Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,541 to 24,560 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Torah Scrolls: Various papers

    Two Czech Torah scrolls were deposited on permanent loan to the Northwood and Pinner Synagogue from the towns of Kolin and Trebon. It was decided to research the history and background to these scrolls. The content of this collection is the result of that research.

  2. Former Terezin inmate: Letter

    Letter from Jella Caro, former Terezin inmate, to relativesGerman 1 pageIn the letter she describes the deleterious effect on her health of 3 years in Terezin. Freezing cold and alone at an address in post-war Vienna, which functioned as a home for Jewish returnees, she describes how pleased she is to hear from her (unidentified) relatives and asks after them.

  3. Copy letter from Hela Cymerman to Lucian Blit

    This copy letter in Yiddish with English translation was addressed to the father of the depositor, and describes the fate of the depositor's mother, who survived the Warsaw ghetto only to be murdered at Majdanek.

  4. Account re Kristallnacht

    An account of Kristallnacht by Vincent C. Frank in Berlin who holds the view that it was meticulously plannedGerman 5 pages 

  5. Account of Paul Loebl's war-time experiences

    This report is described as a translation of a report to the Director of the VAD. The original is thought to have been in German. It is not known what the VAD is. Paul Loebl spent time in Belgium and in the concentration camps of St. Cyprien and Gurs.

  6. Philipp Manes Collection

    This is a collection of original papers of Philipp Manes, former fur trader, resident of Berlin and later inmate of Terezin, from where he was sent to his death at Auschwitz with his wife in 1944.

  7. Reunion of the Kindertransport: 50th anniversary papers

    This collection of material relates to the 50th anniversary of the Kindertransporte, which saved some 10,000 German, Austrian and Czech Jews from the Nazis in 1938/9. The bulk of this collection consists of press cuttings some of which (1347/9-13) are personal accounts including testimony from former Kinder, members of welfare organisations in GB, and helpers who accompanied the children.Note that 1347/21 contains correspondence and papers of Cyril Hughes, former volunteer for the Manchester Children's Refugee Committee. The papers include some committee minutes, correspondence and referenc...

  8. Nazis in Greece: Copy documentation

    Note: this collection is held offsite. 5 days retrieval time. This collection of copy material comprises primary and secondary sources used by Mark Mazower for his book, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944, Yale University Press, 1993. Mark Mazower provides a commentary on the sources and their value in the chapter "Notes on Sources"

  9. Frederick Ullstein: Personal papers

    This collection comprises papers from a number of separate deposits from members of Frederick Ullstein's family. It contains both personal and family papersarranged byindividual family members (1361/1-9) and material relating to the pre and post war Ullstein publishing business (1361/10-28). The latter contains correspondence regarding the take over of Ullstein by the Axel Springer Verlag (1361/17; 1361/22-23). In addition there is a quantity of material which Frederick Ullstein appears to have inherited from his former employer, Wolfgang Foges, managing director of Aldus Books (1361/29-50)...

  10. Peter Kien papers

    The papers in this collection are evidence of the literary and artistic talents of Peter Kien, a young Czech Jewish artist and writer and inmate of Theresienstadt who was later murdered at Auschwitz.The collection was begun in the mid 1980s on the initiative of Käthe Fischel, a cousin of Peter Kien, and consists of a number of separate deposits from different sources all of which apparently came via Käthe Fischel. The papers include original and copy manuscripts and transcriptions of Peter Kien's writings, publicity material relating to the performance of theDer Kaiser von Atlantis oder der...

  11. Terezin : paradise in hell

  12. Evelyn Kaye: Family documents

    The papers in this collection document the lives of an Austrian Jewish family- Walter and Hansi Finkler and their daughter, Evelyn- who managed to escape the Nazis and come to England in 1939. They provide an insight into the experiences of Jewish refugees from Nazi persecution in the UK.

  13. Jewish Relief Unit: Document collections from former members

    This collection comprises numerous deposits of personal documents made by former members of the Jewish Relief Unit, a voluntary organisation established to provide relief to Jews in Europe during the Second World War. The bulk of the collections are from regular JRU volunteers and consist mainly of copy photographs and copy personal accounts.In addition, the copy personal papers of Phyllis Gerson, the leader of the first Jewish Relief Unit sent to Egypt in February 1944, provide a more substantial account of the organisation and activities of the JRU units in Europe.The other significant co...

  14. Reunion of Kindertransport documents

    This collection is the second of two deposits made with the library concerning the reunion of the former children of the Kindertransports. It represents the bulk of the material in the possession of Bertha Leverton, founder and primary administrator of the Reunion of the Kindertransport (ROK) organization. The collection concerns her work planning reunions; writing and editing monthly newsletters; acting as a liaison to Kinder and those interested in the Kindertransport; conducting educational lectures on the history of the Kindertransport; and generally promoting its story. Most of these d...

  15. The Red Book: The membership list of Captain Ramsay's Right Club

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to access this digital contentIt is the membership list of Captain Ramsay's Right Club, a body founded in May 1939 'to oppose and expose the activities of Organised Jewry'. Most of the members of the club were enlisted between May and July 1939, i.e. before the outbreak of the Second World War, and the list therefore gives no evidence as to any activities undertaken after the declaration of war.Though the name of the Right Club does not figure at the head of the volume, this is clearly the lost Right Club list for the following reasons:The physic...

  16. Memorial to Isaak David and Martha Teich-Birken

    [Deposit Accession Number 63090] This is collection of copy and transcript correspondence of a German Jewish family in 1941. It comprises, in the main letters, written from Messrs Isaak David and Martha Teich-Birken, resident in Berlin prior to their deportation to the East, to their children, most of whom had managed to emigrate to the United States except for Martin, the depositor, who came to Great Britain. The correspondences affords an insight into the frustrating and increasingly desperate plight of a Jewish family unable to flee Nazi Germany.The material was presented in the form of ...

  17. November Pogrom: Copy press cuttings

    This collection comprises press cuttings from the British and European press in the immediate aftermath of the November Pogroms in Germany, 1938.