Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,181 to 21,200 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Concentration camps; liberation; atrocities

    Clips of Dachau, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Ludwigslust, Ohrdruf, Leipzig, and Gardelegen. Sequence from the pre-completed and pre-restored version of "German Concentration Camps Factual Survey," formerly known as “Memory of the Camps,” transmitted by WGBH/PBS FRONTLINE in May 1985 with commentary specially recorded by the actor Trevor Howard. Narrator's voice is not heard throughout. HAS, Buchenwald. Opening gates at camp; survivors in striped uniforms; men in bunks. British soldiers show survivors (living skeleton men) to camera. CUs, survivors, on litters, corpses, ovens. Clothing set aside...

  2. Wolfes and Herzfeld family papers

    The Wolfes and Herzfeld family papers include a family history and family tree for the Wolfes family, and a suicide letter written by Martha Wolfes Herzfeld in a concentration camp near Aachen in June 1942. The family history consists of a genealogical booklet and table for the Wolfes family from Mehle and Hannover Germany. The book was prepared and researched by Dr. Willi Schragenheim, and it charts nine generations of the family from circa 1650 to 1936. It is accompanied by introductory letter from Hans Wolfe. Martha Herzfeld, sister of Hans Wolfe, wrote the suicide letter in a concentrat...

  3. Bookburning, German civilians

    US propaganda/documentary film about World War II. A post-war U.S. narrative of intentions in Germany. Includes images of Goering at a press conference, war crimes trials, animated question marks, people around a pile of burning books in street, CU of "Mein Kampf" going into flames. "We will abolish all Nazi laws in which these ideas are fixed - all laws of discrimination by race, creed, or political opinion. It is not our intention to enslave the German people, but to re-educate them toward a democratic way of life." German civilians gathered looking at posters describing atrocities of war...

  4. Cat o' nine tails

  5. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    Women showing tattoos. Two men, twins, pose for camera. People getting on/off boat to Ellis Island with luggage. Relatives waiting/waving on ship. Sonia Weissman appears briefly at 05:01:51.

  6. Bar of soap preserved by Czech Jewish concentration camp survivors

    Bar of soap brought home by returning concentration camp survivors to the temple in Kosice, Czechoslovakia, for proper burial. The soap was used in the concentration camp and the inmates believed that it was made from human fat, although this was not true. The soap was preserved by Ivan Kalina's father, a leading members of the Kosice congregation, who took it home for safeguarding and as a memory of the Holocaust. Ivan, 13 at the war's end, and his family had fled from Kosice to Hungary, after the 1938-39 collapse of Czechoslovakia. The family survived in hiding in Budapest using falsified...

  7. Majdanek: objects of former inmates

    Pan, pile of corpses outside gas chamber/crematoria, bones on the ground. CUs, cremation ovens. Family photographs of a victim. More shots of ovens and bones. CUs, women weeping. Pan down, from one woman to a pile of bones. Tall chimney and burial grounds are shown. Bones. A vegetable garden. Men inside barracks. CUs, shoes salvaged by the Nazis. Victims' belongings including: clothing, gloves, toys, eyeglasses, scissors. The Russian commission continues questioning. CUs, passports, indicating prisoners from Poland, Holland, France, and other countries. CUs, survivors. Commission. Prisoners...

  8. Scenes of Ludwigslust at Liberation

    Remnants of Nazism, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. MCU, German civilians coming out of concentration camp building after viewing bodies of victims. Woman is very distraught, crying into kerchief. More civilians leaving building. LS, square. LS, MS, CU American soldiers entering and leaving same building. Digging Graves, Ludwigslust, Germany, May 6, 1945. LSs, MSs, CUs, German civilians digging graves for the concentration camp victims. MSs, CUs, German civilians walking past graves, viewing the bodies. American/Army flags. VIP, US and other soldiers exit building. Salute. Crowd in town....

  9. Hitler speech, motorcade

    Hitler enters hall and takes podium, speaks to crowd (no sound). Crowd cheers (sound) and salutes. Hitler exits hall and parades (in jeep) through streets lined with Nazi flags. Hitler's motorcade in streets of Germany. Swastikas, HJ boys.

  10. Allied invasion and conquest of W. Europe; Belsen at liberation

    Miscellaneous excerpts: 06:13:17 Parts of Reel 1, with an introduction, scenes of Nazis in power, and a map. German officers inspecting coastal defenses in France. 06:14:15 Parts of Reel 9, POWs marching. Belsen prison camp is occupied, shows scenes of Nazi atrocities, corpses. Josef Kramer going on trial. Women yelling. Pan, Belsen with survivors, emaciated bodies, corpses. Mass pit; woman crying; woman holding soldier's hand. Voiceover of British soldier: "We'd taken the Belsen Concentration Camp. Uh...I'm not squeamish. I've seen amputations, operations, deaths, long before I went into t...

