Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,121 to 13,140 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Sentencing Fritzsche; Accusing Goering, Ribbentrop, Frank at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen, SOUND ONLY. Soviet voice at start, re. Funk. Adjournment for 10 minutes. "Hello, recording. Hello, recording." 02:25:40 Continuation of sentences pronounced by tribunal: 02:25:45 Hans Fritzsche: Not guilty Martin Bormann (fragment) 02:26:30 Resume of Goering's career in the Nazi Party. US Justice Fran...

  2. Lucy Lutostanska Reports 1937-1945

    Contains an English version of Lucy Lutostanska's Polish memoir that describes her role as a rescuer during the Holocaust. Included are correspondence between Lucy Lutosktanska and Dan and Karen McGlaughlin.

  3. VE Day celebrations; Dutch DPs; US troops

    01:43:40 (B-1185) V-E Day Celebrations, Hanover-Hameln, Germany, May 9, 1945. LSs, British, French, and US flags flying above church entrance. LSs, truckloads of Dutch DPs moving to and away from camera. Dutch DPs gathered in open field. Young child waves Dutch flag. MSs, 2nd Bn, 137th Inf Regt, parading through streets of Hameln. MSs, CUs, Dutch displaced persons load aboard freight trains. SEQ: Detachments of Yugoslav, Polish, Czech, Russian, and Italian troops honoring US soldiers during review and retreat ceremony. 01:48:10 (LIB 6297) Gen. Simpsons Visits 83rd Div, Calbe, Germany, May 5...

  4. Hospitals; Russian DPs in Ossendorf camp near Cologne

    (LIB 6967) Military Government, Cologne, Germany, June 13, 1945. MSs, CUs, woman copying point values from poster. MLSs, broken lamppost in the rubble. MLSs, large German hospital taken over by the US Army; ambulances drive up to entrance. CU, sign over hospital entrance, "7th Convalescent Hospital." Grounds of St. Vincent's Hospital showing Russian civilian convalescents including woman holding infant child. MLSs, EXTs, St. Augstin's Hospital; nurses, nuns, and doctors enter and exit from entrance. MLSs, CUs, Russian displaced persons in Ossendorf Camp attend outdoor classes. LSs, civilian...

  5. German educational film: Children of East Africa

    This film seems to closely parallel documentation regarding other films that were shot by Dr. Ludwig Kohl Larsen and his research team during the German Africa Expeditions that took place from 1934 to 1936 and again from 1937 to 1939. This expedition went to East Africa to study the hunter gatherer tribe of the region near Lake Eyasi. This tribe was called the Hadzabe, a nomadic tribe from Tanzania. This particular short ethnographic film features mainly children at play. They are young boys, running naked and swimming in the lake, climbing trees, eating coconuts, and fishing in the lake. I...

  6. Kan family at the zoo

    Ouwehand Zoo in Rhenen. Two children looking at various animals. EXT shots of the pavilion buildings at the zoo; animals in the exhibits; crowd watching seals. Children feed pigeons and hold a goat.

  7. Verdoner family on summer holiday

    VS, Verdoner family on summer holiday in the beach resort town of Zandvoort, near Haarlem in the Netherlands.

  8. Einstein

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 100, Part 7. Release date, 12/11/1930. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: News Paragraphs, New York, NY. "Einstein arrives!" German scientist here for lectures tour and scientific research. CU, Einstein. Arm in arm with fellows across ship's deck. LS, Einstein surrounded by reporters and cameramen. CU, Mrs. Einstein and her husband. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:18:54 1: Diegel wins first open match play golf championship. 01:20:08 2: Villages combat flood ravages as high water recedes. 01:21:31 3: Male chorines shine in dress rehearsa...

  9. Kurt Gutfreund papers

    The Kurt Gutfreund papers include biographical materials, Theresienstadt postcards and receipts, photographs, and a clipping. The Theresienstadt material documents Kurt Gutfreund’s imprisonment in the Theresienstadt concentration camp from 1943-1945 with his mother Hildegard. Postcards and receipts primarily document packages Hildegard’s sister sent them in Theresienstadt. Some of the postcards include coded messages from Hildegard in the addressee field requesting specific foods in the next package (for example “Dear Onion” to indicate she wanted onions). Additional postcards from the Gutf...

  10. Kan family vacationing in France

    Color. People in a field of yellow flowers. CUs of people (unidentified). Countryside, river with a house. Men and women walk down a dirt road towards the camera, trees in BG. People walk in small groups - three women walk side by side and two men several paces behind them. Scenic shots of the countryside. People walk in the garden. 01:04:38 Group of men and women in a garden. Sundial, large white manor. People sitting in lawn chairs. 01:05:09 Robert on the far left and Betsy on the far right walking with their grandparents (Frits's parents). Grandma tosses a ball to Betsy who then tosses i...

