Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,321 to 13,340 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Defendants' closing statements at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 378) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 31, 1946. Short excerpts from the final speeches of defendants Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Franz von Papen, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Albert Speer, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Fritzsche.

  2. War Crimes Trials: Flick Case

    (Munich 545) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 5 (Flick Case), April 19, 1947. MLS, defendants rise as their names are called: Friedrich Flick, Otto Steinbrinck, Odilo Burkart, Konrad Kaletsch, Bernhard Weiss, Hermann Terberger. Defendants Flick, Steinbrinck, Burkart, and Weiss pleading to the indictment. Other two defendants not pictured with sound. Gen. Lucius D. Clay seated in prosecution section of the courtroom. Silent, cut-in shots of defendants in dock.

  3. Dodd speaks of mistreatment of Poles at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. LS, court rises as judges enter and take their places. Rear views only, Thomas J. Dodd, US prosecution counsel, talking to the Tribunal states in part, "...some of the punishment consists of starvation, such punishment results in the workers fainting. Spreading of tuberculosis among the Polish workers is the result of insufficient food rations given out in the camp..." Dodd continues his address telling of the mistreatment, starvation, and disease brought on by adverse conditions in the labor camps of Poland. Pan to priso...

  4. 1936 Olympics: nature; sports; athletes

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 1: Italian titles (rolling). Nature scenes at the Olympic camp at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, bird in trees, crane on river bank, athletes running through forest, wading stream, taking steam baths, swimming in river, playing basketball, practicing shot put and javelin throw as they prepare for the Summer Games. Flags of the nations fly at the German Arena; athletes march onto the field carrying flags of their nations.

  5. Collier's (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Collier''s magazine cover illustration by Arthur Szyk showing Hitler with the world, the devil and death.

  6. Rescue of hidden children in Ukraine

    A village in the countryside during winter. CUs of dilapidated icons, a boot, an abandoned house. MCU, peasant woman with tag around her neck, standing in a clearing with a child. She looks directly at the camera. People sit in what appears to be a movie theater, watching the woman and her child. That is reinforced with a second cut back and forth. A child on a stretcher, being carried out by soldiers - the children are being rescued from a cave. They were hiding in the town of Velikaya Lepetikha, in the Zaporozhie region of the Ukraine. Russian title reads: "Liberated children. Velikaya Le...

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Staged scenes of antisemitism

    Some (maybe all) STAGED scenes. Nazi men roughing up two suited men in dry cleaners; soldier seen from INT of store, waits for instructions to start ("Action!"). Soldier seen painting Jude through window. Sign "Deutsche! Wehrt euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden." Pull back, soldier holding sandwich board, women and men walk past, not looking. In workplace two Nazis barge in, wrestle with men, drag them away. Painter in window finishes, leaves; same, as seen from outside, Nazi next to him with flag (staged). In butcher shop, Nazi comes in, grabs butcher and customer. In restaurant/diner, Nazi comes...

  8. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers going to war

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 2: (badly scratched). Parade at train platform, train station, waving goodbye as soldiers board train. Views of countryside fr...

  9. Jodl testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 209) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 4, 1946. MSs, Prof. Franz Exner, Alfred Jodl's counsel, at stand as off-screen voice is heard interpreting Jodl's testimony into English. MS, Justices Biddle, Parker, and de Vabre. MS, US prosecutor Dodd seated in courtroom. LS, ex-General Alfred Jodl speaking with Dr. Laternser, defense lawyer for German general staff, before opening of morning session. LS, side view, judges enter court and take seats. LS, Prof. Exner questioning Jodl. Jodl talks about former Field Marshal Keitel. Pan from Jodl testifying to Keitel in prisoners' dock.

