Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 25,481 to 25,500 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Bronia Veitch: copy papers re Jewish children in Belgium

    This collection of copy documents consists of alphabetical lists of Jewish children in hiding and their guardians in Belgium, 1940-1945. They were created by the Comité de defense de Juifs.

  2. Pan Arische Welt Union and Arisch-Christliche Allianz: papers

    This collection contains some papers of these virulently anti-Semitic organizations from the 1930s.

  3. Fate of Jews, Vienna: Confidential

    Confidential notice from the Gestapo, Darmstadt, to various officials in the state of Hesse, regarding measures taken against the Jewish population of Vienna, by the police authorities there. 

  4. Hans Kroker: papers re law suit

    This collection contains papers concerning a threatened law suit which arose out of an assertion made in the famous TV programme Holocaust, which was broadcast in Germany in 1979. In particular, Hans Kroker, a former SS member, refutes the assertion made by one of the programme's participants that the family of this person was murdered in gas chambers, claiming that, without proof, it amounted to a vicious slur on the SS. The papers include a news magazine cutting with details of the story; a copy letter from Hans Kroker's lawyer, Eberhard Engelhardt, to the person who uttered the alleged s...

  5. Testimonies of Jewish former residents of Russia and Eastern Europe

    Testimonies of Jewish former residents of Russia and Eastern Europe describing experiences of persecution.. All of the interviewees went to Palestine on Youth AliyahThe identities of the interviewees are not known. Each testimony is entitled ‘case history' and followed by a number. The numbers in this collection are: 5, 6, 8, 9, 12-16. It is not known where the missing numbers are.

  6. Frank Bright family papers

    This collection contains correspondence and copy papers relating to the depositor's family history, in particular that of the Wasservogel's, the depositor's uncle's family.

  7. Miscellaneous eyewitness testimonies

    This collection of miscellaneous testimonies and reports were originally arranged for inclusion in the Wiener Library's 'Eyewitness Accounts' series but were never included (hence the former reference numbers).Information regarding provenance, where known, is included in the description to individual reports.

  8. Fascist activities in the Low Countries: 2 reports

    These reports are described as having come from a 'good Amsterdam source' that is very reliable. The 2 reports have been transcribed by an unknown recipient. They comprise 2 pages of typescript text.

  9. Ernst Kaltenbrünner: Copy letter re Gräfin Lankorska

    Copy letter from Ernst Kaltenbrünner re the release of Gräfin Lanskorska from protective custody 

  10. Norman Hancock correspondence

    /1-19 Letters received mostly from fellow scouts in Austria asking for assistance to get out of the country. Other correspondents include the Lord Baldwin Fund for Refugees, the Catholic Committee for Refugees from Germany, the Council for german Jewry and The Times newspaper

  11. Marianne Hood: Memories of the war years in Holland

    Copy typescript autobiographical account of how a German Jewish woman spent her teenage and early adult years in Amsterdam concealing her Jewish identity.Originally from Berlin, she last saw her mother when she was put on the train to Amsterdam in 1938. She describes how she assumed a new identity, spent much of her time learning and practising the piano and how she would listen to English radio programmes and read foreign newspapers to keep abreast of events.German 9 pages 

  12. Copy documents re British post-war Fascists

  13. Robert Norton family papers

    Copy personal papers of Robert Norton, formerly Robert Joachim Neubauer

  14. Anti-German protest and prayer meetings, Great Britain: leaflets

    This collection consists of original leaflets advertising anti-German protest meetings and exhorting readers to boycott German products in the light of increasing discrimination against Jews in Germany. A number of British Jewish interest groups and political groups are represented. There is also a series of prayers on behalf of 'our bretheren in Germany' produced by the office of the Chief Rabbi.A note in the collection states that the non-religious material originally appeared in shop windows throughout the East End.All of the material is in English and the prayers are also in Hebrew.

  15. Programme and correspondence re Das Schloss

  16. Walter Rosenberger: Correspondence and papers

    This collection consists of correspondence re property holdings and taxation of a former German Jewish judge in the Berlin Civil Court

  17. Report re antisemitism in Holland

    Report re events in Holland with particular reference to anti-Semitic activityDutch 17 pages 

  18. Reunion of the Kindertransportees: correspondence

    This collection consists of correspondence from former German Jewish refugees, who came to Great Britain on the Kindertransporte, and who attended the reunion of former Kindertransportees, organised by Bertha Leverton in 1989