Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,941 to 32,960 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Commissariat du rapatriement

    • Repatriation Commissioner

    The series CR-D-07 of the sub fonds "Dossiers collectifs concernant les Luxembourgeois enrôlés de force, internés dans des camps de concentration ou des camps de prisonniers, portés disparus ou déportés (Sous-fonds)" (Collective dossiers concerning the forced enlisted people from Luxembourg, interned in concentration camps or prison camps, missing or deportedcontents) contents a post war dossier created 1947-1968 about the Luxembourg Cinqfontaines camp - List of the Luxembourg Jews. who died in the Ghetto of Lodz, a list of Jews from Luxembourg arrived at Auschwitz. Further research about t...

  2. Deuxième Guerre Mondiale: déportations, enquêtes, arrestations

    • Second Word War: Deportations, Investigations, Arrests

    The series consists out of Reports manuscripts sent to the Luxembourg Public Safety on living conditions in Cinqfontaines and deportations, 1946. Further there are Investigations and arrests "of Einsatzkommando der Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienstes" 1941-1942 and Criminal investigations of the WW II (1947-1950) as well as Lists of deported Jews, 1941-1943 from Luxembourg.

  3. Criminels de guerre

    • War criminals
    • CdG

    The fonds War criminals (Criminels de guerre) is divided into different subfonds. These are: - German Civil Administration (Administration civile allemande) - Commissions - Court for war crimes (Cour des crimes de guerre) - Deportation of Jews (Déportation des juifs) - Various - Extraditions - Trial of war criminals (Jugement des criminels de guerre) - German court (Justice allemande) - Offensive «von Rundstedt» - National Office for Research of War Crimes (Office national pour la Recherche des crimes de guerre) - German police (Police allemande) - trial (Procès) - Military war court (Tribu...

  4. Fünfbrunnen (Cinqfontaines)

    The series of records Fünfbrunnen II (FMD-003) consists aiut of residence certificates of Jews in the camp Fünfbrunnen by the local administration in Asselborn, 1957-1962. Certificates of registration and deregistration with the police registration authority, 1941-1943.

  5. Chef der Zivilverwaltung

    • CdZ

    The fonds Chef der Zivilverwaltung (CdZ) includes as the highest civilian administrative authority records of all areas in occupied Luxembourg. Within the fond CdZ there are explicit folders concerning Jews. The "Abteilung IV A: Verwaltung des jüdischen und sonstigen Vermögens" of the CdZ was responsible for the Aryanization of the Jewish property. Part of the fonds related to this are especially "A/4/1/001.IVa: Juden- und Emigrantenvermögen" (Assets of Jews and emigrants). Also other folders with more general titles like the series "A/0: Haushalts-, Besoldungs- und Rechnungsangelegenheiten...

  6. Vietos komendantūra Marijampolėje

    • Ortskommandantur Mariampol
    • Local Commandant in Marijampolė

    Documents concerning information on Soviet prisoners of war, moods of locals toward exterminations, reports on events in the district, documentation on activities of the Lithuanian Security Police in Marijampolė.

  7. Šiaulių sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas

    • Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison

    List staff and prisoners of Šiauliai Hard-Labour Prison prisoners (lists of Jews prisoners).

  8. Zarasų miesto savivaldybė

    • Municipality of the City Zarasai

    Files about residents, registration cards of residents, lists of war refugees and Soviet war prisoners; correspondence between local authorities about the situation in the district, about moods of the locals; lists of workers and owners of private property, lists of traders and craftsmen; statistics about residents.

  9. Lietuvos TSR komunalinio ūkio ministerija

    • Ministry of Municipal Economy of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Subfonds No. 1 to No. 3 consist of files concerning nationalisation of private property; correspondence about staff salaries, functions and activities of the staff, as well as a list of the staff (includes many Jewish names). There is information concerning the Great Synagogue in Vilnius in the period of the first Soviet period.

  10. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR teisingumo liaudies komisariato Švenčionių apskrities revoliucinio liaudies teismo Tardymo komisija

    • The Commission of Inquiry of the Revolutionary People's Court of the Švenčionys District People's Commissariat of Justice of the Lithuanian and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republics
    • Следственная комиссия Революционного народного суда Свентянского уезда Народного комиссариата юстиции Литовской и Белорусской ССР

    Files according countr-revolutionary activities and various kinds of crimes in the district; names of the local residents (including Jews).

