Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,341 to 13,360 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Paul Koerner testifies re. Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Paul Koerner testifies under interrogation of a defense counselor. MSs, rear views, correspondents listening at trial. LSs, rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines the witness. Discussion of events in Goering and Thaelmann, in German. Break at 06:05, questioning beings in English. re. Thaelmann and Reichstag Fire. Koerner replies in German. Refers to Thaelmann in Buchenwald camp and complaints to Goering about conditions or treatment in concentration camps. 06:09:01 Would you tell us...ab...

  2. Communist female prisoner and other doctors testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Dr. Hans Marx, defense counselor, questions Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier. His questions are in German and answered in French. Dr. Marx asks the witness if her testimony is based on how she personally experienced things. She answers that it is based on her personal experience but has been confirmed through others. 08:02:50 Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence asks the defense counselors if any others wish to question the witness. LS, MS two witnesses, Dr. Jean Weith and Dr. Vic Dupont. 08:04:08 Dr. Weith enters the witness box...

  3. Ribbentrop visits Italy; Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia

    Reel 1. VS of German and Italian soldiers. Reviewing troops, parade, etc. Official visit of Joachim von Ribbentrop to Italy. Ciano, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is also present. He and Ribbentrop converse inside a place. People cheering and waving in the streets, carrying large letters that spell out "DUCE". 00:57:00 Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia. Hungarian troops enter easternmost town of East Slovakia (closest to Ukrainian border). Troops march through streets, welcomed by crowds of civilians with flowers, banners, etc. CU of older man, a decorated war veteran with many meda...

  4. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 10 mark coin

    10 mark coin issued in the Łódź ghetto in Poland in 1943. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1940; Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and annexed to the German Reich. In February, the Germans forcibly relocated the large Jewish population into a sealed ghetto. All currency was confiscated in exchange for Quittungen [receipts] that could be exchanged only in the ghetto. The scrip and tokens were designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] and includes traditional Jewish symbols. The Germans closed the ghetto in the summer of 1944 by deporting the residents to concentration camps or killi...

  5. Liberation of Western Ukraine by Soviet troops, September 1939

    Area liberated by Soviet troops. Rebuilding road and destroyed bridges. Captured Romanian soldiers, barefoot, in leg irons. Red Army enters Chernovicy. Plane drops leaflets. Kishinev: people, including Jews, waving. Fists in the air.Nikita Khruschev, in uniform. Translation of narration: Along its way the Red Army received great support from the local population. Romanian soldiers (deserters), who left the army so they could stay in Bessarabia and become Soviet citizens, were roaming the streets. [Bessarabia is a region in Moldova that was a part of Romania from 1918-1940 and became Soviet ...

  6. Nazi propaganda: ethnic Germans victimized in Poland

    Hitler Youth in the East (Posen, etc). Intertitles. Danzig. Poles victimize ethnic Germans. Ruins, graves. "Erbe" "Polnische Kulturträger" Sarcastic, Polish 'untermensch'. "Juden, Juden, Juden!" Closeups of Jews. Stars of David. Healthy blond German children. HJ, BDM at work. Antisemitic propaganda (Lebensraum, etc). Boys boxing, boy sewing, shining shoes. 9 Sept 1940, sign on tree about a village gathering in the afternoon. Folk dancing. Military officers. Local SS, SA. Clapping. Milk can, laundry in wind.

  7. Factory/prison

    White wooden crucifix (grave marker) in a wide open field. A horse and plow move through BG. VS, wide angle and CU of Dubno prison. Four old women, sitting on a cement floor sorting through bits of rags. Dissolves into scene in a factory, several looms at work. Men operating the machines. VS pulleys, CU men at the machines. VS workers and peasants at work, in tattered clothing, MS and CU men, women and children standing around a sign, they are very poor. Children look directly at the camera. LS, across the lake of a chateau. Translation of Russian narration with Ukrainian citation at beginn...

  8. War Crimes Trials: Ministries Case (Case #11)

    (Munich 663) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 11 (Ministries Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 20, 1947. CU, judge announcing that the court will hear the arraignment of the defendants. CU, an officer states that the defendants will rise when their names are called and answer the questions put to them by the Tribunal. MSs, CU, Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor at lectern. MCU, CU, Dr. Elisabeth Gombel, Bohle's assistant defense counsel, explains that the defense counsel, Dr. Ernst Achenbach, cannot attend due to the death of his secretary and chauffeur. She speaks in both En...

