Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,601 to 12,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Funeral procession; Autobahn opening; bridges; parade in Rome

    05:37:40 Funeral of Abbey Schachleitner in Munich. "The entire Munich population is there." Long line of people; clear, sunny day. Floral wreaths. Exiting chapel with casket, funeral procession, SS marching. Gauleiter Wagner speaks at the cemetery about how the Abbey was "a believing Catholic and at the same time a fanatic National Socialist." Crowd heiling. Presenting memorial wreath on grave. (sync sound) 05:39:06 Opening of the Autobahn section Dresden-Merane. Rainy day. Hitler with entourage, greeting crowd, heiling, speaking, praises the achievement of the Autobahn and its workers. ".....

  2. 1933 events

    Universal Newsreel Vol. 31, No. 58, Part 3. New York City, NY. NRA banner at Post Office, huge New Deal parade. Chicago, IL. Flags, James Farley making speech at opening of World's Fair "Century of Progress". Ormond Beach, FL, John D. Rockefeller playing golf. Washington, DC. JP Morgan being sworn in as witness by Senate Investigations Committee. 01:53:24 Los Angeles, CA. Prof. Albert Einstein on deck being photographed as he arrived for visit in US from Germany. Back Einstein, as ship nears pier. Einstein wearing a broad brim hat coming down gangplank. Scenes are before Einstein was exiled...

  3. Aftermath of Reichstag Fire

    Day after Reichstag fire. Title: "Das Fanal der Schande. Kommunistische Brandstifter legten im deutschen Reichstagsgebaeude etwa fuenfzig Brandherde an. Die gesamte Berliner Feuerwehr war eingesetzt, sie rettete das Gebaeude in merhstuendiger aufopfernder Arbeit: Der Plenarsitzungssaal ist vernichtet, das Reichstagsgebaeude ist auf Monate unbenutzbar." Night photographs of the Reichstag dome with fire. Title: "Das Bild der Verwuestung am naechsten Morgen" Fire-brigade. Remainders of small fire. Panes of glass in rooftop are shattered. CU of rooms. Detailed photographs of the burned-out plen...

  4. DPs; curfew; rations; DP camp; laundry; children

    (LIB 5122-5123) Refugee Story, Gross-Umstadt and Munster, Germany, April 1-5, 1945. MSs, CUs, three US MPs. CU, MP looks at wrist watch. SEQ: MPs examine papers of Russian, French, Polish, Italian, Hungarian DPs who were recently liberated and brought to rear areas. MSs, CUs, liberated prisoners reading proclamations on bulletin board. LSs, CUs, empty streets of city due to curfew. LS, MP directs truck traffic through town. CUs, male refugees enjoying cigarettes as they read curfew notice. CUs, children of various nationalities are issued ration cards for food and given sleeping quarters. M...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Franz Werfel; Thomas Mann; Aldous Huxley

    1104 Y (01:47:13-01:48:42) 1104 Z (01:48:42-01:54:52) Beverly Hills, CA. LS, CU Franz Werfel (author) working at his desk. LS, MS, CU Thomas Mann (German expatriate author) reading in his library. Hollywood, CA. MS, CU Aldous Huxley (philosopher and author) reading to his wife. CU, Mrs. Huxley. LS, MS Igor Stravinsky (musician and composer) with his wife and Mme. Nadia Boulanger (teacher of music composition) having tea in garden. CU, Igor Stravinsky. CU, cut-away Mme. Nadia Boulanger.

  6. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." Reel begins with ceremonies to honor war dead. Goering goes to monument. Large wreaths laid, one is shown in CU to be from Hitler. CU, iron cross on banner. Goering delivers address. St. Stephen's cathedral in Vienna, as well as cheering and saluting crowds. Animated map shows Austria joined to Germany: "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer." German soldiers cross border to the welcome of crowds. They march through the old town, and over a bridge. An ancient castle on the hill is photographed. Nazi soldiers remove the border gate amid ch...

  7. Kan family ice skating; at home in Amsterdam; Betsy at school

    Title card: "1934" EXT shots of an ice rink with people skating in Amsterdam. 01:00:31 Side view of a house. Betsy and Robert exit the house and walk down the steps towards the camera. Jeanne exits the house behind the children and closes the door. 01:00:44 Tall fence with the number 66. Children run down the walkway towards the camera. 01:00:53 EXT, wooded area. Children run towards the camera. Ice rink in BG. EXT of ice rink and people skating. 01:01:05 Betsy skates while holding Robert's hand. More shots of the ice rink including two swans swimming in a patch of open water. 01:01:38 City...

  8. Trotsky and Lenin

    Trotsky and Lenin 1921. Moscow: In the gates of Soviet Russia. Red Army celebrates cessation of war. Exclusive pictures of War Minister. Trotsky reviewing Bolo troops. Army holding up their rifles and cheering and non-military people cheering.

  9. Helen Keller

    BIOGRAPHY, with Mike Wallace. MS of Helen Keller, in her twilight years, being awarded at a ceremony. Helen reading braille while seated at a desk in her home. Opening credits and introduction, BIOGRAPHY with Mike Wallace. CUs and MSs of Helen surrounded by friends and being interviewed (no audio). Stills of Helen as a young child, then stills of her family home in Alabama, then stills of her mother. Excerpts from a silent film about Helen's life: shots of a young "Helen" walking, stumbling, thrashing, and crawling through the woods; her teacher and mentor arrives via horse and buggy but "H...

