiers celebrate

    Reel I: Germans in Paris, placing wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier, flags, wreaths, etc. March in streets, rally, Vel d'Hiv. Speaker: Jaques Doriot. Workers (men and women, some POWs) in a factory, in mines, etc. The music is very reminiscent of the opening theme of Beethoven's Third Symphony, Eroica. Reel II: EXT, soldiers clowning around outside of their barracks. Soldiers eat, sing, dance, pretend to be bull fighters, and generally have a good time.

  16. Testimony by Buhler, Gisevius at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 119) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick, questions Dr. Joseph Buhler. Pan from Buhler to prisoners in dock. Defendants, especially Kaltenbrunner, listen intently. MS, pan, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Raeder, and Schirach to prisoners' dock. Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Seidl. MS, Gisevius testifying. 18:36:20 Close view as he speaks. 18:36:50 MS of Gisevius testifying. SEQ: Justices enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Seidl continues to question the witness.

  17. Ulla Knowles photograph collection

    Consists of photographs taken in the Swedish Red Cross hospital in Lübeck, Germany, where staff cared for the sick and emaciated liberated prisoners from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Count Folke Bernadotte is depicted in one of the photographs. Ulla Knowles was a volunteer at the Swedish Red Cross hospital.

  18. Defense counselor Marx and Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 129) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 27, 1946. HAS, Tribunal. LS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence addressing some remarks to defense counselor Dr. Hans Marx. HAS, Dr. Marx at stand as Julius Streicher is heard. HAS, MS, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questioning Gisevius. (Gisevius is not visible). 19:28:22 MS, CUs Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess listening to Gisevius' testimony. 19:28:51 Pan to Jackson continuing his questioning.

  19. "Shanghai Jewish Chronicle" collection

    Consists of copies of the "Shanghai Jewish Chronicle" dated: May 10, 1942; Sep. 11, 1942; Sep. 28, 1943; Sep. 29, 1943; May 7, 1944; Sep. 2, 1945; and an undated issue entitled "Ein Jahr Aufbau."

  20. Yamashita Trial; Jackson and map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:44:35 Yamashita Trial, 20th Day, Manila, Philippines, November 21, 1945. Gen. Muto on stand answers in part the question: "Describe the military administration in the Philippines." 22:47:08 (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. LS, prisoners sitting in dock. Pan to US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking. Rear view, Jackson addressing the court. MS, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Doenitz, Raeder, von Schirach, and Sauckel in prisoners' dock. Goering makes notes on pad. LS map on wall showing German aggression. Note: Voice of Jackson heard throug...