Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,301 to 1,320 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation from the National Archives in Geneva regarding the fate of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1939-1945

    Documentation from the National Archives in Geneva regarding the fate of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1939-1945

  2. Documentation regarding anti-Jewish decrees, from the Amtsgericht Medebach (District Court) (Westphalia), 1933 and 1936

    Documentation regarding anti-Jewish decrees, from the Amtsgericht Medebach (District Court) (Westphalia), 1933 and 1936 The sub-record group includes two files: 1. Original title of the file: Geschäftsinstruktionen allgemeiner Art, 1920-1936 Original signature: Amtsgericht Medebach I Nr. 12 The material that was photocopied for Yad Vashem: Beiordnung von Armenanwälten, Amtsverteidigern und dergl. für Juden, 1936 2. Original title of the file: Kanzleiangestellte, 1922-1936 Original signature: Amtsgericht Medebach I Nr. 27 The material that was photocopied for Yad Vashem: Entlassene Angestell...

  3. Documentation from the Gebietskommissariat (District Government), 1941-1944

    Documentation from the Gebietskommissariat (District Government), 1941-1944 The Collection includes reports and instructions regarding the confiscation of homes, synagogues, books and works of art belonging to Jews, documentation relating to Jewish craftsmen and supplies to Jewish forced laborers, instructions of the Mitte Heeres-Gebietes (Central Armia Zone) regarding the tasks and goals of the Judenrat, instructions of the Gebietskommissariat regarding the replacement of Jewish and Polish physicians by Belorussian physicians, prohibition in selling houses and personal items belonging to J...

  4. Documentation of the Historical Commission of Himmler, the SS leader, 1921-1942

    Documentation of the Historical Commission of Himmler, the SS leader, 1921-1942 The Commission was set up as part of Himmler's Personalstab (personal staff). Its primary purpose was to investigate the reasons for the failure of the Nazi revolutionary attempt in Austria in June 1934 (at that time, it was headed by Reinhard Heydrich). Afterwards, the Commission continued and gathered historic material about Austrian internal politics and National Socialism in Austria. Among the tasks Himmler assigned the Commission was also to collect and investigate evidence regarding SS personnel suspected ...

  5. Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region

    Documentation from official organizations and institutions in the Saar region Documentation from the following organizations: - Polizeibehörden der NS-Zeit (including the SIPO. A separate sub-record group was opened regarding the Gestapo Saarbruecken, in Sapir item 11638053) - Bodenwirtschaftsamt Saarbrücken - Kulturamt Metz - Landeshauptkasse des Saarlandes - Landesrat des Saargebietes - Lehrerseminar Ottweiler - Mädchenrealgymnasium St.Wendel.

  6. Personal files of prisoners, in the Gefaengnisverwaltung II (Prisons II administration) in Hamburg

    Personal files of prisoners, in the Gefaengnisverwaltung II (Prisons II administration) in Hamburg

  7. O.67 - Documentation from the Labor Party Archives, 1942-1945

    O.67 - Documentation from the Labor Party Archives, 1942-1945 The documentation in this record group includes reports, letters, newspaper clippings and lists regarding the situation of the Jews of Europe in the German occupied areas, and documentation of organizations related to the and to the rescue activities of these organizations; This record group includes documentation regarding the Holocaust, photocopied in the Labor Party Archives in 1979; The documentation comprises three containers with 10 files; The record group is arranged chronologically, from 1942 until 1945.

  8. M.52.DAKO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kiev Region

    M.52.DAKO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Kiev Region The State Archives of the Kiev Region was established in 1922 as the Central Historical Archives of Kiev. As of 1932, it was called the Historical Archives of the Kiev Region, and in 1943 it was named the State Archives of the Kiev Region. This Archives preserves many documents from the 17th century, and it also includes documents from contemporary times; much of the documentation regards the history of the Great Patriotic War [World War II] and the German occupation of the Kiev region during 1941-1943; The Sub-Record Grou...

  9. Monthly reports prepared by local authorities in the Friedberg district, regarding the political and economic situation in the district, 1937-1938

    Monthly reports prepared by local authorities in the Friedberg district, regarding the political and economic situation in the district, 1937-1938 The reports include much information regarding the life of the economy, agriculture and trade in the local area, including information regarding Jewish businesses and various events concerning the Jews in the area.

  10. M.49 - Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ŻIH): Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw

    M.49 - Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ŻIH): Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw In the Record Group there are copies of documentation that was handed over to Yad Vashem by the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. The Record Group is divided into two Subsections: Subsection M.49.E. is comprised of a collection of testimonies taken down by the Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna (Central Jewish Historical Committee); Subsection M.49.P. contains a collection of diaries.

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama Memorial booklet: 1. "Yosef Shamir, 1916-2001, a man of the movement, of vision, and action", August 2003; Testimonies: 1. David David, "Story of my life", summer 1993; 2. Sara Kaplun, "Life was given to me as a gift"; 3. "Memoirs of Rachel Shamir, regarding the German occupation of the city of Tarnow in September 1939, and her departure to the city of Lwow, two months later" (14/12/2003); Photographs (photocopy): 1. David David (16/0...

  12. Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

    Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

  13. Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord

    Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord Included in the Collection are the record groups: - Gauschulungamt JM/14920 (frames 2-182); JM/14940 (frames 221-448) - Gaugericht Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 183-184) - NS Frauenschaft Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 185-218) - Hauptleitung JM/14940 (frames 2-159) - Gauinspekteure JM/14940 (frames 160-220).

  14. Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924

    Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924 In the collection: Lists of members of the executive committee of the representatives of the workers and the police workers in the Mogilev district during 1923-1924.

  15. Documentation of the anti-fascist undergrounds in Belorussia, 1944-1962

    Documentation of the anti-fascist undergrounds in Belorussia, 1944-1962 Included in the collection: - Memoirs regarding the underground activities in the Minsk Ghetto, and regarding the persecution and murder of the Jews in the Minsk Ghetto; - Documentation of the anti-fascist underground, regarding the murder of Jews in the Malorita district in June 1942; - Report of the regional anti-fascist underground in Brest, regarding the Nazi war crimes in the Brest region during 1941-1944; - Names of members of the Jewish underground active in the Minsk Ghetto during 1941-1943.

  16. M.1.Q. - Historical questionnaires completed by refugees in DP camps, 1946-1948

    M.1.Q. - Historical questionnaires completed by refugees in DP camps, 1946-1948 The Central Historical Committee (CHC) in Munich distributed questionnaires among Holocaust survivors from various countries and cities. The purpose of the questionnaires was to gather detailed information regarding the persecution during the Nazi occupation.

  17. Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954

    Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954 Included in the collection: Testimonies in favor of Professor David Cohen, from a trial held against him after the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1947-1948; Various documents submitted by Professor David Cohen to his lawyers during the trial held against him and against A. Asscher in the Netherlands after the war, 1947-1949; Documents regarding the possibilities for emigration for Jews from the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation perio...

  18. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Willi Bechner; 2. Rivka Grinberger; 3. Shragai Degani; 4. Michael Werner; 5. Baruch Zeira; 6. Zvi Mor; 7. Mordechai Neustadt (testimony, from an unknown source); 8. Rachel Sobol; Booklet: 1. Uri Yanai, "Excerpts of memoirs", Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1990; 2. "Saltzseleufer leben zeit shrift", Aroibegegebn durchen kultur-amt beim Yiddishen Komitet in Bad Salzuflen-Fulder [?] Kriz, Amerikaner Zone ("Journal of my li...