Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,441 to 2,460 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Personal papers of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft relating to displaced persons activities and Bergen-Belsen

    Includes information about the emigration of Jewish orphans to Israel, the administration of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp by the British Army, the 1946 Vaad Leumi Session in Israel concerning Jewish refugees of the Holocaust, food rationing in the Hohne displaced persons camp, military activities of the Haganah in Israel circa 1946, the April 1948 protest by Bergen-Belsen displaced persons against world indifference toward their situation, and the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft in relation to the Central Jewish Committee of the British Zone and the emigration of Jewi...

  2. Jewish children at Whittingehame Farm School, 1939

    Color scenes of Whittingehame Farm School filmed by an unnamed teacher at the school. Between 1939 and 1941 Viscount Traprain (Robert Balfour, nephew of Lord Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration) sheltered 160 Jewish children from Austria, Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia as part of the Kinderstransport program. The children lived in the Whittingehame mansion and learned Hebrew and agriculture subjects that would be useful in Palestine, where they were intended to settle after the war. When the school closed in 1941 most of the children were at least 17 and remained in the UK. Some...

  3. US Army liberates Paris

    Jeeps coming across pontoon bridge towards camera. VS of numerous French tanks and other vehicles coming around curve of cobblestone road. Underlit shot of Leicester Hemingway in hotel room. Stevens and officer, possibly British, walking down French street, enter restaurant. Two-part sign reads: "Route N10 Versailles 32, Paris 52." Top of sign: "Seine-et-oise" right and "Route N306 Cernay La Ville 12, Chevreuse 19." Pan of jeeps, civilians, and soldiers in street. Two military men with red caps. Shot of Stevens smoking pipe with several other officers, including a heavy set older man. Ivan ...

  4. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr, Regina Longo, Russ Suniewick, and Sam Bryan for the Orphan 5 Film Symposium at the University of South Carolina in March 2006.

  5. Dutch civilians; ferry boats

    Sign reads: "Monnikendam 7.2, Amsterdam 21." Dutchman in wooden shoes and black bloused pants walks toward camera. Two young Dutch girls in aprons pose for camera. Other Dutch civilians in native costumes are photographed sitting at side of street. Men in black cloaks and black caps. Jeep Toluca pulling weapons carrier on green country road. Jeep on what appears to be a ferry boat, sign reads: "Rikswaterstat." DC3 flies over. VS of Red Cross vehicles on a ferry boat, bombed out bridge in BG. VS of bridge from ferry boat.

  6. Oral history interview with Ruth Gabrielle Silten

  7. Tourists visit Russian city; skylines

    Mostly male tourists visiting city, pan up ornate building (Kiev?). View of riverside. City skyline at dusk. More different shots of the skyline (Moscow?).

  8. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: Russell Collection - Postwar destruction of Germany and liberation of Dachau in b/w (USHMM Film ID 2856, 01:06:39 to 01:20:16)

  9. Oral history interview with Joseph Klein

  10. Illich family tours Italy, 1937

    No title card, but includes German intertitles. Film can says "Bilder aus Italien (1937)". The Illich family visits Rome (there are no shots of family members in the entire reel). Pan of the cityscape, the Coliseum, and other ruins, statues, fountains, buildings. Includes brief views of Italians, street scenes, and other spectators. The family then tours Perugia, Assisi, and Venice. Gondola ride, populated narrow city streets. Waves crash along the shore. 04:53:52 (color) Sightseeing in Venice, including wonderful scenes of the famous architecture, people, and the harbor.

  11. USHMM compilation for AMIA Screening Night 2002

    Compilation of Museum's archival footage screened at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference in Boston, MA in 2002. The film was presented by Raye Farr and shows segments from the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, including the Greenland expedition [Zabin Collection] and Goering footage [Bechtler Collection].

  12. Bastille Day parade; World's Fair; touring Paris

    HAS of the Bastille Day parade on July 14, 1937 in Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower and Trocadero fountains. Edita Hartmann poses in front of the Eiffel Tower. 1937 World’s Fair, including the German, Romanian, and USSR pavilions. Crowds at the fair followed by more tourist sites in Paris. Jiri and Jan play tennis against their father, launch a kayak. A few seconds of the Popeye cartoon that begins Film ID 4330.