  11. Vilniaus miesto policijos 3-ioji nuovada

    • Police Station No 3 of the City of Vilnius

    Various administrative documentation; reports about incidents in the county, about moods of locals; documentation concerning transferring of Jews to the ghetto, confiscation and registration of Jewish property; lists of Jews; lists of Vilnius Criminal Police, reports about accident in the "Kailis" forced labour camp for Jews in Vilnius (on November 1943); other items.

  12. Viešosios policijos vadovybė prie SS ir policijos vado Vilniuje Vilniaus miesto SS ir viešosios policijos valdyba

    • Kommando der Schutzpolizei beim SS- und Polizeistandortführer in Wilna
    • Command of City Police with the SS and Police Location Commander in Vilnius

    Documents concerning forced labour for Jews and related correspondence between SS and police Standartenfuehrer about this; instructions issued by SS and police chief concerning use of Jewish labour force in Vilnius city; list of 45 Jews who were working at the police station in the city on January 1942; various permissions and certificates for the SS and police staff; lists of the police officers; documentation concerning the Lithuanian SS legion; other items.

  13. Vilniaus darbo birža

    • Arbeitsamt Wilna
    • Labour Exchange of the City of Vilnius

    Documents concerning forced labour in the city of Vilnius and Vilnius region; lists of Jewish workers of the Vilnius Ghetto; lists of prisoners of war; lists of the people arrested and prisoners; documents related to mobilization; correspondence with institutions and organizations which needed workers or which were already using workers under forced labour.

  14. Vilniaus apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar Wilna-Land
    • Commissar of Vilnius County

    Different kinds of documents from the Ostland Reich Commissar; reports for the occupied country; documents about administrative fines for residents; correspondence about sanitary inspections and about forced labour and workers; lists of Jews working in the factories in Vilnius and information concerning their food allowances; other documents.

  15. Vilniaus miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Der Gebietskommissar der Stadt Wilna
    • Commissar of the City of Vilnius

    This collection contains "many documents concerning property confiscated from Jews as well as correspondence with the Ostland Reich commissariat and the Ministry for the Eastern Lands for transferring the cultural valuables to Germany. Many documents show activities of the Vilnius ghetto workshops, the use of ghetto labourers, and information about payrolls and various financial and economic issues" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust i...

  16. Saugumo policijos Utenos rajono viršininkas

    • Revierchef der Sicherheitspolizei in Utena
    • Chief of the Security Police of Utena District

    Reports of the chief of the Security Police of Utena district to the General chief of the Security Police concerning the moods of the locals and about suspected and arrested persons (communists, partisans, Polish activists, Jews); lists of people who owned radios and guns, protocols of investigations, register of crimes in the district; instructions concerning attitude to Jews, directions to compile list of all Jews in the district.

  17. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Lietuviškojo skyriaus Kriminalinės policijos Kauno apygarda

    • Criminal Police of Kaunas County of the Lithuanian Department of the SS Police and SD in Lithuania

    Various kinds of documents, including reports on incidents in the district, documents about arrested people, documents about the Department’s activities, documents concerning persecution of residents suspected of being communists, partisans, or disloyal to the collaboration authorities.

  18. Ministarstvo zdravstva i udružbe Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Health Associations

    The General Directorate of Health Associations (udružba) contains records on the care and help bestowed to refugees, labor and pension insurance, legislation and plans related to the work of companies, information about associations connected to health and public health and safety, cadets, transport lists of people sent to work to Germany (and people sent to'work'to Germany), statistics on immigrants, and different records (books) on institutions and funds providing child care.

  19. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Marijampolės skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung Mariampol des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania, Marijampolė Section

    There are documents and correspondence concerning arrests of local residents, among whom were Jews, Soviet activists, and communists.

  20. Zemaljska komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača Hrvatske

    • The state commission for the establishing of the crimes of the occupying forces and their helpers

    Established in 1944, the institution collected data on crimes, perpetutors and their accomplices, the type of crime, place and manner the crime was conducted. Results of its work the Commission forwarded onto the public prosecutor's office. The punishment was determined by the courts at the end of the judicial process, or after the final judgment. On the lower levels there were county, municipal and city commission. In 1947 its work was replaced by the Investigation Department of the Public Prosecutor's Office of People's Republic of Croatia. The material on Jews (9 boxes) contains details ...