Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,081 to 13,100 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Feliz Sternberg Sorell documents

    Collection of documents including university degree, immigration papers, passports, taxi cab license, and obituaries related to Feliks Sternberg (later Felix Sorell; donor's paternal uncle), who was born in Yugoslavia, studied in Vienna and Berlin, fled Yugoslavia and Italy in 1941 and immigrated to Cuba in 1942 via Lisbon, Portugal; dated 1916 to 1961.

  2. Trial of Buchenwald personnel; Nuremberg Trial: Milch case

    World in Film. Issue no. 117 (1947) 03:23:14 "Buchenwald Trial, The Sentence." Title: "Prozess Buchenwald: Das Urteil." Entrance to the courthouse at Dachau where the trial is being held. INTs, courtroom showing judges and spectators. Former General of the Waffen SS, Josiah Prinze zu Waldeck, is the first to hear his sentence. All 31 defendants were found guilty. Ilse Koch, the only woman defendant, is sentenced to life imprisonment. CU, Ilse Koch. Herman Pister is sentenced to death by hanging. 03:24:49 "Sun Observatory, Wendelstein, Bavarian Alps," Wendelstein, Germany: LS, the observator...

  3. Yugoslavia: riverside; propaganda; church; bridges; street scenes; memorial

    Reel 4: Pan across city of Belgrade across Sava River; Zemun Bridge. Placards displayed throughout the city of Belgrade. From steeple of Saborna Serbian Orthodox Church to people entering and leaving. Vehicles, horse-drawn carts and people crossing Zemun Bridge; main street in Belgrade, Terazyje Square, Albaivua building; Balkan Hotel, trolley cars and people. Russian grave in Knesev Spomenak Square, National Opera Theater in BG; inscription on gravestone, star on top.

  4. Postwar: Verdoner children emigrate to the US

    VS, the three Verdoner children - Otto, Francisca and Yoka playing in the woods. This footage was shot post war, the Verdoner children were hidden children. Their mother Hilde was deported to Auschwitz and perished during the war. Cut to Otto on the deck of a ship SS Gripsholm. VS, of the three children on deck, as well as other women. They are on board the ship that took them from Europe to the US in 1946. High angle, MLS, Francisca sits on a bench on deck and waves to the camera. CU, an unidentified woman aboard the ship.

  5. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Halperin being sworn as interpreter for the Military Commission hearing the case. Man explains choice, duties of Sgt Sessler, the interpreter for the accused (sound only). MCUs, defense table with attorneys and Sessler; swearing in Franz...

  6. Dorothy Isaacsohn papers

    The Dorothy Isaacsohn papers consist of photographs of Dorothy Isaacsohn while she was living as a displaced person in Germany and of her parents and their Isaacsohn and Koh relatives before and during the war as well as six pre-printed blank dress forms. One photograph depicts Dorit Isaacsohn four days before her immigration to the United Sates wearing the white blouse her mother handmade for her. Two others show Isaacsohn with a group of men and women outside a castle in the Berlin suburbs. The dress form depicts a drawn image of a woman facing forwards and backwards wearing a long dress ...

  7. German educational film: swimming techniques

    VS of adolescent boys learning to swim in a pool. There is one male instructor and approximately 10 pupils. The instructor takes them through important techniques for the breast stroke, focusing individually on arm movements and leg movements before combining the techniques to perfect the breast stroke.

  8. Verdoner children at home

    Otto Verdoner, seated at a table in his high chair, wearing a bib, and being fed by his mother. He is wearing a party hat that resembles a king's crown, most likely it is Otto's first birthday. Francisca plays with her younger brother. MCU, Otto seated on the 'potty' playing with a hair brush. CU, Otto and his mother Hilde. CU, Francisca and her great uncle Paul Wallmann playing at the table. CU, Yoka and her great aunt Selma Wallmann at the dinner table; great aunt Selma is making sure that Yoka eats all of her food. Yoka shows off her clean plate. CU, Yoka learning to knit. CU, Francisca ...