  10. Interrogation of pilots; paraders in Rome

    05:00:06 Interrogation of fighter pilots, somewhere in England, June 6, 1944. (English) 05:05:53 Rome, June 6, 1944. (silent) Stationary and pan shots, Scotch bagpipers play and parade in Piazza Venezia. Crowds of Italian civilians throng paraders. MLS, Piazza as US and British soldiers in convoy move through crowd. VS, throngs in Piazza listen to announcement by OWI proclaiming the beginning of the invasion of France.

  11. Nazi "People's Community" & welfare work

    Title: "Unbesiegsbar ist die Front der nationalsozialistischen Volksgemeinschaft" Bucolic countryside, farm. Soldiers on horses, debris. CUs, children and men receiving bread and food from truck, eating at tables. Workers shoveling coal, in factory, smoke. Rebuilding, men working in factory. Sign, "Techn. Nothilfe...Einsatz Graudenz" Carts of coal, construction. Ext. building, children playing in yard. Nursery, pan, children in line, smiling. Sweeping, cleaning, pile of trash, families climbing stairs, walking towards camera. Boat, people waving. American Red Cross. People with baggage. Pan...

  12. Verdoner family sledding

    Winter time in Hilversum, Holland, 1940. Yoka and Francisca Verdoner playing out in their yard in the snow. LS, children sledding down a snow covered, tree-lined street. A large, wood frame house is visible in the distance. MCU, two young boys, seated on a sled, laughing and travelling down the snow covered street. VS, Yoka being dragged along on a sled by the young bespectacled man (possibly an uncle or a cousin) who appears often in this collection of family films. VS, Yoka pulling Francisca on the sled.

  13. Yugoslavia: plane doctors; repairing engine; supplies and airfield; village; damage

    Reel 2: CUs, traveling plane doctors. Mechanics repairing engine of downed plane, children watching and helping GIs move an engine. Mechanics and Yugoslavian officers working on plane. Planes taxiing on field; sacks of flour; partisan soldiers departing plane, laborers loading flour onto plane. Pan, field with planes; taking off. Street scene in village of Bingula showing damage left by the Germans, man salvaging bricks from his bombed home; other bomb-damaged buildings.

  14. German newsreel featuring stories about the United States

    05:42:38 West point cadets at graduation. The ceremony takes place by the Hudson River; many spectators. Cadets on parade. They are shown marching in slow motion at one point. 05:43:21 US government agents raid an illegal moonshine operation. They release alcohol from taps, drain a large basin and confiscate cans of moonshine. They dismantle the still and blow it up. 05:44:03 A large crowd of American boys (students) rush onto a field to play a game while spectators watch. At first there appear to be only boys but later girls are also on the field. The game is very physical. The students th...

  15. Apron

    The apron was made for Julia Schor while she was in hiding as a child in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

  16. Jackson reads Accusation Act at Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, addresses the court. Rear view, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H Jackson reads the Accusation Act, including names of the defendants, history of the Nazi Party, and the annexation of Austria. MS, Goering and Hess in box. VS, courtroom and lawyers listening to Jackson.

  17. Justice Lawrence discusses Nuremberg Charter and trial development at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. (Note: First 200 feet is dark and out of focus.) MS, Tribunal as Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks of the formation of the Nuremberg Tribunal for the trying of Nazi war leaders. Pan of courtroom as voice of Justice Lawrence is heard reading the prospectus of the Nuremberg Charter. He then describes how evidence was gathered. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson, sitting at table.

  18. Kan family: children play in US postwar

    Color. Child in a snow suit shovels snow into a red wagon. Child plays in the snow and builds a snowman. 01:17:32 Backyard in the spring - child plays with a beach ball. Child and women (Betsy and Jeanne?) walk along the side of a street with houses and cherry/apple trees in the lawns.

  19. German airforce bomber attacks

    VS, German bomber airplane on an airstrip, with Nazi insignia and other markings of the German airforce. VS, mechanics and crew loading bombs onto plane. MS, a military official demonstrates plan of attack to crew using a map. Low angle shot of the belly of the plane closing once ammunition and supplies are on board. CU, night time, propellers of the airplanes, moves out to MLS, plane visible on the runway, preparing for flight. MS, crew members board plane, they shake hands with man who remains on the ground. LS, airplane takes flight. VS, from POV of crew members inside the plane, clouds,...

  20. Sigmund Freud vacationing in Poetzleinsdorf (Vienna), Austria

    Head title, "Freud, Sigmund at Poetzleinsdorf, Vienna, Austria, between 1925 and 1935." Title, "Freud on Holiday, 1920, Institute for Psychoanalysis, 1983." Nice views of Freud. [One web source on Freud chronology identifies Poetzleinsdorf under the year 1931 as: "Weakened by an operation for cancer, Freud spends the summer in a rented villa in the Vienna suburb of Poetzleinsdorf."] Various shots of Freud at the lake home and on the porch, talking with friends - women, men, and children. Mountains in BG. Man with glasses, next to automobile. Garden, with statue and table and chairs. INT, ho...