Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,421 to 32,440 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. German pictorial collection

    Photographs, postcards, and slides, depicting various political, military, and naval scenes in Germany, including communist rallies in the 1920s, the Berlin blockade of 1948-1949, and various prominent German personalities, including East German head of state Walter Ulbricht. Contains photographs of Nazi leaders, including prints of 11 leading Nazis convicted at Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, 1945-1946, taken immediately after their execution, and five color photographs of neo-Nazi graffiti in Berlin. Ca. 1991-1994.

  2. Rudolf Franz Collection

    Leaflets, proclamations, political campaign literature, war news announcements, and pamphlets, relating to events of World War I, the Spartacist revolt, the Kapp putsch in Germany, German nationalism, antisemitism, and German and Austrian politics. Box 2, folder l, contains some anti-semitic leaflets issued by the "Deutschvoelkischer Schutz and Trutzbund" in 1919. Box 3, folder 3, contains anti-Jewish posters issued in 1919.

  3. Ludwig E. Frank Papers

    Writings, interview transcript, correspondence, reports, identification documents, printed matter, photographs, and video tape, relating to persecution of Jews in Japan during World War II.

  4. Henry Ford and Theodor Fritsch Leaflet

    Reprints of correspondence between H. Ford and Theodor Fritsch, German anti-Semitic writer, relating to the works of T. Fritsch.

  5. Hugo and Flora Fleisher letters

    Letters, mainly to their daughter Luise Papo in London, relating to efforts to emigrate during and just prior to World War II.

  6. L'Extermination des Juifs polonais

    Relates to the genocide carried out against Jews in German-occupied Poland during World War II. There are actually two reports in this collection. The first report was written by a young Polish Jew from Warsaw, who had been a medical student in Italy, 1937-39. He describes the ghettos of Warsaw and Lublin and the Majdanek and Belsen concentration camps after he escaped on April 15, 1943. The 24 page report was made available in Geneva on November 1, 1943. The second report contains an eyewitness account of a member of the Judenrat of the town of Kosow Huculski who escaped and composed the a...

  7. Samuel Esterowicz Memoirs

    Relates to the Jewish holocaust in Lithuania. Also includes Russian language version. Processed in collaboration with Pearl Esterowicz Good.

  8. Irma C. Erman Papers

    Correspondence, writings, personal documents, printed matter, photographs, and art objects, relating to German Jewish emigre affairs, the history of antisemitism, and Jewish refugees from Nazi persecution. Includes two plays dramatizing the actions of Paul Gruninger, a Swiss police captain, and Mitsugi Shibata, a Japanese official, in saving the lives of Jewish refugees in Austria and China, respectively, during World War II.

  9. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zürich Collection

    Protocols of meetings, bulletins, statutes, programs, statements, position papers, pamphlets, and printed matter, relating primarily to the Swiss organizations Eidgenossische Gemeinschaft and Gotthard-Bund, Swiss preparations for resistance to a possible German invasion during World War II, and proposals for political and social reform in Switzerland during and after the war. Consists primarily of duplicate issuances of the Eidgenossische Gemeinschaft and the Gotthard-Bund collected by the Archiv fur Zeitgeschichte of the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zürich.

  10. Adolf Eichmann Trial excerpts

    Includes excerpts from the testimony of Eichmann and others, and from the closing defense statement.

  11. Cesky svaz protifasistickych bojovniku. Ustredni rehabilitacni poradna.

    Statutes, memoranda, correspondence, bulletins, and printed matter, relating to efforts to secure political rehabilitation of certain members of the resistance movement in German-occupied Czechoslovakia during World War II.

  12. Klaus Barbie Pre-trial Records

    Trial instruction, including depositions and exhibits, in the case of Klaus Barbie before the Tribunal de grande instance de Lyon, relating to German war crimes in France during World War II.

  13. J. C. Hurewitz Papers

    Correspondence, writings, notes, government documents, pamphlets, reports, memoranda, serial issues, and statutes, relating to diplomatic relations of and domestic conditions in various countries of the Middle East and North Africa, mainly during the period 1945-1960; American and British foreign policy in the Middle East; Palestine and the Zionist movement; and the Suez Canal. Includes statutes of Afghanistan, 1931-1957, in Persian, with translations; Zionist and some anti- Zionist literature from the interwar Period and the period of formation of the Israeli state; reports of the United S...

  14. Thomas St. John Gaffney Papers

    Correspondence, writings, and printed matter, relating to international relations, the World War I war guilt question, reparations, Irish independence, American domestic politics and foreign policy, and Jews. Includes correspondence with Kaiser Wilhelm II in exile, Baron Hermann Speck von Sternberg (German ambassador to the United States), and Jules Cambon (French ambassador to Germany).

  15. Paul Lamont Hanna Correspondence

    Correspondence with British government agencies. Relates to the attitude of the British government toward the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine in 1917.

  16. Der Bericht der Internationalen Historikerkommission

    Relates to activities of Kurt Waldheim (subsequently president of Austria and Secretary-General, United Nations, 1972-1982) as a German officer in Yugoslavia and Greece during World War II, and especially to allegations of participation in war crimes by Waldheim. Includes subsequent printed version of report.

  17. United Restiution Organization Misecellaneous Records

    Office files, correspondence, and mimeographed directives, relating to Jewish restitution claims against the West German government. Includes draft of a proposed revision of the German restitution law. The first three boxes contain a set of "URO Rundschreiben", nos. l-l500/67 dealing with indemnity regulations on the basis of health damage, loss of family, pension rights, employment discrimination, etc. The set is not complete, but missing numbers are carefully marked. The remaining three boxes contain office files, mimeo-graphed regulations and German legislative resitution proposals. The ...

  18. Kurt Werner Schächter Collection

    Photocopies of French and German government documents, relating to internment camps in Vichy France during World War II, and to deportation of Jews and other from Vichy France to German concentration camps. Includes some original government documents and some correspondence and writings of K. W. Schaechter.

  19. Russia. Departament politsii. Zagranichnaia agentura (Paris)

    Intelligence reports from agents in the field and the Paris office, dispatches, circulars, headquarters studies, correspondence of revolutionaries, and photographs, relating to activities of Russian revolutionists abroad. Includes XVIII, Revolutionary Groups of National Minorities of the Russian Empire: a) The Jewish Bund, b) The Zionist Movement, c) Jewish émigré problems for Russian security abroad, d) Activities in America: finances for Jewish movements.