  9. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 3: Pusch testifying. Defense attorneys addressing Commission. Pusch testifying; Strasser listening; Reichl testifying; defense listening. Commissioners, including Judge Col. Raymond E. Zickel sitting the second from the right at 01:22:39 an...

  10. Drawing

    Image of a bearded man, a rabbi, wearing a hat and overcoat in the Kraków ghetto.

  11. German educational film: domesticating the African elephant

    This short film first depicts the African elephant in its natural habitat, aand then as domesticated elephants being used as work animals for a variety of tasks. All the scenes are EXT scenes. There are some interesting scenes shot at night in the camp, where the elephants can be seen with people riding them, etc. VS, of elephant hunting. There is a long, arduous scene where approximately 10 men try to rope and restrain a wild elephant. They are successful in roping one of his hind legs, but the elephant continues to fight off some of the men with his forelegs and his trunk, this struggle i...

  12. Book Lieder der Bewegung

  13. Child's white cotton dress with lace and embroidery

    Julia Schor wore the dress during World War II.

  14. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 4171-4178) Displaced Persons, Anrath, Germany, March 15, 1945. MSs, female displaced persons walk along corridor of former prison. Two girls enter cell. Inside cell, female DPs talk and sing. MCU, two Russian DP women. Two male DPs distribute German language newspapers printed by the US military authorities. LS, DPs in courtyard near entrance to mess hall. DPs unload beef and lard from truck. US soldier supervises unloading. MSs, CUs, DPs ready for transfer to their homelands are loaded on truck.

  15. War crimes trials of Ustasa

    Opening Text: Dokumuntarni film o procesu protiv grupe ustasko macekovsko cetnickhi koljaca spljuna I terorista u ovom filmu uvrstene su dokumentarne snimke iz ustaske filmske arhive. [Documentary film about the process against a group of Ustasa, followers of Macek, and Cetnik killers, spies, and terrorists. This film incorporates archival footage from the film archives of the Ustasa.] Narrated in Croatian. Judges enter courtroom. EXT; military guards accompany the war criminals into the courtroom. Each person to be tried is flanked by two guards. INT- crowd of civilians in the courtroom st...

  16. Verdoner children bathing

    CU, Francisca Verdoner in the bath tub, being bathed by her mother Hilde. Hilde washes her hair, makes a shampoo "mohawk", etc. CU, Yoka in the bathroom, making faces for the camera, sticking her tongue out at the camera as Francisca's bath continues. ECU, Francisca crying when she gets soap in her eyes. CU, Francisca sitting calmly, shrowded in a towel after her bath. CU, Yoka undresses and gets into the bath. VS, CUs, Yoka wetting her head, lathering with soap, then the mother takes over and finishes washing her.

  17. Morris Hillquit

    New York State Assembly. Assemblymen elected by the Socialist Party are prevented from taking "seat" and the lawyers who defend them. Morris Hillquit at his desk. William E. Karlin in group. Pan, group.

  18. Summary of Himmler at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    SOUND ONLY. Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Decisions reached on how the charges will be grouped. Description of Heinrich Himmler and the operations of the Gestapo.

  19. Verdoner children playing in the yard

    VS, Francisca and Yoka Verdoner playing in their yard with their mother Hilde and their grandmother, and two puppy dogs.

  20. Nazi propaganda: people with physical disabilities

    Propaganda film with German intertitles (some transcribed below). "Krüppel sind infolge eines angeborenen oder erworbenen Knochen=, Nerven= oder Gelenk= leidens in dem Gebrauch ihres Rumpfes oder ihrer Gliedmassen dauernd behinderte Kranke. Krüppel geraten ohne recht= zeitige und umsichtige Füersorge in Not und soziales Elend. 1) wegen unzweckmässiger Lebensweise, mangelnder ärztlicher Behandlung und Beobachtung. 2) wegen der Unfähigkeit, eine Schule zu besuchen. 3) wegen der Unfähigkeit, sich fuer eine Erwerbstätigkeit auszubilden." 03:09:16 Title: "I. Die nicht heimbeduerftigen Krüppel ko...