Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,261 to 1,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ramot Menashe

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ramot Menashe Description of the material: 1. Baptism and birth certificate of the wife of the submitter of the material, Nina Boniowka (false identity); 2. Interview with Nina Boniowka, in Polish (printed from the book, "Maria Dzieci Oskarzaja", by Marianska Hochberg, Krakow-Lodz-Warszawa, 1947); 3. Interview with Nina Boniowka (printed from the book, "Children Accuse, 1947", edited by Maria Mariska and Noah Gris); 4. Testimony of Nina Boni...

  2. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Maoz Haim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Maoz Haim Testimonies/ experiences: 1. Elisheva Ankori-Rosenfeld; 2. Sara Brandes; 3. Chava Nahir; Diary (photocopy): Chava Shayovitz Nahir; Articles from the kibbutz newsletter ("Lahaverim" - Hakibbutz Hameuchad - Group Activities section): 1. 28/09/1933; 2. 19/06/1936; 3. 06/07/1936; 4. 03/08/1936.

  3. Documentation of the Order Police Headquarters (Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei-ORPO), 1936-1945

    Documentation of the Order Police Headquarters (Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei-ORPO), 1936-1945 Documentation of the Order Police, a police entity established during the restructuring phase of the German police, 1936, alongside the Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei-SIPO). The functions of the ORPO included keeping the order and other police functions. Kurt Daluege was placed as head of the ORPO. It included the Protective Police (Schutzpolizei-Schupo) that was active in the cities and the gendarmerie that was active in the villages. The ORPO wore green uniforms, and therefore the Order Police w...

  4. תיעוד על תשלומי מס של יהודים ב-Finanzamt Stuttgart-Ost

    Watch lists for the tax district, accounting years 1940-1943

  5. M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region

    M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region History of the Archives: Concentration of the archival documentation in the Zaporozhye area began in 1925, and in the same year the regional archival authority was also established. With the cancellation of the sub-sections system in Soviet Ukraine in 1930, the State Historical Archives were established in the area, which were subordinate to the regional archival authority in Dnipropetrovsk. With the creation of the Zaporozhye region in 1939, its historical archives changed its name to the Regional State Historical Ar...

  6. Documentation of the subsidiary lodges to the B'nei B'rith Großloge (Grand Lodge) in Berlin, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

    Documentation of the subsidiary lodges to the B'nei B'rith Großloge (Grand Lodge) in Berlin, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

  7. Collection of the Gezantschap in Zwitserland (Consulate of the Netherlands) in Bern, Switzerland, 1939-1947

    Collection of the Gezantschap in Zwitserland (Consulate of the Netherlands) in Bern, Switzerland, 1939-1947 Included in the collection: Official documentation of the Gezantschap in Zwitserland regarding food parcels to Jews in Poland in 1944; Documents regarding the evacuation of Jews to locations overseas, 1943-1945; Documents regarding Jewish refugees, 1942-1943; Documents regarding the exchange of Jews for Germans, dated, 1939-1947; Documents regarding the diamond industry in the Netherlands, 1939-1947; Lists of refugees from the Netherlands, 1939-1947; Testimonies regarding Theresiensta...

  8. O.64.2/SCH.9 - Documents of the International Red Cross

    O.64.2/SCH.9 - Documents of the International Red Cross

  9. Documentation of the Tax Authority in Estonia, 1934 - 1940

  10. Collection of Soviet documents, from before the war

    Collection of Soviet documents, from before the war Included in the collection is documentation regarding residents who were deported from the Kostyukovichi district by the Soviet authorities in 1941; Maps of various areas of Belorussia, from 1927.

  11. תיעוד של בית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Witten (ווסטפליה)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12429515
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in Courts of Law in Westphalia In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who p...

  12. Documentation of the regional operational committee in Nikolayev, 1965-1967

    Documentation of the regional operational committee in Nikolayev, 1965-1967 Included in the collection is documentation regarding Jews who were active in the Soviet underground in the Nikolayev region during the German occupation period.

  13. Documentation regarding Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Lueneburg

    Documentation regarding Jews, from the Stadtarchiv Lueneburg

  14. Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Documentation of various district administrations in the Mogilev region; - Instructions of the Kommandantur.

  15. Collection of Ommen camp (Arbeitseinsatzlager Erika, in German) in the Netherlands, 1940-1945

    Collection of Ommen camp (Arbeitseinsatzlager Erika, in German) in the Netherlands, 1940-1945 Ommen camp served as a prison for people put on trial by the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands during 1942-1943; the Germans gave the camp a new name, Arbeitseinsatzlager Erika, in 1943, and imprisoned in the camp Dutchmen who attempted to evade forced labor and students who refused to sign a declaration of loyalty to the Germans.

  16. M.52.DAZhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zhitomir Region

    M.52.DAZhO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zhitomir Region History of the Archives: In 1919 the Revolutionary Committee of the Volyn sub-section issued an order establishing that public institutions and private individuals are obligated to register their documentation at the Committee for the Preservation of Objects of Art and Culture of the sub-section. In 1920 the archival committee of the Volyn sub-section was established, which dealt with the collection and cataloging of the existing archival documentation. In 1922 an archival authority of the Volyn sub-section was establ...

  17. Financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1939

    Financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1936-1939 In the collection there are files of financial reports of the Commerz- und Privat-Bank Aktiengesellschaft from Berlin and from Hamburg, 1936-1939, prepared by the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand Aktiengesellschaft Company. The original title assigned to this Record Group by the Osoby Archive, referring to the company that prepared the reports, is erroneous.

  18. Announcements and placards regarding various cultural events held in the Vilna Ghetto, 1941 - 1943

    Announcements and placards regarding various cultural events held in the Vilna Ghetto, 1941 - 1943 The various cultural events include: plays, concerts, sport competitions, lectures, and other events; most of the announcements include the names of the artists who implemented the events.

  19. Police documentation from the Schaffhausen, Switzerland canton (region) pertaining to Jewish refugees and personal files of refugees, 1938-1949

    Police documentation from the Schaffhausen, Switzerland canton (region) pertaining to Jewish refugees and personal files of refugees, 1938-1949 - Files of Jewish refugees; - Police documentation.