Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,641 to 2,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Dachau camp, postwar

    Munich and Dachau circa 1947. Title. Pan of several dozen dump carts- carts have two wagon type wheels and are numbered, made of wood planks. (0:57) Large sign: ‘WAR CRIMES ENCLOSURE DIRECTORY’ listing several areas including the West gate, War Crimes Court Area, Post Hospital, Officers Club and others. Directory for the Main Gate area which includes the Post Headquarters, Post Library, Crematory, Billeting Office and others. (1:03) EXT of Dachau camp showing the main gate, a wall with barbed wire, empty streets. (1:20) P.W. Discharge Center, a two story building with a watch tower. Sign po...

  2. Cemetery

    Large statue/fountain. Buildings with significant damage. Germans walk in the streets. School-age girls walk with adults. (0:43) Cemetery with an obelisk and crosses. People visit the gravesites, many of which have flowers. (1:46) CU of several grave markers, including Georgette Barbey and Familie Dorer. (2:01) Film ends.

  3. Files of the Kurzelów commune Akta gminy Kurzelów (Sygn. 3180)

    Various materials concerning the inhabitants of the commune from the 1920s and 1930s (including the Jewish population), such as statistics, certificates, purchase and sale files of the real estate, lists of craftsmen, population records, lists of births, files of the Jewish Religious Community (including contributions from members of municipalities).

  4. Private Sofia Gurewicz Yiddish Gymnasium in Vilnius Gimnazjum Żydowskie Zofja Gurewicz w Wilnie (Fond 198)

    The collection contains administrative documents, minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, records of the examination commission, teacher’s reports correspondence related to admission of students, personal files of students, lists of admitted students, registration books of graduation certificates, student’s behavioral conduct and progress report cards, statistical information about students and other related documentation. Copies of graduation certificate files and students' personal files are listed according to the surnames of individuals in alphabetical order.

  5. Private co-educational H. Epsztejn Humanistic Gymnasium in Vilnius Koedukacyjne Humanistyczne Gimnazjum Żydowskie z językiem wykładowym polskim w Wilnie (Fond 199)

    The collection contains minutes of the gymnasium’s examination committee, high school and primary school students' behavior and progress report cards, primary school students' registration book, student applications for admission to high school and primary school, students' personal files, academic certificates and other related documentation. Personal files, applications for admission to school, and educational certificate files arranged according to the surnames of students in alphabetical order. Most of the student’s personal files also include photos of students.

  6. Oral testimony of William C. Goins, Jr.

  7. County Health Fund in Ostrowiec Powiatowa Kasa Chorych w Ostrowcu (Sygn. 3178)

    Personal files of doctors and dentists of Jewish origin employed in the Health Fund.

  8. Oral history interview with Angela Schneider

  9. Oral history interview with Irving Lebo

  10. Oral history interview with Marisa Brugna

  11. Oral history interview with Benedetto Amat

  12. Oral history interview with Wolf Gauster

  13. Private coeducational gymnasium and lyceum in Vilnius Prywatne Koedukacyjne Gimnazjum i Liceum "Oświata" w Wilnie (Fond 36)

    The collection contains administrative documents, minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, records of the examination commission, teacher’s reports correspondence related to admission of students, personal files of students, list of admitted students, registration books of graduation certificates, student’s conduct and progress report cards, statistical information about students and other documentation.

  14. Primary School no 1 in Skarżysko-Kamienna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Skarżysku-Kamiennej (Sygn. 2929)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  15. Oral history interview with Tomasz Pietrzykowski

  16. Lodz District Office Starostwo Powiatowe Łódzkie (Sygn. 2121)

    The Lodz District Office records include Security and Order Department records, administrative and military records, construction reports, welfare records, industrial reports and statistics, and information on foreign residents. Security and Order Department records document political parties, elections, social organizations, confiscations, employee reviews, natural disasters, foreigners, foreign passports, emigration, gun permits, and entertainment venues. Administrative records including certificates of loss or granting of citizenship and records about consular services, population moveme...

  17. Oral history interview with Francesca Granata

  18. Primary School no 5 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim (Sygn. 2909)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  19. Selected Records of the Board of Surveillance and Final Disposition of Enemy Property Selected Records of Junta de Vigilancia y Disposición Final de la Propiedad Enemgia (Sección 46)

    Selected documents relating to the expropriation of German businesses and property from individuals when Argentina declared war on Germany in 1945, included in the files are restitution claims, including from Jewish survivors which contain personal histories.

  20. Private L. Gurewicz co-educational seventh grade school with the Yiddish as the language of instruction in Vilnius Prywatna 7 klasowa koedukacyjna szkoła powszechna im. L. Gurwicza z żydowskim językiem nauczania w Wilnie (Fond 607)

    The collection contains activity reports prepared by teachers' commission for organizing extracurricular activities, teachers’ lesson plans, and pedagogical diaries and other school related documentation. Teacher’s diaries arranged alphabetically according to surname.