  13. ORT vocational schools

    A film about the ORT vocational schools in the US Zone of Germany. Introduction by Jacob Oleiski, US zone director of ORT, including English subtitles. VAR scenes of survivors in vocational training programs. Men and women working on machinery, furniture making, sewing, women's clothing, etc. in Landsberg, Germany. 22:09:31 Max (Mordchai) Rubin, a chemistry teacher at ORT Munich, is visible, along with his student Adi Rubin (Ribon) at 22:09:37. ORT UNRRA Vocation School sign. MCU young men entering building. Oleiski speaking again, with English subtitles.

  14. Prewar life in an Austrian village and tourist views of Prague

    Amateur footage shot in Schruns, Austria (identified by the location of the Hotel Taube, which appears in the film). AUSTRIAN VILLAGE title. Low aerial shots of picturesque village, focusing on a church spire. Children and adults, many dressed very formally and/or in local costume (long dresses, hats, dirndls) walk outdoors near the church. A priest or monk speaks with a group of young boys. Townspeople, men and boys wear top hats and lederhosen or breeches, on the occasion of a Catholic holiday(?). Shop signs advertise film equipment/stock - Agfa and Perutz. 01:59 German flag with a swasti...

  15. GIs; battered corpses; Dachau camp victims

    Campfire burning. Hamilton, Stevens and others on ground cooking, drinking coffee. Change of scene, jeep Toluca covered with snow. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca shakes hands with crewcut American (Major Dick Cahoot). CUs, they are smoking, dressed in winter parkas (handwritten annotation to LoC cataloger's notes indicates that this footage was shot in Belgium). At Dachau, by a railroad track, empty boxcars, some snow on ground. Frozen corpse lying in coal beside track. Gruesome CU of snow covered huddled corpse by boxcar. Several gruesome shots of battered corpses of German SS. Frozen bod...

  16. Coal mining; Warsaw street scenes-daily life

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. Factory, church and mining sequences. Warsaw shots begin at 01:11:04:00. Trams. POV from tram to streets. People window shopping at various shops. Shop fronts. Kiosk with Charlie Chaplin poster. Street scenes, traffic, pedestrians. Gliders. LS town square. VS, MCUs, pedestrians. Trams, tram sign, INT shots of people in tram. LS to MS to MCU- policeman directs traffic, acknowledging the camera's presence, looking out of the corner of his eye. Street scenes, buses, automobiles, bicycles, horse drawn carts, pas...

  17. Nuremberg Trial interpreters; closing speech at Malmedy Trial

    Munich 225 - War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany July 1946. Individual CUs of interpreters speaking into microphones. 03:04 Munich 294 - Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany July 11, 1946. Lt. Col Burton J Ellis continuing his closing speech to the court.

  18. Pre-war Jewish life in four small towns of Poland

    01:00:32 Kolbuszowa. Very good shots of market. HA of busy square. Shots of various vendors, shoppers, goods. Jews and peasants. Street scenes. Scenics of surroundings. Shots of buildings. Police men. Large tree in park. VAR streets. Shots of children. Town "Mashugena". Cheder children. Various Jewish institutions. Yeshiva boys. Cemetery sequence. More important buildings. Town beauty. Band plays. Men pose on street. Magistrate. Town square not market day. 01:12:25 Ranizow. General shots of town square, street, EXT of synagogue, man pumps water. 01:14:22 Sokolow. Main street. Children pose ...

  19. Postwar destruction; German occupation in Bulgaria

    Reel 1 Bulgarian intertitles. Contemporary footage of a man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Footage of postwar Sofia and Nazi atrocities - ovens, corpses, children showing their tattoos after the liberation of Auschwitz. Denmark, bicycles. CUs memorials, tombstones. Train. Hitler in mountains, meeting with Bulgarian official. Star of David patch. Antisemitic propaganda leaflets. CUs, newspapers. Nazis marching, flags with swastikas. CUs, documents and telegrams. Still photographs of Jews, synagogue. Contem...

  20. Oral history interview with Markus Safirstein