Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,101 to 13,120 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Album of 26 black and white linocuts of scenes from a detention camp in Cyprus

    Album of 26 black and white linocuts of scenes from a detention camp in Cyprus, and with a list of linocuts in Hebrew; black ink inscription in English captioning each interior linocut. This album was drawn, printed, and bound in 120 copies by pupils of the art-class of the Rutenberg Seminar in the Detention Camps of Cypress."

  2. Persecution of Jews; isolating, labeling, deporting, murdering Jews

    Pre-title sequence: Bookburning in Berlin, Joseph Goebbels speaking. View of bodies stacked with wood for burning, and Heinrich Heine quote. Film title: DER GELBE STERN: Ein Film ueber die Judenverfolgung 1933 - 1945. Events of January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany. NSDAP (Nazi Party) organization, new members, SA marching in streets. S.A. Heim [Sturmabteilung headquarters]. Joseph Goebbels speaks at Sportpalast in Berlin, against the lying Jewish press etc. This preceded Hitler's first speech as Chancellor, February 10. Still of burned Reichstag building, and a...

  3. Post war documentary on lessons to be learned from the Holocaust

    Scene behind open credits is a bustling city square. Still of man hanging from a telegraph pole. Famous photo of young boy and woman with their hands up during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, it is a Stroop Report photo. 01:01:39 Concentration camp. Writing on wall. 01:02:43 CU of letters. 01:03:14 Still photos of individuals. "Poruke". Writing on screen. 01:04:18 Still photos - people about to be shot, inmates on wire, men with signs around their necks stating what they are guilty of. 01:04:45 Stills of many bodies in mass grave. 01:05:20 Still of people hanging, firing squad, bodies. 01:07:08...

  4. Albert Einstein

    Tower built to prove Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Costly structure with expensive laboratory equipment is built by exponents of scientist's discovery. Three shots of tower.

  5. Blasting IG Farben plant

    Blastin the I.G. Farben War Plant, November 12, 1945. MS, Gen Lucian K Truscott speaks with Col S Y Giffert of the Industry Branch of the Military Government. CU, Gen Truscott. HS, the general pushes the handle of the magnetic exploder. MSs, MCUs, officers connected with the project. CU, sign, "Schwaben Control Office". CU, sign, "Enemy Ammo Collecting Point". VS, results of the blasting. Officers and men inspect the damage. Pan, VS, destroyed trees, ammunition bunkers, and building structures. (These buildings were camouflaged). Note: The actual explosion was not photographed.

  6. Verdoner family playing in the garden

    Francisca Verdoner and Yoka Verdoner, in the family yard with their mother Hilde Verdoner. They are eating and playing. VS, some overhead shots, taken from a window or a balcony in the house. Francisca beginning to crawl, being picked up off the grass by her grandfather. Francisca and Yoka playing with wooden blocks and toys. CUs, their father Gerrit Verdoner helps them to build a tower from the wooden blocks.

  7. Norman Winestine correspondence

    Contains correspondence pertaining to Norman Winestine's role in helping Jacob Hess and family leave Germany for the United States in 1939.

  8. Verdoner family playing in winter in Hilversum

    Hilde Verdoner pulling her daughters Yoka and Francisca along the snowy streets of Hilversum, Holland on a sled. VS, LS, MS, the children sledding, townspeople skiing and sledding down a snow covered hill. LS, a group of men climbing uphill on skis in order to ski back downhill. MS, Gerrit Verdoner and his daughter Yoka sledding downhill together. VS, MS, CU, Yoka sledding. LS, pan of treetops and hillside, outline of buildings in town visible beyond the tree line, small walking bridge in BG, screen left. LS, skiers on the slopes. VS, families with their children and sleds. Yoka rides again...

  9. Street barricade in Stuttgart; Russian POWs hold May Day ceremony

    04:40:48 (LIB 6127) Stuttgart, Germany, April 29, 1945. SEQ: German civilians carry bricks and rubble and build a barricade around French MG position at street intersection. CU, French soldier directs work of Germans. 04:44:13 (LIB 6128) May Day - Stalag #6, Hemmer, Germany, May 1, 1945. HAS, MS pan Russian POWs hold May Day celebration in POW camp Stalag 6, after liberation by US forces. CU, Russian soldiers carrying sign in Russian and English: "Long live the American Army which liberated us from Nazi captivity." Cut-ins, still portraits of Stalin, Truman, Churchill, Lenin, Zhukov. LS, sp...

