Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 25,261 to 25,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Copy letter from Göring to Reichsminister des Innern

    Copy letter from Göring to Reichsminister des Innern asking him to do everything to promote the emigration of Jews 

  2. Hans Woltär: Copy postcard to Moritz Kupfer

    The subject matter of this copy postcard and transcription is concerned with the provision of supplies and queries about the health and well being of family and friends

  3. Waging peace: Darfur children's drawings and other material

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to consult a digital copy of this material

  4. Diary and other writings of ordinary German women

    This collection consists of two unrelated items, both of which document the sympathetic attitudes of two ordinary German women to the Nazis and their Führer.

  5. Reichsfuehrer SS: Copy letter re Jewish Hospital, Munich

    Copy letter from Reichsführer SS, Himmler, to Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, re the removal of patients from the Jewish hospital, Munich to Terezin, as the premises are required for a school for nurses and midwives from LebensbornGerman 

  6. Bacmann: Copy deportation form

    Copy deportation form including order to confiscate possessions of Mr Bacmann, issued by Reichsministerium der besetzen Ostgebiete. 

  7. Office of Reichsführer SS: Correspondence and papers

    This collection of correspondence mostly emanating from the office of Reichsführer SS deals in the main with administrative matters. It includes 2 original letters from Reichsführer SS, Himmler (1144/1/14; -/23). It also includes an incomplete set of an in-house information sheet providing instructions to SS members on a variety of matters such as dress protocol for visits to concentration camps by SS members (1144/2/4); qualification for wearing the 'Death's Head' ring of the SS (1144/2/2); and orders forbidding membership of clubs deemed inappropriate.

  8. David Spector: Miscellaneous papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This miscellaneous collection of mostly copy papers and news cuttings was deposited by David Spector in a number of separate deposits, the details of some of which have been recorded. They consist mainly of papers relating to the activities of British Fascists before during and after WWI

  9. Danish workers during the Nazi era: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Danish workers during the Nazi era: Various papers

  10. Bernhard Lösener: statement under oath

    This typescript, annotated, statement by Bernhard Lösener, the former so-called 'racial expert' of the Third Reich, bears the original signature of Bernhard Lösener and is authenticated by the original signature of Walter Speyer, Allied Civilian AGO 20194.

  11. Copy eyewitness reports regarding the November Pogrom

    These copy reports are apparently strays from a full collection of 356 reports (WL Document Collection 1375) gathered in the weeks and months following the November Pogrom of 1938 by the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO) in Amsterdam. They bear a similar reference number to the rest of the reports in this collection, pre-fixed by the letter 'B'. These reports have been numbered separately (B40, B41, B42) and are in relation to the destruction of synagogues in Germany during the November Pogrom. 

  12. NSDAP Auslandorganisation: newsletter extracts

    This collection consists primarily of typescript extracts from the official organ of the NSDAP Auslandsorganisation. It appears that the extracts were compiled contemporaneously, possibly by the JCIO. The date of the last extract, January 1936, gives some indication as to the date of completion. The choice of extracts is explained in a footnote to a summary of the extracts (840/2) which states that only those articles were chosen which contained particularly interesting items of news and announcements. The subjects include matters of finance, economics, schools and the welfare of German wom...

  13. Persecution of Jews in Berlin: Various copy documents

    This collection of copy documents records the experiences of racial persecution of Jews in Berlin. It includes the following: an arrest warrant for Leo Boschwitz, (1935) for the destruction of a copy Der Stürmer (-/1) and his release from Lichtenburg concentration camp in the same year(-/2); a good conduct certificate issued by Camp le Vernet for Kurt Noher (1940) (-/5); detailed instructions issued by the jüdische Kultusvereinigung zu Berlin to Regina Montilja prior to her deportation to 'the Protectorate', (1942) (-/7); and pro forma summons to the assembly station at Grosse Hamburger Str...

  14. Copy antsemitic material

    This copy anti-Semitic material includes a letter from Jane Birdwood as director of Choice magazine; and various articles on Iraq, Maastricht, and the so called Jewish conspiracy.

  15. Czech and Czech Jewish immigrants in Great Britain: various documents

    Material which documents some of the activities of organisations in Great Britain which were involved in providing relief for Czech and Czech Jewish refugees during the Nazi era.

  16. Oskar Neumann collection

    Collection of original letters with English translations from Oskar Neumann in Tombelone (?) sent to family in Great Britain. Mention is made of relatives in France and England.

  17. Ernst Ludwig Saunders collection