  9. Raeder, Commander in Chief of Navy, and Albert Toms questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. Commander in Chief of the Navy questioned as to the impression a speech by Hitler made on him in which he announced that after a long time of not involving France and Britain in the war, he had now decided to attack. HAS, MCU, Dr. Walter Siemers, counselor for Erich Raeder, at lectern. English interpreter is heard translating (sound poor). LS, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe and Dr. Siemers at lectern. HAS, Tribunal. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas Dodd questions Albert Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee (not seen). Interpreter tran...

  10. Doenitz questioned at Nuremberg Trial; Emigrants on Marine Flasher ship

    20:32:04 (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. MSs, defendants in prisoners' dock. MSs, attorneys speaking to Adm. Karl Doenitz as MP stands to the right. LS, defendants talking with their lawyers before the session starts. Adm. Doenitz leaves the prisoners' dock and walks to the witness box where he is sworn in and cross examined by British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe. MSs, Maxwell-Fyfe questioning the witness. Pan to Doenitz answering. CU, Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler, Doenitz's attorney, sitting next to another lawyer. LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. Pan...

  11. "Victims of Bolshevik Terror"

    CU, women, crying. Bodies laid out (victims of the Soviets). International press visits the site. CU, personal effects of victims; clothing, photographs, papers, documents, all laid out on tables. Table of religious artifacts and relics (crosses, crowns, etc.) Translation of Ukrainian narration: European press representatives are shown the place of mass executions so they could be convinced of the barbaric tortures Ukrainian people were put through. These are the pits where victims are buried. Letters and other possessions of the tortured are used to help people to identify the dead. Items ...

  12. Prussian militarists and German combat

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 2 contrasts the British and French tradition of representative government with the totalitarianism of Germany. Describes Prussia and Frederick the Great's wars with Austria. Shows portraits of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, founders of the General Staff. Describes the dictums of Clausewitz, crushing of the 1848 revolt, German emigration to the US, and Bismarck's policies. Dramatizes combat during the Franco-Prussian War, forming the German empire, and the crowning of Wilhelm I.

  13. Art exhibition in Riga; German troops advance in East

    Troops in snow. German soldiers/officials greet Orthodox priest, receive blessing, castle. Musical performed in theater. Hair styling lessons. Art exhibition in Riga, Frank opens exhibit, "Hilfswerke fuer deutsche bildende Kunst". Construction/industry. Todt's funeral, Hitler and very high Nazi officials, wreath laying, parade. Troops at sea, firing cannons. Aerial shots, fighting, bombing. Boats, at sea, fighting.

  14. State officials warn civilians about the war crisis, 1938

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 703, Part 2. Release date, 09/19/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 11:32:19 Part 2A: "War Crisis Shakes all Nations" Washington, DC, USA. In the face of a possible new world conflict abroad, President Roosevelt summons his cabinet officers for a conference on the European crisis. 11:33:04 Part 2B: "War Crisis Shakes all Nations" Paris, France. Premier Daladier and Foreign Minister Bonnet fly to London, where they and Prime Minister Chamberlain move to exert pressure on Czechoslovakia to grant Hitler's demands of Sudeten territory annexat...

  15. Mauthausen prisoner Maurice Lampe testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Dr. Otto Nelte, counsel for Keitel, protesting the partial document in evidence. French prosecutor Dubost addressing the court. Maurice Lampe, former inmate of Mauthausen, testifies in French. Lampe reports that he saw German high officials several times in Mauthausen, but did not know who they were. He then recounts the assassination of 400 Soviet officers from Sachsenhausen.

  16. Ostarbeiter games

    Excerpts from the fifth story of the newsreel "German Weekly Review" No. 624 for 1943 about sports competitions between workers from different countries who came to work in Germany. Several shots of different groups of people on a field, each with a sign indicating their nationality: Protektorat, Kroaten, Franzosen, Belgier, Hollander, Ostarbeiter, Italiener, Bulgaren, Ostarbeiter. The narration indicates that these are work teams living and working in Germany. They go on to engage in athletic competitions, including tug of war, a track race, and a soccer game (France vs. Protektorat, Franc...

  17. Slovakian newsreel: Slovakian government officials; Hlinka youth

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Marshall Kvaternik on a visit to military residence in the Tatra Mountains. Awards presented to Slovak soldiers in Ruzemberok near the mausoleum of Andrej Hlinka and in the L. Stur barracks, a mobile attack unit. Croatian Ustashe Youth together with Hlinka Youth in the Parnic camp.

  18. Book a book of drawings

  19. Book

    Zaglada Zydow Zolkiewskich, by Gerzon Taffet, published Łódź, 1946

  20. Poster listing food prices