  10. Kan family at the beach in Zandvoort in 1932

    Hand-made title card that reads "Zandvoort 1932" with sun, sailboat and water. At the beach. Little boy (Robert?) playing in the sand with an ore and older girl (Betsy?) waving. Jeanne, mother, looks on from a beach chair. Woman and children walk down a set of stairs on the beach. 01:01:30 Little boy pushes a wheelbarrow and the little girl runs. Group of small children in white clothes and hats sit in the sand while a woman in sunglasses holds one of them up. Posing for group photograph. Children are sucking on lollipops. Little boy shovels sand and is joined by another child. Digging in s...

  11. Coin purse with a beaded peacock design with the year 1943

  12. Italians with belongings; wreckage; US troops in Italy

    04:00:06 Wreckage at Salerno, Italy, 1943. VS, civilians carrying personal belongings along streets. British soldiers dig water mains. 04:01:22 American Troops at Benevento, Italy, October 11, 1943. Infantry marches into Benevento. Ruins of buildings. Engineers of the 45th Div clear debris from the streets. Engineers remove blocks of TNT from bridge outside the city. Italian civilians raiding granary for wheat. Americans interview German prisoner.

  13. Ruined Italian town; Italian civilians; US soldiers

    American Troops Shell and Occupy San Pietro, Italy, December 18, 1943. American engineers enter the ruined town. American soldiers round up German prisoners; MP soldier guards prisoners. MCU, CU, German prisoners. American paratrooper escorts German prisoner through field to POW enclosure. VS, Italian civilians return to their ruined homes in San Pietro; civilians leave caves and air raid shelters. MCU, American soldiers speak to Italian civilians. MCU, Italian women and children stand at doorway of ruined home. The woman motions that they are hungry. MCU, CU, Italian children. MS, MCU, hys...

  14. Postwar: Verdoner family at the beach

    "Zandvoort 1946. Joke ping pong. Kinderen bad, strand" EXT, Yoka Verdoner playing table tennis. Francisca Verdoner walking among cabanas at the beach in Zandvoort, near Haarlem, the Verdoner family's summer vacation spot. This footage was shot post war. The Verdoner children were hidden children. Their mother Hilde was deported to Auschwitz where she perished. CU of the children at the beach. Yoka and Otto are present as are other children, young adults and adults. They play together in the sand. VS of the children tumbling and doing head stands on the beach. "Zomer 1946. Padedestoelen" MCU...

  15. Verdoner children playing in the garden

    CU, Otto Verdoner standing in his crib, smiling happily for the camera. ECU, Otto's face. VS, Otto playing with wooden toys in his crib. MCU, Francisca seated in a chair next to Otto's crib, she talks to her brother, and amuses herself. EXT, several children, including Yoka and Francisca Verdoner in the Verdoners' garden. ECU, Otto in the arms of his mother Hilde, passing the camera to go outside with the other children. VS, children running around playing ball, the father of the other young children (3) is present. There are two boys and one girl. Yoka and the boys chase each other around ...

  16. Skiiers; US army maneuvers; West Point

    Skiers on a slalom course, a crowd is watching. This is a race, or competition of some sort as all the skiers are wearing large race numbers on their vests. VS, skiers taking the chair lift up to the top of the slopes. 01:02:04 Oceanside, there is a small wooden dock that juts out from the beach into the water's edge, waves, crashing against the dock, VS waves hitting the shore. MCU flagpole in the sand, camera pans up to show American flag. Large wood frame house on beach front, camera pans house and surrounding beachfront property, including CUs of flowers in bloom. 01:04:13 "Mechanized C...

  17. German educational film: rice farming practices in Southeast Asia

    This German educational film focuses on rice farmers in an unidentified country in Southeast Asia (most likely Indonesia). The film features men and women working in the rice fields, several majestic shots of the stepped land and perfectly manicured rice paddies. Oxen are used by the men to tend to the paddies. VS of collecting the rice, men and women back in the village sorting the day's harvest. MCU of an altar with flowers and various other items. INT, MS of women separating the grains from the stalk using large sticks. CU of a young boy eating the spare grains of rice that fall to the f...

  18. Ida Cohen correspondence

    Contains letters written from Suwalki, Poland to Ida Cohen in San Antonio, Texas, 1945: two letters from Kazimierz Wawrzyn, a friend of Ms. Cohen's and a resident of Krasnopol; one letter from Jadzi Bak in Krasnopol, dated November 1945; one letter from Father Jan Florek in Krasnopol, dated November 13, 1945.

  19. "I Remained Living"

    Consists of one memoir, 162 pages, entitled "I Remained Living" by Usher (Asher) Celinski, originally of Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, in 1964. Includes information about his experiences in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Buchenwald, and Sliebin and the deaths of his family in Treblinka.