Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,621 to 13,640 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. M. Blank, O. Schmidt, and Keitel testify at Nuremberg Trial; Army review

    07:00:45 (Munich 72) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. HAS, Tribunal and Justice Lawrence swearing in Ms. Margaret Blank, von Ribbentrop's former secretary. Von Ribbentrop's defense counsel, Dr. Martin Horne, questions Ms. Blank. She is heard answering. MS, Dr. Horne at the stand. Paul Otto Schmidt is heard being sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne. Pan, US and British prosecution at table. (See also 111 ADC 5848 - RG-60.2856, Film ID 2354) 07:04:48 (Munich 97) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 10, 1946. Dr. Otto Nelte questions Keitel as camera shows HAS of...

  2. Mannheim synagogue program

    This program for the music sung during the High Holy Days in 1938 at the Hauptsynagogue in Mannheim, Germany. It was written by Samuel Adler's father, Hugo Adler, the last chief cantor of the synagogue, and brought to this country by the second cantor of the synagogue, Erwin Hirsch. At the end of this memo, Hugo Adler writes: "Last High Holy Days in Germany; to be continued in the world to come. (Baolam Haba) All of the Mannheim synagogues were destroyed on Nov. 10, 1938, and by 1940 there were no Jews left in Mannheim. There were also no more services after the Yamim Horaim of 1938.

  3. Klaus Barbie trial

    Contains original court transcripts from the trial against Klaus Barbie for war crimes. On May 11th, 1987, after 4 years of pre-trial investigation in Lyon, France, Klaus Barbie's trial opened. It was the first case for crimes against humanity tried in France. Pierre Truche was the chief prosecutor, and Jacques Vergès was the defense attorney. The collection includes over 37 court sessions (approximately 185 hour trials) held in Lyon form May 11 to July 3, 1987. Barbie had to answer several charges: the liquidation of the Lyon committee of the L'Union générale des israélites de France (UGI...

  4. Benjamin Aussen collection

    Consists of one black and white plastic negative strip containing six frames depicting the donor and his family and friends during their hiding in Amsterdam, circa 1942-1945.

  5. Emanuel M. Abrams collection

    Consists of three issues of the periodical "Unzer Styme" ("Our Voice"): Issue 7, dated 20 February 1946; Issue 8, dated 17 Mar.1946; and Issue 10, dated 24 May 1946.

  6. Portrait of a Mosaic Artist

    Contains a videocassette entitled, "Portrait of a Mosaic Artist," a documentary about the artist with subtitles relating to her Auschwitz experiences.

  7. Izaks Berels papers

    Contains one black and white photograph and letter written from Riga.

  8. Préfecture of Police in Paris records

    Contains administrative accounting files from Drancy (Comptes de Drancy, Préfecture Archives: boxes GB 1–16) recording money, jewelry, and other property confiscated from Jews entering the internment camp. The collection also includes various occupation-related materials (Préfecture Archives: BA Series) on topics such as German spies and agents; the assassination of German military personnel; sabotage; pacifists; the German occupation of Paris; cooperation between French and German police; press censorship; Jewish communities in France; measures against Jews; Drancy, Camp de Saint Denis, an...

  9. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice (Fond 242)

    This collection contains reports, protocols, correspondence, telegrams, statements, requests, circulars, name lists, annual reports, and maps. Collection consists of correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Forensic Medicine Institute of Sofia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Public Education, the Bulgarian National Bank, General Union of Agricultural Economic Cooperative, the Directorate of National Propaganda, Council of Ministries, and Bulgarian cit...

  10. Council of Ministers records

    This collection contains the protocols of meetings of the Council of Ministers, arranged in chronological order.

  11. Selected records of the Départmental Archives of the Loiret

    Local administrative records concerning the two internment camps for foreigners in the Loiret, near Orléans, France: Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande. From May 1941, these camps were reserved for Jews. Records of the regional headquarters of Loiret: health, administrative, internments, regulations, and orders. Records of the regional health department of Loiret. Records of headquarters 10, concerning Spanish refugees. Records of the Pithiviers internment camp. Records of the Montargis sub headquarters. Records of the Pithiviers sub headquarters. General administrative and police records co...

  12. Andrew Engel correspondence

    Contains two playing cards and correspondence addressed to Andrew Engel written by his parents.

  13. Boleslaw Olomucki collection

    Consists of photographs, a newpaper clipping, and a document, including: (1) a letter written by an unknown woman in the bunker in the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising in April 1943; (2) six photographs depicting Warsaw in 1946 and in 1960; (3) one photograph, dated October 1939, of three German soldiers in the Łódź, Poland, town square after demolishing a statue; (4) one postcard bearing an image, used in German propaganda, of six Orthodox Jewish men in a resort; and (5) one clipping by S.L. Shneiderman in the Israeli newspaper "Nowiny i Kurier" about Artur Szyk, circa 1972, in Polish.

  14. Emily Kesser collection

    Consists of: 1) one memory book and one family book, including one birth certificate of Hilde Reifenberg, the donor's mother, issued in Paderborn, Germany on 30 Dec.1938, 2) one address book kept by the donor's mother in New York; 3) a British transit visa issued to Ernst Israel Lewin and his wife Hilde, the donor's parents, on 14 Aug.1939 in Paderborn, Germany; 4) one letter and one family book stating that Ernst Lewin and Hilda Reifenberg were married on 19 Feb.1938,; 5) one memory book for Adolf Lewin, the donor's paternal grandfather, who died on 11 May 1938; and 6) a certificate, dated...

  15. Henry Brandys collection

    Consists of a postcard, dated 16 June 1942, written by the donor’s maternal grandfather, Hershel Posmantir, in the Sosnowiec ghetto, to his daughter, the donor’s mother Chana Posmantir, who had been imprisoned in the Bernsdorf labor camp, a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen; Kreis Trautenau, since 1941.

  16. KZ Bildberichtaus funf Konzentrationslagern = Story of Five Concentration Camps in Photographs

    Rectangular form constructed of paper cover and 27 pages.

  17. Freddy Markovits collection

    The Freddy Markovits collection consists of twenty documents relating to Markovits family's experiences in the Netherlands in the Herzogenbusch Main Camp (Vught) concentration camp and the Westerbork concentration camps, in Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp, and in Switzerland during the Holocaust and immediately after the end of the war; and four photographs depicting Julia Hermer Markovics, in her school in 1933 and the "Hollandia" factory, which belonged to Miklós Nico Markovics. The Markovics family, as part of a prisoner exchange, arrived in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on 9 Febr...

  18. British Colonial Office Cyprus, original correspondence

    Consists of records relating to the British Colonial Office's administration of Cyprus in 1939. Contains information regarding emigration to Cyprus in general, and Jewish emigration to Cyprus in particular.

  19. Selected records from the British Colonial Office : Confidential general and confidential original correspondence files on Palestine

    Contains confidential records relating to the distribution of immigration certificates to Jews in DP camps in Germany, the rate of immigration, illegal immigration, and files relating to the formation of a Jewish fighting force in Palestine.