Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,281 to 6,300 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Anti-Axis pin calling for the extermination of Axis rats

    Anti-Axis pin-back button distributed in the United States during World War II. The button compares the leaders of Germany, Italy, and Japan to rats and calls for their extermination. The name under the Japanese face, referred to as Togo, may refer to Shigenori Tōgō, who was Minister of Foreign Affairs at the beginning of the war. The name may also be a misspelling of Tojo, a reference to Hideki Tojo who was Prime Minister of Japan during the war and a more popular target of American propaganda. After the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and Germany’s declaratio...

  2. Pin-back button

    American propaganda anti-Japanese pin-back button, "A Jap's a Jap!"

  3. German propaganda leaflet

    Leaflet: "What about calling up Sam Levy..."; dated January 1945; in English

  4. Pin-back button

    American propaganda anti-Axis pin-back button, "Hang all Facist"

  5. Thanks to Scandinavia, Inc., records

    Consists of correspondence, publications, fundraising materials, and documents related to the organization "Thanks to Scandinavia," a scholarship fund for Scandinavian students. The fund was established to honor the people of Sweden and Denmark for their heroic actions during World War II. The documents are from the collection of Mr. S. Dell Scott, a member of the group, and cover the period 1965-1975.

  6. Holocaust survivor testimonies (RG-97) עדויות בעל פה

    The collection contains 2315 testimonies of 1552 Holocaust survivors. Among them are testimonies of Yehuda Harit, Betka, Avraham Silberstein on Motek Silberg, Arthur and Naomi Ben-Israel, Mordechai Kamhi (Max Meller), Shlomo Klass, Benyamin Ben-Nahum, Yehoshua Ron, Josef Raban, Tova Mali, Avraham Stern (Kohavi), Shaike Weiner, Yurek Plonski and Miriam Yahieli.

  7. Eugene and Elizabeth Franklin collection

    Photographs, documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Eugen Friedmann (donor), born in Kravany, Czechoslovakia in 1921. Documents his family's pre-war life in Kravany, his forced labor in Slovakia, and eventual deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dachau, and Muhldorf concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Includes a postwar identity card illustrating the experiences of Alzbeta Weiss (donor), born in Chust, Czechoslovakia [present day Ukraine] in 1929; card for the United Kingdom issued to Alzbeta, who survived multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz and Berge...

  8. Yehudit Charasz Berkowitz photograph collection

    Collection of nine photographs documenting the donor's stay in "Kibbutz Buchenwald," a Zionist collective started by a group of survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. In July 1945 the kibbutz was moved to Geringshof, the site of the pre-war Jewish agricultural school.

  9. AFS ambulance drivers assist evacuation of survivors after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

    Large group of German SS stand in front of barracks at Belsen. According to the American Field Service (AFS) records, these SS men were transported out of the camp in AFS ambulances. A British soldier in a brown uniform smoking gestures at the group of SS. Rotated view of camp grounds with lush green trees. Camera shifts to the correct position to show a memorial sign erected in May 1945, "This is the site of the infamous Belsen Concentration Camp liberated by the British on 15 April 1945." Pan, barbed wire fence and camp ruins. Entrance gate open to dirt road and camp grounds. Brief view o...

  10. Records of the town of Kłobuck Akta miasta Kłobucka (Sygn.495)

    This collection contains minutes of the Municipal Council meetings of the town Kłobuck. Meetings were held during the year 1927, and years 1932-1939. Records relate to various matters of the town Kłobuck: budget, planning new construction of public objects, city taxes, and public regulations.

  11. Menachem Bader personal archives (RG-95-23) מנחם בדר - ארכיון אישי

    Personal archives of Menachem Bader (1895-1985) contains documents with his biographical information, memoirs, records on the mission in Turkey and activities of the Rescue Commettee in Istanbul, articles, speeches, poems in Hebrew, Yiddish and Polish.

