Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 25,741 to 25,760 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Notes re Dr Goebbels: his life and death

    Typescript notes of Heinrich Fraenkel for the book which he co-wrote with Roger Manvell, Dr Goebbels: His Life and Death. Included are notes on Wilfrid von Oven's book, Wer war Goebbels- Biographie aus der Nähe.

  2. Outline of ministerial reports re Jewish press in Nazi Germany

    Outline report on the state of the Jewish press in Germany c1937.

  3. Stern family: First World War letters from the front

    Stern family correspondence including letters from Rudolf Stern from the front during World War I to his father, Robert and sister, Hedwig (1911/1); letters from Fritz Bernstein to Robert and Hedwig Stern (1911/2); translations of this correspondence (1911/3)  

  4. Reports re Jewish refugees in Great Britain

  5. Documents re antisemitism and ritual murder

    This collection of copy newspaper articles and letters focuses on a special issue of Der Stürmer on ritual murder, which caused concern in the British Jewish community.

  6. Reprint Manchester Guardian

    Reprint from the Manchester Guardian, Monday, January 28, 1935. Article that informs about the legal, social and cultural situation of Jews in Germany.

  7. Otto Löwenstein: Correspondence

    /1-45: This collection of original correspondence from Otto Löwenstein from prison in Hamburg to his wife and child was deposited by his widow via Henry Minden. The letters are written on prison letter forms, designed for ease of purpose, including date of censor's clearance. Information contained within concerns family business and the personal needs of the author. They average one per week

  8. Hechaluz: Various documents

    This microfilm collection of documents relates to the activities of the Hechaluz, the umbrella organisation founded in 1917 to propagate the settlement of Jews from the Diaspora to Kibbutzim in Palestine.The documents deal with the possibilities of agriculture and artisan training open to young Jewish people during the Third Reich, on farms or in workshops organised under the auspices of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland. The documents are accompanied by a letter from the Irgun Olej Merkas Europa, to the Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz in 1976, in which a number of quest...

  9. Military Commander, France: Copy memo re the emigration of Jews

    Copy memorandum from the military commander of France stating that the Reichsführer SS has ordered that no Jews be permitted to leave Germany or the Occupied TerritoriesThe original has been stamped ‘International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Germany, Exhibit RF 1803, Filed 1946.

  10. Leslie Dockray collection

    Correspondence between stamp collectors relating the life changes which befell a German collector with Jewish antecedents between 1934 and 1959

  11. Government of Italian Somaliland: directive to the commandant of Danane concentration camp

    It is a contemporary copy bearing the stamp of Danane Concentration Camp and the signature of the commandant, Colonel Eugenio Mazzucchetti.

  12. Löwy/ Cohen Family collection

    This collection includes a report about the experiences in Bergen Belsen, family correspondence, family photographs and material about the history of Sombor's Jewish community

  13. Copy police removal order regarding Stefan Zweig books, Leipzig

    Copy police removal order regarding Stefan Zweig books, Leipzig 

  14. Letter from unidentified Frenchman

    The writer describes himself as French and explains that he came to England in 1940 to put himself at the disposal of General de Gaulle. The purpose of the letter is to ask permission of the British authorities to allow his Swiss born wife to come to England.

  15. League of nations: papers re refugees

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documentation deals with the role of the League of Nations, in particular with regard to the problem of Jewish refugees in Nazi Germany, c1938-1939. The papers include minutes, agenda, reports and memoranda of the Refugees Committee of the League of Nations.Documentation on the role of the League of Nations Refugee Committee with particular regard to the fate of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany including the following.Memorandum re treatment of refugees in Great Britain,...

  16. Leo Löwenstein: copy documents re deportation

    The documents appear to represent a rare example of a successful attempt to prevent the deportation of a Jew from Berlin during the peak of the period of Jewish deportations.

  17. Antisemitism in Europe: Cuttings and reports

    Collection of newspaper cuttings and reports concerning antisemitism in several European countries both during and after the Second World War.

  18. Antisemitism in Holland: records

  19. George Vulkan collection

    The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence between Abraham and Amalie's children in England, Scotland and Austria, in particular letters to Marcel and his sister Regina (Regi). A major theme of the letters is the attempts to help the family members in Austria escape to Britain and the frustrations arising out of the difficulty of this. There are also materials on German, Austrian and Czechoslovakian refugees’ life in Britain in the 1940s, as well as notes and texts written by George Vulkan on his family history.

  20. Freddie Edwards collection

    This collection contains the personal papers of Frederick Edwards, formerly Fritz Meyer, and includes birth, naturalisation and school certificates; driving licences; British army records and sundry correspondence