Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,321 to 20,340 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Propaganda film on eugenics/Nazi racial science

    Opening title sequence with production company, credits. Propaganda on genetic analysis. Family visits the doctor, who records their hair color, eye color, skull size with the appropriate equipment. (Some of these devices are artifacts displayed at the USHMM.) Family in waiting room. Doctor measuring skull size of man, woman, and their son, using calipers. Doctor checks hair coloring of mother against his hair color-spectrum samples; same process with eye color of mother, child.

  2. Whip

    Found inside barracks (by Louis Scutiere?), Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

  3. Ley Speaks

    Ley speaks at the Kongresshalle in Berlin, about "Truth and Hope".

  4. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 10 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 10 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  5. Hitler comes to power

    Title: "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). Title: "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933". Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Mar...

  6. War Crimes Trials: Jodl under interrogation

    British prosecuting attorney in CU puts questions to Jodl who answers but we never see Jodl, only hear his voice. Includes question regarding plebicites as an excuse for military force. Talks of Schussnig and his fate, considered an "Honorary member of Dachau." Response: "that is an honor one would be glad to dispense with." 01:32:00 Staged shots of young women walking in sitting down and listening thru headphones.

  7. Bookburning; filming of Britain's books for safety

    (01:27:22) Part 3, "We Guard Britain's Books." 01:27:31 Berlin bookburning. Crowds at night, burning pyre of books, people tossing books onto the pyre [May 13, 1933 is date given by narrator.] Staged scenes of German book title pages (including H.G. Wells) being stamped with a swastika (swastika is reversed image). 01:27:50 AVs of England, aftermath of Nazi firebomb raids. CUs of books. VS of archivists photographing books on microfilm in England for shipment to the US. VS, crates of microfilmed books being loaded onto a freighter. VS, librarians at Library of Congress in Washington, DC cat...

  8. Truman and Berlin Conference

    President Truman on board the Navy ship Augusta enroute to Berlin Conference. Casual shots of Truman waving to a crowd in Antwerp. Truman on parade in Europe. Truman getting on plane, various shots of plane taking off and landing. Meeting of Truman and military leaders to discuss the primary goal of winning the war in Japan. Parades and processions of British Army and Navy. Discussion of Cairo Declaration. AVs of war ravaged Berlin. [Nazi footage-Hitler addressing crowds at 1930's Nazi rallies]. Truman raises the flag of victory over Europe. Various shots of American soldiers and civilians ...

  9. Postcard from the Manouchian network of French resistance Jews

    Recto, photo images of Maurice Fingercwajg, Szlama Gryzywacz and Wolf Wajsbrot and a "Medaille de la Resistance Francaise"; verso, a paragraph in French which describes the members and the activities of the group; postcard is numbered "004794"

  10. Scrapbook of the American Jewish Art Club

    Includes exhibit announcements, newsletters, newspaper clippings and paper reproductions of art pieces from 1931-1962.

  11. St. Louis in Cuban Harbor

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 777, Part 2A. Release date, 05/28/1939. Various MLS of ship St. Louis (shot from sea level looking up to bow). At harbor. From starboard, people at rail. MS well-dressed and good looking men in white jackets, uniforms stand on ground/dock. LS "St. Louis" on side of ship. LS ship pulling out of harbor (backwards). People standing around on land. Intended narration according to UN Motion Picture Release: "907 Jewish refugees from Germany aboard the liner Saint Louis, who were refused admission into Cuba as the liner rode at anchor for days or cruised in West I...

  12. Tannenburg Memorial

    Outdoor military ceremony in stands, Hitler and Ludendorf. MS flags, Wehrmacht. Big radio mikes as Hindenburg speaks.

  13. Jewish forced labor

    CU Jewish men squinting into camera, sitting around, jackets folded in laps to display star patches. Star of David patches (larger than usual, for propaganda purposes) on backs of clothes. All the men are cleaning up large pieces of debris from the streets (fence posts, big pieces of wood, metal, some munitions shell casings). Shoveling, sweeping, pushing wagon filled with debris.

  14. Street scenes in Wittenberg; Hitler Youth; church

    Establishing shot, EXT, MLS of street, Schlosskirche (All Saints Church) in BG where Luther nailed his 95 theses. Workers are digging a trench along street. SS man standing on sidewalk as traffic passes; bus comes up and stops. Nazi official with swastika armband directing traffic; two women pass in FG, wheeling baby carriage. Cut to EXT, MS, angle up, church roof and steeple. MCU, worker digging trench with a pick-axe, pauses to look at camera. CU, doorway of church, painting of the crucifixion in arch above door, writing on the door. MCU, rear view of man opening church door; enters. INT,...

  15. Goebbels and "Der Angriff"

    A very brief shot of a printing press switches to the masthead of "Der Angriff" [The Attack] with a close up on the line "published by Dr. Goebbels". A sequence of shots of Goebbels: getting out of his car, speaking, working at his desk. The screen splits with the words (partially cut off on screen): Der Angriff ___gt Unsere [ver?]teidigung [Der Angriff is our defence?). Goebbels is shown speaking on the other side of the screen.

  16. Hitler speaks in Vienna

    At Heldengedenkplatz. Jubilant crowd swarms the square. Hitler speaking at anniversary of Austrian annexation. Border gate going up. Wehrmacht going down country road, at the border near Kufstein(?).

  17. Illegal Ship

    VAR shots of people on board. Everyone goes below deck to hide from bombs. British Navy patrollers jump onto refugee boat. Refugee boys toss out fake sign "Karaco Adalia" and raise Star of David flag and banner: "Haganah Ship Unafraid."

  18. Christian Boltanski sculpture

    Art installation created by Christian Boltanski in 1988 consisting of a black and white photograph in a tin container covered by wire mesh and illuminted by a single light bulb.

  19. Oath-swearing ceremony for military recruits

    Oath ceremony for hundreds of military recruits at Feldherrnhalle on the Odeonsplatz. New Reichskriegs flag raised. Various shots of soldiers saluting or with forked hands. Repeat oath to Hitler and new flag. VAR CU of hands and faces, flags; one or two good general view of square filled with soldiers; double-exposure special effect of Hitler's face imposed over image of fluttering swastika banner.