  10. Koerner and Kesselring testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, prisoners' dock. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines Paul Koerner, Deputy of the Board of the Four-Year Plan, Staatssekretar in the Prussian Ministry, Chairman of the SS Obergruppenfuehrer, and Hermann Goering's personal Adjutant in the Prussian State Ministry. Koerner is questioned about November 9th, Reichskristallnacht, Goering's role, the fining of Jews after the damage, etc. He points out and verifies that riots against the Jews were incited by members of the government and that Goering was in...

  11. Prewar Lviv (Lwow, Poland) and the first days of German occupation

    Prewar scenes in Lvov (Lwow, Poland, Lviv, Ukraine). VS, parade, floats with people and agit prop puppets, etc. Scenes after the German invasion. Nazi flags flying from buildings, etc. Crowds of civilians, peasants, women and children, in the streets, soldiers milling about. CU of military officer. In the first segment, the narrator speaks in Ukrainian over images of prewar life with shots of people (possibly in some sort of pageant) dressed as priests, bourgeois capitalists, and nuns in order to explain how the notion of "enemy" was created. There is a stall with a game allowing players to...

  12. Indoctrinating Russian soldiers

    Shows training and indoctrination of the Russian soldier during World War II. A patrol of Russian recruits on field maneuvers in mountainous, wooded country is briefed by officials on care of weapons and hygiene and foot care, climbs mountains, has point man set up stone marker at stream crossing point, and wades across stream despite swift current. LS beautiful, imposing views of mountains. Pan of mountains from peaks, rushing river, waterfalls. Soldiers at stream, crossing, seated on bank of hill, get ready to go. CU, two soldiers discuss plan and map. Soldiers hike up mountains, rest. Wi...

  13. Survivors at Majdanek

    [The title is misleading - there is actually no trial footage in this story.] VS, CU, malnourished baby in diaper, CU, needle and syringe and hand, person is wearing a white lab coat. CUs of survivors, lying emaciated on the ground and in wooden beds. INT, still of room where bodies were decapitated. MCU, bushel of heads in a wooden fruit basket, resting next to a line of decapitated corpses in a wooden rack. Various CUs of the heads. Montage of familiar camp images: ovens, piles of metal, hair, and shoes. Translation of Ukrainian narration: A giant death industry was being created. More th...

  14. Soldiers celebrate

    EXT, soldiers clowning around outside of their barracks. Soldiers eat, sing, dance, pretend to be bull fighters, and generally have a good time.

  15. Liberation of Bessarabia, North Bukovina, June 1940

    People welcoming troops. Zhukov and military parade: main street. People demonstrate with banners, fists in the air. Timoshenko and Khruschev, with peasants, locals, Romanian POWs. VS of shackles, soldiers and POWs holding implements of bondage, torture. There are joyful scenes of reunion- men and women kissing and hugging each other, etc. Scenes are from several areas in Ukraine and Moldova, as well as Bessarabian villages.

  16. Luxembourg occupation discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 534) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1, 1946. MSs, Emil Reuter, President of the Assembly of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is sworn in and begins testifying. LS, French prosecutor Faure interrogates the witness. MSs, Reuter testifies about the German occupation of Luxembourg. He gives an account of the situation in Luxembourg immediately before the annexation by Germany, testifying that the continuation of government in Luxembourg was at the time secured, and the German government repeatedly expressed peaceful intentions. Faure speaking from the stand. LS, prisoners' dock.

  17. Doenitz testifies; US army parade in Frankfurt

    21:09:35 (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. Adm. Karl Doenitz leaves prisoners' dock, walks to witness stand, and is sworn in. MCUs, Doenitz testifying. SEQ: Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler examining Doenitz. 21:15:43 (Munich 153) Parade, Frankfurt, Germany, May 8, 1946. (silent) US troops parading. MCUs, civilian spectators. Excellent scenes, US troops armed with bayoneted rifles pass in review. Head-on shots, WAC contingent on parade. MSs, US MPs armed with rifles march in parade following by MPs in jeeps. LSs, generals of the Allied powers on review stand which i...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- GI tour of Holland

    First GI tour to Holland, part 2. Flowers, the Hague, Dutch countryside.