Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,601 to 2,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. GIs at Camp Boston

    Back at Camp Boston. Murray poses in a field. Soldiers show off their injuries after a football game. One day pass to Reims. Details of the Reims Cathedral. A GI cafe. Fuzzy shots of train cars. Scenes of the countryside from a passing train. Soldiers smoke cigarettes and explore an abandoned German railway gun. Trucks enter the USA Calais Staging Area. Panoramic shots of the camp, including tents. Soldiers pose in a group shot with a dog. Soldiers pack their things and board box cars.

  2. Postwar Antwerp

    Misc. film, no. 1286. Reel 1 shows views of Antwerp, its street railways, harbor and dock area, war ruins, burning German vehicles, German POWs, truck convoys, and a V-1 bomb in flight. Planes bomb the city. People cheer as allied tanks enter the city and war material is unloaded from ships.

  3. Antisemitism film on display in the USHMM Permanent Exhibition

    4.22 Antisemitism. Antisemitism film with archival photographs, footage, and interviews shown on the fourth floor of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust". This is the original (1993) version without captions. USHMM made revisions to the Antisemitism film in May 1995 and again in 2000 - for access, refer to the USHMM Institutional Archives.

  4. Driving tour of postwar divided Berlin; Russian women

    Blue sign indicates: "Berlin" straight ahead, "Potsdam" to the right, another sign reads: "Entering US Berlin District." Shot of newly constructed monument with tank on top. (The Soviets were quick to build monuments to remind their fellow Allies and the conquered Germans that Soviet troops were the first to enter Berlin. The first Soviet tank to advance through the city was placed on this memorial plinth, seen in this footage, still under construction.) VS of a parade area, with pictures of Truman, Stalin, Eisenhower, traffic moving along in FG. Stevens stops jeep in front of large mural o...

  5. Illich family activities in 1937

    Family activities in the year 1937. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Grandpa Fritz and the Illich boys are in costume performing a play for Three Kings Day in January 1937. Train. Ivan and Ellen (Maexie) walk along the mountain path. Good CUs of Maexie and Ivan with two photographic cameras. Ice sport (curling?). Three boys walking in the snow under "Kurhaus Semmering" sign. Fritz plays and hikes with his grandsons at the resort in the snow. Views of the mountainside from an open carriage ride, close shots of Ivan, Sascha, and Micha. Visiting the Prater amusement ...

  6. Boys receive medical treatment in mountains

    Two small boys in front of door to house/cabin, one holds a toy car, the other with crutches. Men walk down stairwell at log cabin (seen in Story 4526 on Film ID 3038). EXT, boys receive medical treatment, beds are outdoors on a deck. Boy plays with record player, other toys.

  7. German Order Police; Warsaw in ruins; Germans occupy Polish towns

    Excerpts from the private records of Nazi official, Kurt Kreikenbom, a gendarmerie colonel, including films titled "Polen" and "Einsatz in Russland". In color, two order policemen in uniform on horses, street scenes and panning towards a building with trees in bloom, location unknown. WS, pan, large building. Switches to black and white, pan river, bridge. Polish town square with pedestrians (including an elderly Jew) and horse-drawn carriages, field with small homes. 00:02:08 Warsaw street scenes, pedestrians, traffic, statue, people walk across bridge. LS, pan, bridge across Vistula river...

  8. 7 video progams about the Holocaust: Jewish responses, the exodus, DP camps, the beginning of World War II, Western Europe, children, and US soldier at liberation

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.17a) - Jewish Responses Second floor (2.11) - Exodus Second floor (2.10) - Return to Life Fourth floor (4.30) - WWII Begins Third floor (3.03) - In Western Europe Second floor (2.09e) - Children after Liberation Elevator (1.03) - Soldier Speaks

  9. "The story of two sisters"

    Describes the experiences of the author's twin sisters, Hela and Rela Markovitz, before World War II; the German invasion of Poland; the confiscation of Jewish property; the establishment of the ghetto in Kraków, Poland; the death of the author's parents; the twins' deportation to and experiences in the ghetto in Tarnów, Poland, and the camps of Płaszów, Skarżysko-Kamienna, and Hasag-Leipzig; Aktionen; the sanitary conditions and distribution of food; sexual favors being sold by female inmates for food; the twins' survival of a death march; their liberation and reunion with surviving fa...

  10. "Hidden in broad daylight"

    Describes the author's life in Kraków, Poland; her hiding inside and liquidation of the ghetto in Tarnów, Poland; her separation from family members; how she passed as a Gentile and found employment; her attempts to communicate with her sisters who were concentration camp inmates; her move to and war-time employment in Austria; the end of World War II; her meeting with members of the Jewish Brigade; and her illegal emigration to Palestine. The memoir also includes a poem about a young Jewish boy whose fate during the Holocaust is unknown and another describing the author's feelings for th...

