Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,561 to 13,580 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Press Conference; Hadamar Murder Trial

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 93 01:07:14 General McNarney's Press Conference. Gen. Joseph T. McNarney holds press conference in Berlin at which German journalists participate for the first time. Cut-ins, German newspapermen taking notes. 01:08:08 Hadamar Mass Murder Trial. INTs, Frankfurt Provincial Court. 27 doctors, nurses, and attendants who participated in the mass killings of 70,000 people are on trial. MCUs many of those on trial. Prosecutor explains method by which disappearance of victims was accomplished. Cut-ins prisoners and others in courtroom.

  2. Nuremberg Trial proceedings: summation and verdict

    Reel 8: Chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson delivers his summation. Courtroom scenes, showing defendants testifying and prisoners' dock, " say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be as true to say that there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been no crime." 08:10:04 Sir Hartley Shawcross delivers summation, "This trial must form a milestone in the history of our civilization..." 08:10:41 Gen. Rudenko delivers summation, "...their crimes have been proven...the truth cannot be challenged." 08:11:26 French prosecutor de Ribes delivers his summation, "...the fate of...

  3. French awards; Factories destroyed; Indictment of Dachau perpetrators

    02:00:41 (Paris 352) French Awards to Three Army Officers, Bad Tolz, Germany, November 13, 1945. SEQ: At the 3rd US Army HQ, a formation composed of French troops of the 27th Div Infantry Alpine and Co "A", 503rd MP Bn, 3rd US Army, are inspected by Gen. Lucian K. Truscott and French Gen. Marie Emile Bethouart. The French general awards the Legion of Honor and Croix-de-Guerre to Brig. Gen. A F Kingman, CG, 79th Inf Div and Maj. Gen. Frank A. Keating, CG, 102nd Airborne Div. The third officer receiving an award is unidentified. 02:02:59 (Paris 353) Destruction of War Factories, Ebenhausen, G...

  4. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, Bernd von Brauchitsch, speaks of April 23 (1945) arrest, separation from Reichsmarshall Goering. Bernd von Brauchitsch, son of Field Marshall Walter von Brauchistch, under cross examination by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, is asked the relationship between the Wehrmacht and the SS. 06:14 Medium close of Bernd von Brauchitsch in witness stand. MLSs, some defense counselors seated in front of the prisoners' dock. Q&A regarding Field Marshall von Brauchitsch's differences with Hitler. MSs, member of the B...

  5. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: transmitting disease; assimilated Jews

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 3 A similar animated map compares the wanderings of the Jews to the mass mi...

  6. Hoover reviews troops; Nuremberg Trial closeups

    Herbert Hoover Reviews 1st Cavalry Div, Atsugi, Japan, May 5-6, 1946. Herbert Hoover accompanied by Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger reviewing elements of the 1st Cav. Div. From an M-8 armored car and later from the reviewing stand. C-54 taxiing on airfield. Mr. Hoover coming off plane. MS, Hoover posing with Maj. Gen. William F. Marquat. Rear view, cars driving off airfield. 22:03:11 Closeups - War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 1946. INT, CUs of the following prisoners wearing earphones: Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Franz von Papen, Alfred Jodl, Hans F...

  7. Kiev; Babi Yar; POWs

    Kiev in flames. The silhouette of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's statue stands in front of a bombed out building. Cut to a statue of Taras Schevchenko, the Ukrainian poet and writer. Tanks roll through the city streets. A peasant woman is on her knees, wailing in the street. Civilians, all women, speak with soldiers. Cut to outside of city. People look upon bodies in a ravine at Babi Yar. VS, action, fighting, planes, anti-aircraft artillery, guns, military advance, tanks, wounded, nurses, bodies on road, wounded men, pan of vast area, destroyed wagons, wreckage, debris. VS, faces of captured POWs. G...

  8. Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Reel 7: Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation of Jews, only knew that certain perpetrations had taken place." ...

  9. Raizman and Suzkever testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, Samuel Raizman is sworn in as a witness. Raizman was an inmate at the Treblinka death camp and took active part in the camp's revolt. The witness is sworn in by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and begins his testimony in Russian. (Raizman stands during questioning.) LS, Tribunal as Suzkever testifies.

  10. US Army prepares for invasion of Europe; politicians discuss postwar plans

    Part 1, US troops storm a beach in a practice landing assault. Part 2, Anthony Eden and Lord Halifax converse with Sec. of State Hull. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: Part 3, a steel life raft is tested and demonstrated by merchant seamen. Part 4, snowplows clear roads and railroads in eastern Canada. Part 5, Army men attempt to unload mules from boxcars. Part 6, destroyer escorts and tankers are constructed and launched. Part 7, mounted Coast Guardsmen patrol beaches. Part 8, lend-lease tanks are used in maneuvers in Australia. Part 9, a volcano erupts in Mexico and bur...