  11. Auschwitz liberated

    This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. Opening titles. People in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn faces, dead in the street, men with blankets over their heads. The evacuation of the camp - ...

  12. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 19, No. 504, Part 1. Release date, 05/20/1946. Refugees arriving at Ellis Island on board the "Marine Flasher". LS, boat lined with passengers. View from boat, silhouetted FG men with hats, crowd waving. MS family waving, standing at edge, packed crowd behind fence/barrier of Ellis Island. Dark interior. Slow pan people on boat; happy. CU old woman with flowered hat and younger woman yelling at guard. MS, young women, Sonia Weissman (survivor of Warsaw Ghetto), running to hug and kiss. Crying women embracing. Similar shots, including hugs, tears, man kissing woman, ...

  13. Ludwigslust: graves; corpses; service

    (LIB 6389) Remnants of Nazism, Ludwigslust, Germany, 7 May 1945. MCUs, townspeople walking past pits containing bodies of former slave laborers/prisoners who died from malnutrition and torture. VS, German civilians digging graves and reburying concentration camp victims. MCUs, MSs, Maj Gen James M Gavin, 82nd ABN Corps and other US officers attending burial ceremonies. CUs, Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish chaplains speaking at ceremony. CUs, Gavin and other US soldiers. Burying victims. MSs, body lying in grave as earth is shoveled over it. Germans burying victims, grave markers. More shot...

  14. Identification tag found by a US soldier near Auschwitz

    Clyde W. Dooley, a member of the U.S. occupying forces, found the tag near the Auschwitz Concentration camp.

  15. Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton at Ohrdruf

    (LIB 5419) Ike Visits XX Corps, Gotha, Germany, April 12, 1945. MLS Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower surrounded by officers and GIs, walking past barrack buildings. MCU, Eisenhower and officers watching, camera pans right to woman demonstrating torture on rack. MLS Eisenhower walking along with former prisoner (survivor) with scarf. Camera pans down to bodies in yard. Eisenhower and Gen Omar N. Bradley listening as Gen George S. Patton speaks. Group walking toward camera, Eisenhower coming around jeep. Eisenhower speaking to Walker. MSs officers. Good MCU of Bradley and Patton. LS Eisenhower coming...

  16. Jorek Blocher papers

    The Jorek Blocher papers include Blocher’s personal narrative and a newspaper clipping about the narrative. The personal narrative is handwritten in Yiddish and describes Blocher’s wartime experiences in his hometown in Michaliszki, Poland (now Michališki, Belarus) and being hidden by the Dąbrowski family in an isolated cottage near Wilno, Poland (now Vilnius, Lithuania). The diary includes four photographs of Jorek Blocher, Konstantyn and Elena Dąbrowski, and the Szapiro and Zilber families. The newspaper clipping is a 1963 article in Yiddish by Y. Schmulowits from the Forward and describe...

  17. Eisenhower lands

    Airplane glides into landing on runway. President Eisenhower walks down stairs and onto runway.

  18. Buchenwald Standort-Kantine concentration camp scrip, 1 Reichsmark, acquired by a US soldier

    1 Reichsmark Buchenwald Kantine coupon acquired by 25 year old Glenn H. Burghardt, presumably while a soldier in the United States Army in the European Theater from June 1944-August 1945. The scrip was issued at Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, in undated notes in 0.50, 1, 2, and 3 mark denominations. The simply designed notes were printed on coarse paper in two categories: canteen scrip such as this and exchange scrip issued to members of outside labor brigades [Aussenkommandos.] In 1941, Burghardt was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii and watched the planes flew...

  19. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    People on dock waving to refugees aboard ship, the Marine Flasher. Men, women, and children arriving at New York City on May 20, 1946 after a voyage that departed Bremerhaven Germany on May 11, 1946. CU refugees on board. Crowds waiting. Guards behind barrier. Women hugging. Survivors show tattoos. Children and women. The young man with tattoo B3073 is Berek Gola (also called Bernard Gola) a 19 year old Jewish man from Poland. He had been imprisoned by the Nazis at Treblinka and Auschwitz (where he received the tattoo).

  20. Eisenhower at Ohrdruf; liberated prisoners with radio

    00:57:57 (LIB 5416) General Dwight D Eisenhower Visits Atrocities Concentration Camp at Ohrdruf, Germany, April 12, 1945. MS, inmates of camp demonstrate for Gen. Eisenhower the methods of torture used by the Nazis. MSs, CUs, Eisenhower looks at dead bodies of prisoners, GIs standing in BG. Former prisoner (survivor) with scarf talking to officers. CUs, corpses. Mass of US soldiers gather for Eisenhower's departure, barracks in background. Various shots of Gens Eisenhower, Omar N. Bradley and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. leaving camp in jeeps. Crowd of soldiers disperse. MSs, US soldiers ...