  11. German occupation in Bulgaria; fate of Bulgarian Jews

    Reel 3 Train derailed. Military fighting. Contemporary footage showing scenes in a Bulgarian city, CUs older man. Military review of German troops. CU, document on Jews. Contemporary footage of man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Hitler meets with officials. Goering. CU, document on the fate of Bulgarian Jews. Contemporary footage - interview. EXT, synagogue.

  12. USHMM compilation for AMIA panel presentation 2004

    Compilation of Museum's archival footage screened at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN in 2004. The film was presented by Raye Farr and Regina Longo and shows segments from the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, including the Mogilev gassing footage from "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today."

  13. Nuremberg Trials film evidence

    Video presented during an evening program at USHMM on November 29, 2005 highlighting films presented during and about the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg: "The Nazi Plan" (1945) and "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today" (1947).

  14. German scientists and V-2

    German Scientists and V-2. November 21, 1946. LS of rocket in testing derrick. MS of men around rocket in derrick. Group of German scientists who are working on the V-2. CU of Jurt Linder and Mr Heuter, testing derrick. MS Mr Zeiler, famous mountain climber, looking at the Organ Mountains in BG. LS rocket being fired. Rocket leaving the ground going through the air. LS of hangar where rockets are assembled. Col Turner with some of the scientists. Dr Wernher von Braun, inventor of the V-2, leads members of the press past one of the rockets. CU of von Braun. Von Braun and his assistant examin...

  15. Belsen: Jewish Thanksgiving Service

    Jewish religious service outdoors. Sunny day, large gathering, organized event, lots of people. Young women with arms around each other, staring without apparent emotion. Rabbi holds up Torah. Makeshift ark, tapestry. VLS from above of gathering, big circle of people crowded together, outer ring of people stand on benches. Long line of little kids coming together, join and enter circle. CU, Rabbi reading. More CU of women, very serious, sad, clinging to each other.

  16. Emigration of Jewish displaced persons to Palestine

    Consists of copies of reports and memoranda relating to the emigration of Jewish displaced persons from the British Zone in Germany to Palestine. Included is information about the emigration of orphans during operation "Grand National Junior," the emigration of Jewish displaced persons during operation "Journey's End," emigration restrictions on Jewish men of military age, and the acquisition of exit permits for the British Zone and entry visas for Palestine.

  17. Peasants; village in Caucusus?

    CU, old man with white beard, church in BG left, boy walking in field in BG right. Peasants on boat, hair on donkey barely seen in FG. Peasants in field, hut in BG, CUs. Dirt road, horse/cart, walking, church in BG, more horses with carts. [in Caucusus?]

  18. Patton and other US Army officers; V-E day

    US Army and Lowell Thomas in Europe after liberation. Shot by Dick Ham, US Army Signal Corps. Gen. George Patton, a Lieutenant and others come out of Patton's headquarters in Hershfeld, Germany. CUs, Patton and the Major General. This was the first day Patton put on his four stars. Harsh, Barnes, Combs, Gen. Patton, and Howe. CU Patton talking to correspondents. Patton and the Major General walking towards camera, going into HQ. Command car leaving HQ gate with Hershfeld in BG, returning to Eschwege. 01:00:55 CU, sign of Eschwege. According to Lowell Thomas, the town was filled with civilia...

  19. Germans building the WWII defensive line; Hitler tours the Siegfried Line

    Reel 2, German laborers working on the Siegfried Line stop for lunch. Concrete ""dragon's teeth"" antitank obstacles, barbed wire entanglements and blockhouses along the Rhine River, an observation tower, and farmers working in a field nearby. A diagram shows the interlocking field of fire from points of the Siegfried Line. German troops march and enter a tunnel into fortifications. Hitler tours the area.

  20. Destroyed town in France; dead German soldiers; campsite

    Jeep coming through severely bombed town. Stevens gets out. Camera on jeep. Good coverage and panning shot of a number of vehicles in front of small building called "Hotel D'Lion." Sign reads: "Carantilly 4 kms, Cerisy-La Salle 10 kms." Trucks with soldiers passing through town (very well shot). Stevens and Sergeant Hamilton inspecting a gun casing, walking through rubble of large bombed out building, church steeple still visible. Stevens looking at stretcher containing what is apparently a dead German soldier. CU of dead German soldier. VS of dead German soldiers, including CUs. Tracking s...