  11. Honoring nurses

    Part 2, "America Salutes Women Workers in War Effort" Mrs. Roosevelt attends a ceremony honoring nurses who served in the Pacific. Shows women operating a lumber mill, testing tanks, and making guns. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: Part 1, US bombers take off and land at an Australian air base. Shows Gen. Ralph Royce. Part 3, iron ore is dug, loaded on trains and freighters, and delivered to various steel mills. Part 4, Don Budge beats Bobby Riggs at Forest Hills, Long Island for the National Professional tennis championship. Part 5, shows a test flight of the Navy flyin...

  12. Case against Hess presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 543) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 7, 1946. LSs, rear views, unidentified defense counselor at stand requesting documents offered for evidence by the British prosecutor. MCUs, prisoners' dock. MLSs, MSs, rear views, Col. Allan Griffith-Jones, British prosecutor, presenting case against Rudolf Hess.

  13. Gestapo in Norway presented and SS interpreter testifes at Nuremberg Trial; Francisco Boix testifies

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. LS, MCU, Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English about the Gestapo in his country. Cappenlen testifies about his arrest and interrogation methods. Unidentified witness testifies in German. LS, MS, Francisco Boix, under questioning from defense attorney Dr. Babel, testifies in French about the symbols the prisoners wore in the camp and his duties as a camp photographer. Boix is then questioned by General Rudenko.

  14. Crossing Rur River; liberation of slave labor; atrocities

    Allies Overrun German Positions in Big Push. American infantry troops advance into Germany. Troops march past badly damaged buildings and footage shows some artillery fire. Long shot of Jeeps of the US 9th Army crossing the Rur river Rur river (small river in western Germany, not to be confused with the Ruhr). Troops pass through Linnich. Dead German soldiers in Juelich. German POWs march down the road. The narrator says that the enemy's casualty lists have surpassed one million on the Western front. Shot of German civilians and devastated buildings. Generals Eisenhower and Simpson inspect ...

  15. Prewar folk festival; wartime scenes, soldiers

    VS, group of young men and women performing traditional folk songs and dances for a large crowd, presumably gathered for a folk festival. Shots alternate between shots of the performers and shots of the crowd cheering. During the dance performance, a man announces "Jewish cradle song" (lullaby). VS, Red Army, marching along roads, reclining and socializing in the sun. City, large crowds of civilians, lined up in front of government buidling. Men, women and children in the crowds. CUs of weapons- rifles, grenades, etc. Soldiers aiming a cannon. VS of military machinery that had been destroye...

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Summation of Nuremberg Trial; Allied Control Council HQ and meeting

    1425 DD (15:10:05-15:21:16) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1598. Summation speeches by Sir Hartley Shawcross and Robert Jackson. HAS, courtroom at War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg during final summation by British Chief Prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross. Closer shot of Shawcross talking as he reads from prepared statement. HAS, Shawcross talking to court, panning to tables at which observers listen, and to prisoners box with the defendants wearing earphones hearing translation. Close pan shot of defendants in box listening to speech. Longer shot, same. 2 CUs of Goering listenin...

  17. Mass graves in Slovakia

    News Film - The Week in Film: Opening of mass graves near Zemiansky Kostolany in the presence of SS soldier Palkinger who had participated in the killing of civilians.

  18. Concentration camps in Norway; Spanish photographer imprisoned in Mauthausen testifies re. Nazi leaders who visited camp at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English (a court interpreter sits beside him). Cappenlen tells about concentration camps in Norway. 08:20:00 He testifies of Roma sent to Struthof concentration camp. 08:22:00 Cappenlen mentions that Gross Rosen was a "bad camp" and that the worst was the evacuation of Gross Rosen in February. French prosecutor Dubost calls this witness. Justice Lawrence asks the defense counselors if they are able to question the witness. Friedrich Bergold, defense counselor, claims he is not prepa...

  19. French case presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 17, 1946. Francois de Menthron, French prosecutor, delivering opening speech for the French.

  20. Streicher's lawyer speaking at Nuremberg Trial; Palace of Justice; Dostler execution

    23:00:40 (Paris 387) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 15, 1945. HS tribunal. MHS, Dr. Hans Marx, Julius Streicher's lawyer, speaking to the court. MLS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle on the bench. 23:01:54 (Paris 388) Aerial Shots of the Court and MP Block, November 19, 1945. LS, M-18 tank traversing its turret in front of the Palace of Justice. MS, two men in tank turret; one speaks over radio while the other traverses. LS, MPs directing traffic near Palace of Justice. MS, MP at detour barrier speaking over phone. CU, sign, "Detour." CU, sticker o...