  11. Verdoner family on vacation in the Alps

    Scenes from the Verdoner family's winter vacation, skiing in the Alps in Switzerland. VS of ski slopes and countryside. Hilde and Gerrit Verdoner are identifiable. VS of people lining up on the slopes, cross country skiing, climbing uphill, etc. Shot of ski lift and people getting on lift. VS of ski resort/lodge taken from the lift.

  12. US Army medics, trauma surgery

    Color footage. MCU moves out to MLS, and then a pan of destroyed equipment on the beach. VS, beach head and surrounding countryside, military vehicles and personnel in BG. Field full of rubble and artillery shells. CU, remains of a building stairwell, rubble surround the stairwell. END LS, from high angle, rooftops of an unidentified town. VS of the rooftops, a street and bridge below with civilians walking across it. VS, MCUs and CUs, the camera pans a church spire and other architectural details of the building. CUs of two American soldiers looking through the viewfinder atop the cathedra...

  13. Liberation of Dachau; Folk Festival in Czechoslovakia

    EXT, U.S. Army medical unit loads supplies onto trucks for transport. Snow on the ground; soldiers in winter gear, VS loading large wooden crates. VS, the convoy of medical unit trucks travels over difficult terrain, dirt and mud roads, etc. MS, a truck dumps a large amount of rubble onto a dirt road, soldiers [and possibly locals] shovel and level off the roads. LS, underexposed, supply trucks move along a road, mountains in BG. MS, captured German soldiers stand in line with their belongings, receive rations, interviewed by the liberating U.S. Army unit. Pan, several German soldiers look ...

  14. DC in wartime; various war news; Nazi sub spy trial

    Washington DC in Wartime. The Washington monument, view of official buildings. Street scenes, the Capitol seen from Pennsylvania Avenue. INT, crowded corridor of govt building. INT, Gen. George C. Marshall and Sec of War Henry Stimson confer. People exiting govt buildings. Policeman directly heavy traffic in street. 04:01:49 The Global War: Brazil. 04:02:42 US Army and RAF fly bombers to Britain 04:03:33 Nation Aids Rubber Drive 04:04:27 Trial of German Spies Saboteurs: VS, prison van and armed soldiers enter court building. Panel of unidentified Army officers conduct trial of Nazi spies. C...

  15. Yugoslavia: partisan soldiers; marching; dancing; villagers

    Reel 4: Partisan soldiers firing guns. Col. Jagos looking through glasses. Men placing artillery guns in position, horses, men marching. Partisan soldiers resting on roadside, sleeping, writing letters. Solders in trenches; dead German soldier. Soldiers eating lunch. Marching through Sotin; peasants watching as convoy of artillery guns and soldiers march through village. Villagers watching haystack and home burning. Soldier playing the accordion and singing, eating lunch, listening to music; people resting. Dead German soldiers. Soldiers dancing the "Kola" as accordionist plays. Group of pe...

  16. U.S. Army soldiers; surgery; hospital; Gen. Patton; liberated villagers

    CU of an open wound, the camera pulls back and pans the body, the wound is on a man's inner thigh, it is a large, open wound that penetrates several layers of muscle. The doctor lifts up the man's penis and cleans around the wound, prepping for surgery. The man is covered by a blanket from the waist up. CU of another wounded man with a small bandage on his head. He takes the bandage off and blood begins to stream down his forehead. The top of the man's head is out of frame, he continues to look directly at the camera, he is wearing a torn T-shirt. He reaches to put the bandage back on his h...

  17. Doll wig

    Julia Schor played with the wig while in hiding during the Holocaust.

  18. Goldlust family papers

    Documents, correspondence, and photographs regarding the Holocaust experiences of the Goldlust family of Konstanz, Germany including Manja Goldlust and her children Paula and Leo’s deportations to the Gurs and Rivesaltes internment camps in France, correspondence from the camps with Manja’s husband Bernhard Goldlust in England, and Bernhard’s attempts to help them immigrate to England. Biographical material consists of Bernhard’s Foreigner passport (Fremden Pass), primarily postwar identification documents of Paula (some documents place her birth as 1928), an affidavit and related documents...

  19. Kan family on vacation in 1936

    Newspaper clipping: "22 Maart 1936 BEGIN VAN DE LENTE Dit jaar meer dan een symbolische datum. - Ook voor heden gunstige vooruitzichten." Betsy, Robert, and their grandfather (Jeanne's father) on a sidewalk. Betsy jumps rope and looks at the camera while Robert holds his grandfather's hand, skipping. The children, Jeanne, and her parents walk towards the camera down a different sidewalk. Trees/park; elderly man with cane. 01:00:18 Driving on road; people walk and bike on either side of the car. Several shots. 01:00:44 At the beach, Betsy digs in the sand with a shovel. She smiles and looks ...

  20. Judge Ben Lindsey

    Judge Ben Lindsey making his will public, speaking of importance of probate law. (filmed in studio)