  12. Mordechai Shenhabi personal archives, Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ (Israel) (RG-95-3) מרדכי שנהבי - ארכיון אישי

    The collection contains plans, maps, records related to creation and construction of Yad Vashem, and minutes of meetings of the first Directorate of Yad Vashem (1943-1954). Additional records of Mordechai Shenhabi contain personal documents, artifacts, photographs of Kibbutz Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ (Israel), articles, letters, correspondence with Efraim Barzelai in Warsaw (1926-1932), correspondence with representatives of the Hashomer Hatzair in Czechoslovakia, England, Switzerland, Germany, Austria (1933-1938), correspondence with Haim Weizman (1940-1962). Also includes an interview of Mordecha...

  13. Heeres-Abnahmestelle b.d. Firma Hasag Eisen-und Metallwerke G.m.b.H Apparatebau Tschenstochau Military Collection Center Hasag Hardware Ltd Facilities Construction in Częstochowa Wojskowy Punkt Odbioru Firmy Hasag Zakłady Metalowe Sp. z o.o. Budowa Urządzeń Częstochowa (Sygn. 192/2)

    Contains records relating to the production and organization of the Hasag ammunition factory located in the labor camps at the Hasag Facility in Częstochowa. Including are ordinances, circular letters, reports and protocols of inspection, as well as general correspondence. There were thousands of Jews among the forced laborers from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

  14. Synagogue and cemetery in Gorredijk

    Synagogue in Gorredijk (razed in 1953). Hartog Beem and his wife (researchers of Dutch Jewry) get into boat in swampy river area. Cows in a field. Jewish cemetery in Gorredijk after the war. CUs headstones, overgrown. Bep Schaap, on shore, reaches out her hand to help. CUS, signs in Dutch. Homes. Church. Woman (Bep?) washes her dog outdoors in a bucket.

  15. Lejzer Najfeld's Dachau certificate

    Consists of one certificate from the Camp Office of Dachau marked June 12, 1945, certifying that Mr. Lejzer Najfeld, originally from Łódź, was detained in and subsequently liberated from the concentration camp of Dachau. It is stamped by the International Prisoners' Committee, Dachau Concentration Camp.

  16. Robert Middleton, Sr., photograph collection

    Contains photographs of Gusen, a sub-camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, immediately following the camp's liberation on May 5, 1945 by the American forces. Images depict liberated prisoners, Austrian citizens burying corpses from the camp, the cemetery for camp victims, and the hanging of an SS soldier.

  17. Czarny family papers

    Travel documents, photographs (71), and correspondence relating to the Czarny (also spelled Charney or Chorney) family in Baranowicze, Poland (present day Baranovichy, Belarus). Includes pre-war photographs, corresopndence between Mojzesz Czarny and his family in Poland, including following his immigration to the United States, as well as correspondence sent from his family after the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland, and travel documents related to his immigration. Mojzesz Czarny immigrated from Poland to the US in 1938 leaving behind his parents Leib and Henia, and his two sisters Rywa ...

  18. Grunberg and Muller families collection

    Collection of photographs and documents relating to the Grünberg family from Krakow, Poland: Ziuta (b. October 11, 1927), daughter of Zygmunt ( b. Feb. 1, 1896), an architect, and Berta Miller (b. Nov. 7, 1898). Ziuta’s older brother, Roman (b. October 12, 1922) was sent by his father to a boarding school in London, on April 20, 1939. Zygmunt Grünberg was forced to become the chief architect and engineer of the Płaszów concentration camp. The family was deported to Auschwitz and Zygmunt was transferred to Flossenbürg and murdered there in the stone quarry on April 23, 1945. Ziuta and her mo...

  19. Gusen liberation photographs

    Consists of 12 photographs taken after the liberation of the Gusen concentration camp. The photographs depict the burial of corpses in mass graves, the burning of barracks, a soldier standing in front of the sign for the Gusen cemetery, and the painted corpse of former commandant Franz Ziereis impaled on a barbed wire fence.

  20. Arditti family photographs

    The Arditti family photographs consist of 62 family photographs mounted on photograph album pages. The images depict members of the Arditti family, a Turkish Jewish family from Smyrna, who emigrated from Turkey to France in 1920. Identified family members include Jacques Arditti, his parents, his brother and sister, his sister’s son, Jean-Pierre Franck, and his wife, Jacqueline Guiard. Photographs also depict Leon and Nelly Jaffe and their children, Albert and Liliane, who were relatives on Jacques’ mother’s side. Most of the photographs were taken in France, in Joinville-le-Pont, Deauville...